Collective Reading September 8-14: Balance in Changing Times

The Magus, or Magician, takes center stage this week for the theme of self-empowerment through change, as seen in the guiding card, The Universe.
Maybe you never believed you create your own reality because you couldn’t imagine signing up for the things you’ve experienced.
Not everything you experienced was of your making, granted, but your perception of and response to it is something you can control.
Given the proper tools, you have the ability to shape your path and walk it, too. Some such tools are discernment, patience, connection to Source, knowing what questions to ask when. Sometimes the next move is to continue walking forward, and sometimes the next move is to pause.
If you are firmly grounded in the belief, or vibration, of success, you will identify and be drawn to success. The exact steps don’t matter nearly as much as planting your feet on the surface that feels the most right. You aren’t going to stay there forever. Something else will come along, seemingly out of nowhere, and then you will have another opportunity to let your imagination build on your positive dreams.
Keep your balance in the shifts by balancing determination with curiosity and humor. Just because you are mighty does not mean you cannot be silly, too. The Universe thrives on fun and chaos just as much as it does diligence and honor. When the going gets tough, make light of it. Then continue to the next step with the lightness you’ve gained. A spring in your step helps you reach higher places, after all.
There will be opportunities to burn away the dross this week. For some that may mean getting rid of clutter, for others it may mean letting go of identities and history that does not serve your highest good. You get to rewrite the story of who you are because no one story could ever cover all there is to you. Make a new choice and practice that choice consistently, and you will get different results. Rather like listening for echoes in a cave, your actions will bounce results back to you in a delayed fashion, so give your new actions time to bounce back, and give the old echoes time to die away. You’re doing the right things, so keep at it.
Ultimately, the entirety of this phase in your life is one of growth, purification, and creation, and that is what you came for. It wouldn’t be fun to get to the end of it without having experienced the joy and excitement of the journey. Enjoy it by trusting that everything works out perfectly according to your true, deep desires. If you knew the end result were good, you would walk with more confidence. Start walking with that confidence as soon as you can, and watch how it changes your perceptions.
You truly do have everything you need, so dream big and live well.
Elihu John
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