Collective Reading April 14-20: Switch Gears

The solution lies within the problem. As with all growth, there are periods of ease and periods of resistance. You get to decide how to move forward, but the Universe invites you to choose ease wherever possible. More to the point, you can choose ease in every single situation. Coming up against resistance is a good indicator that you are in a new phase, but you don’t have to stay pushing at it once you recognize it.
You don’t have to be a martyr to be a good person. The path doesn’t have to be hard for it to be the right one. It just gets harder because we haven’t adjusted our settings to the new environment. It’s hard to climb a mountain in the same gear you used to coast downhill. Yes, if you are superhuman, you can do it, but you don’t need to struggle to prove yourself to anyone–including yourself.
You’ve come from an environment of self-doubt. Proving yourself to yourself has been a good thing until now, because it was better than buying into the lies. You can let go of that now.
What if you could adjust your settings immediately and effortlessly, every time your environment shifted? What if you could see when the terrain changed and confidently, accurately, switch gears at the best time? Your Higher Self can see these things, knows how to work the vehicle, and is happy to guide you.
This superhuman ability to navigate even the choppiest of waters is perfectly possible, because you aren’t just human. Your soul is so much more. And you can access that at any time. Consider doing it more often.
Remember to align with yourself before attempting to align with anyone else this week. Unify you, and you will harmonize with everyone else easily.
You’ve got this. Really. The Universe is proud of you, and cheering you on with authentic pride and love.
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It’s going to be a wonderful week!