Collective Reading September 15-21: Success

This week we are connecting our efforts to our results and observing how what we do has an effect. So much of the process of your goals manifesting has been difficult to justify because the results have been slow during the process of figuring out how and building momentum. You are ready to see results.
For the numerology of this spread, I’m seeing 7 8 9 10, which are the last few steps to completion. Seven is the number of the mental mind, the place where our ideas and beliefs solidify so we can move forward with a holistic approach to our goals. Ten as the central card speaks to the end result of our efforts. I found it interesting that the Chariot, the seven of the major arcana, chose to be at the top, and that the other spoke cards did not go in order. There are many ways and progressions to follow to achieve results this week. Don’t focus so much on the order of tasks, so long as you feel like you’re taking the next right step. Sometimes the cart has to come before the horse temporarily so that you know how to hitch the horse to it.
The interesting thing with this week is that Water Sister (11 in the sequence of the cups suit) insisted on replacing one of the cards in the spread before they were flipped over, and Eight of Fire almost came out last week. We are definitely seeing a progression here. Following one’s path steadily accelerates into allowing change to happen rapidly, both in our inner and outer worlds. Your trust and surrender of control over everything outside of your wheelhouse will make the transition smoother. Stop worrying and start breathing. If breathing all the way in is hard, breathe all the way out first, and trust that when you need to breathe in, you will have air to fill your lungs. That next step is here in front of you because you aligned with it. Are you ready to take it? The answer is yes, so metabolize the fear and do it.
Seven of Wind, Many Tongues, speaks to the feeling of futility as you try to use old systems to effect new results. It’s not your job to try to fix someone else’s broken system. It’s your job to find the middle path through to get the new result. There is also an aspect of gossip in this card. Others may be wagging their tongues, and the noise may be something you have to shut out. It’s not your job to correct others’ opinions, and it’s not their job to tell you how to live your life. Your inner voice must be the strongest sound you hear.
The guiding card, Eight of Water, invites you to find your inner sanctuary and stay in it. Much turbulence happening outside. Best to stay within your shelter so you don’t get swept away.
The old joke, “Why was Six afraid of Seven,” shows up here to remind you that those who have never done what you’re doing will have far too much criticism for their level of knowledge. Indeed, their criticism shows that they are out of their own comfort zone when they experience yours. A fish may not comprehend flying like a bird, although they both are quite comfortable moving in their own elements. Others’ fear is not protecting you this time; it’s hindering you. Give yourself permission to fly. No one else can do that for you.
You are divinely supported and are deserving of your own confidence. When in doubt, come back to these truths. Receive the blessings you are offered, knowing you have earned them.
-Elihu John
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Apart from reading for the collective, I also offer 1:1 readings and energy sessions and host a small group on Wednesdays at 7 pm MDT. Dreamscaping is a place to practice using our basic art and writing skills to channel our own divine wisdom from our intuition through our physical vessels. I would love to see you there.