Collective Reading November 17-23: True Neutral

This week we are flipping the lens on our microscope to access new realities. Instead of seeing the proverbial glass half empty, consider reframing your perspective to see how to access the fullness. This mindset work is a key part of the work we will be doing to metabolize the new understanding, shocking revelations, and broader visions that come with the ascension of Earth. In many situations, this new perspective wasn’t possible because we did not have access to the reality in which it existed. Rather like those novelty glasses that have sparkly liquid sealed in the clear lining of the cup, we were rightly frustrated by the disconnect between raising the cup to our lips and getting nothing, or only plain water, out of it.

This metaphor is often used to describe how being grateful for and focusing on what we have allows us to hold the contradiction of a half full/half empty glass. Gratitude does a lot to refocus the mind, and is a useful way to flip the lens. When we name the good that we can see, it gets us out of lack and into abundance. Gratitude, however, is only one tool to get out of negative energy. Truth is multi-faceted and deserves to be recognized as it is.

We have learned that for every positive energy, there is a negative. Each is a polar opposite of the same concept. If you were to travel on a grayscale line from one to the other, you would notice that at the center is neutral, where both exist as one.

When we realize we are experiencing the negative polarization of an energy, the first thing we can do is pause and go into nonjudgmental observance.

Focusing on the positive in this case will not get you out of manifesting more negative. For example, joy very easily turns to fear because they are both polarizations of excitement. If we dampen that excitement with calm observation, we can take the polarization offline and get back to neutral. Then we can reset our frequency to resonate with joy.

This polarization is the first lesson, and is based in two-dimensional thinking.

Past gurus taught polarization in a binary, where there is one good and one bad. They taught steps to change our manifestations, and it worked. Still, there were nebulous questions and unanticipated results. There were multiple ingredients and therefore multiple possibilities. This is still true.

For a moment, imagine polarization as a wheel with many spokes going in all directions on a single plane (this plane fits on a piece of paper). At the center of the wheel is true neutral, and each spoke leads out to some extreme of every concept imaginable. The point at the center is nothing, and so the spokes are many manifestations of something. When you have that image in your head, imagine this wheel as a dandelion puff with many seed stalks going out in all directions. Because each stalk also leads back to the center, which is full neutrality, we can access every energy from this space. Nothing gives rise to something in this way, and vice versa, because all of it is connected.

This is merely a basic example of what it is to exist. Because we live in multiple dimensions, we cannot comprehend the entirety of our existence in just these dimensions. But doing so helps to expand our understanding. As we understand each dimension, we pave the way to understand the next higher one, and so on. Full comprehension is a process that builds on each stage that we master. Set a goal to understand the dimension you can reach now, and don’t worry about the steps you cannot see yet.

This knowledge is foundational to understanding the workings of timelines, soul contracts, cause and effect, polarization, and existence. It is described in several ancient texts and elaborated on in several metaphysical traditions. As a dandelion puff has many opposites and many extremes leading out from the center, so our society holds a plurality of belief systems and traditions. You get to choose which one makes the most sense to you. Likewise, everyone else gets to choose theirs. Each holds a different combination of energies that may or may not allow for personal growth. If you would like to find truth, you must abandon full loyalty to any of the manifestations and go back to the center, the nothing from which all derives. Only then can you turn yourself to see all the stalks of the dandelion puff.

Gratitude is a positive polarization of our relationship to things, but if it isn’t working, your best bet is to find the true neutral of detached observance. Let go of everything, every judgment, every fear, and simply witness what has already unfolded and is currently unfolding around you. Place everything you had in you at a distance and observe as an outsider. It takes commitment to patience and unconditional love to truly become the observer. 

When you allow yourself to observe from true neutral, you may then begin to evaluate more options for energetic existence. Only when you have clarified what energy you like can you begin to travel toward it without clinging to any other stalks. This practice may not be fully achieved at first, but every time you can get closer to the center of the dandelion puff, your perspective will expand further and further until you are able to see from the center entirely.

May you find true peace in this practice.

-Elihu John

Did this resonate? I post the transcript here and read it on my YouTube Channel every week. I also offer free recordings of group healings on my channel, so tune in to those for an energy boost.

If you are struggling to successfully detach from negative energies, I offer 1:1 sessions to help you heal. Book your Intuitive Energy session here.

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