Collective Reading August 4-10: Shifting Tides

The Tower is joined by three more major arcana cards, a 10, a 4, an 8, and a 1. This is big stuff, so if you’re tired, take a breather when you can.
Allow the Earth to shift. Allow your energy to flow. This is a week of holding the vision of positive change and trusting that process.
When you worry about something, you’re manifesting it going wrong. When you stay optimistic, what you manifest is good. You are the captain of your own ship, and you get to decide whether everything turns out right. That does not mean you know how that needs to happen. Save yourself the stress by being flexible and letting go of the details.
Your intentions are the most important factor in what you experience next. Pay attention to them. Clean up your vibration and acknowledge when you need to change your intent. It’s okay to admit when you’re stuck in unhelpful expressions of your deepest desires.
You’ve been living in a dog eat dog world for so long that it is hard to imagine a world completely without it. But you held out hope, and created little pockets of peace wherever you could. You accepted what you had to, uneasily, and swallowed your pride and your protests. Still, these protests never really left you. It sometimes felt like your only real option was to continue living in competition. And you made do. But accepting competition caused more distress, even as it relieved the pressure to provide for your needs. Did you limit your success in order to give voice to that rejection of competition?
Competition mindset can only turn into abundance and collaboration if we can see the root issue that led us to believe we had to compete for resources in the first place. The system is designed to weed people out on so many levels. Survival of the fittest is ingrained in every mind and leaves little room for mercy, or trying again.
Your rejection of the way things have been is critical in solving the problem. You have already made a difference, simply by acknowledging in yourself that something wasn’t right. Now, as the breakdown of the foundation of systemic lack is accelerated into a full shift into peace, we are all asked to go deeper. What do you really want, and how do you imagine that playing out for the highest good of all? When you have that answer, the only way forward is to actually take steps. Just do what you can, and the next step will become closer.
There are many ways to proceed, and many factors at play in this shift back into abundance. Having abundance and community matters. Your life matters. Your joy matters. Your success in bringing about the highest good of all matters. And every well-intended effort will make a difference, because even if you fail, you fail forward. Come back to love when you feel confused or overwhelmed. If you don’t know the next step, sit in quiet until you do. Keep your heart open to keep love and energy flowing. That is your main job.
Consider that your momentum, and the collective momentum of all these souls incarnated and working behind the scenes, has already built a wave so massive that even if you manage to mess things up temporarily, it will right itself as you steer the ship back into the wave. You cannot single-handedly stop the ocean from churning, and you cannot stop this change, either.
It’s all going to be alright. Trust breeds trust, in this case. Use your mantras. You are not working alone, and you have every resource you need in reach, as you need it. Have faith.
With love,
-Elihu John
As well as reading for the collective, I also provide 1:1 healing and reading sessions. These sessions are powerful and transformative. Book here and start feeling relief.