Hello, friends! I did an interview with MysticMag, and you get to read it! Here is the link.
In the interview, I talk with Sarah about my philosophy toward healing. It made me realize how important the vision of inSight Transformations really is, and the amazing work that I set out to do. This work isn’t a hobby: it’s a vocation.
This week we are cleaning out and choosing our highest timelines. These timelines have the feeling of synergy, which is a product of all the parts working together as a whole. Infighting between parts leaves no room for synergy. It’s time to leave competition mindset and other aspects of unhealed separation/ego behind.
Our timelines are shifting rapidly–so rapidly, in fact, that by the time we finish predicting them, a better timeline set will have replaced the ones we were looking into. I see looking at timelines as reading the map and plotting a course ahead. The map predicts a possible future based on the info given when it was created, but every map becomes obsolete immediately after it is made because our world is constantly shifting. Rivers change course, people grow older, and natural weather patterns erode mountains. Our navigation relies on our ability to adapt to accommodate new information.
Give yourself permission to go with the flow and stop worrying about being “right.” Choose the best option available–and watch better options come into view as you go higher. Choosing the best option you had at the time was and will always be right, even if you choose something else the next moment.
Your personal commitment isn’t to any particular timeline, story, or outcome, so there is no need to take on the shame of being “flitty.” Rather, your overarching commitment is to your highest good, and the fulfillment of your divine purpose. Loyalty to any one tool or path is like feeling bad for leaving one stepping stone to access the next one. You don’t live forever on a stepping stone; you live in your energy, in this moment. Bless the stepping stone and leave it behind.
Energy levels may be sporadic or fluctuate in unexpected ways, which has been a trend already. Ascension symptoms may force you to take it slower. If you feel like you’re holding too much and weighed down by it all, evaluate what to drop. Like the format of these collective readings, you may need to change and streamline how you organize your time and energy. It’s important to simplify where you can so that you reach your destination.
Freeing up your energy allows you to focus on the real work, which is what will bring your desired result. Drop the busywork and focus on the root goal. When your schedule explodes, that’s a good sign that you are no longer in alignment with the tools that once served you. Choose effectiveness over loyalty to habits.
Consistency is only useful if it’s adaptable. Consider being consistent in your intentions and making use of the tools that make those happen.
I love you, Light Warrior. Keep shining.
-Elihu John
Did this resonate? I post my weekly readings here on my blog and read them out on my YouTube channel. Be sure to bookmark this page, and subscribe to my channel, to continue getting the Collective Readings. If you are looking for a 1:1 energy work session or therapeutic mas sage, book me here. If you would like to participate in my small group offering Wednesday nights at 7 pm Mountain Time, please fill out this form. See you there!
There is a great collective purging of energy going on, and it comes with events and experiences that may not be the most pleasant to go through. Hold your contentment in these moments, and understand that you are doing the most important work you can do by just being present. You are the boots on the ground, and your presence matters.
Because you are here, you must also understand that the Universe has your back. This means that as you do your work and take your steps, however uncertain you may feel about the outcome, others are diligently creating the safety you need to step forward. We are working together to make this happen. In cases of conflict or confusion, remember to connect back to love. Offer grace and forgiveness. Hold space for big feelings, knowing that we are alchemizing them by allowing them to pass through with love.
We as souls in human bodies are filtering the energy around us, purifying it as we feel into our bodies. This is our work, spinning flax into gold as we do our time in the dungeon of difficulty. But we do it for a good reason, and we are rewarded for our efforts. It all evens out.
We as humans have no need to place gods on pedestals or idolize other beings in other realms. We are on par with galactic beings of light across dimensions. We may even be these beings, playing human while we figure out how to shift Earth higher. It is not humility to debase or belittle humanity. It is humility to fearlessly discover and honor who we are, as we honor all others in their true identities.
If the Source of All That Is can also be defined as God, and we are part of that whole, then it is no stretch of the imagination (or logic) to know that we are all God. Your connection to divinity is being called into center stage as you define yourself in a more holistic way. How do you relate to the concept of God, and how does that need to heal to include your own divinity?
Among other words evoking honor, reverence has been polarized into a hierarchy of power and oppression, but let’s bring it back into perspective: we are God pretending not to be God. And if we reverence God, in whatever form that is, we should be reverencing ourselves.
Reverence for ourselves means taking ourselves seriously. Giving ourselves the care and kindness we would give someone we deeply love and respect. Having faith in ourselves. Having faith in the whole big picture working out. Seeing ourselves as All, and All as ourselves, and giving honor to it all.
In the end, the work we do to free ourselves and our beautiful soul family is sacred work, worthy of praise and support. The heavy lifting we are doing may prompt us to doubt our strength, but like a bodybuilder straining under the load of the maximum amount of weight, we cannot truly see how strong we are until we have put it down and recovered from our effort. So we might as well believe in and hype ourselves up while we are on the stage performing such a great feat. Our loved ones witnessing our efforts have nothing but love and hope for us.
Keep strengthening your resolve by honoring, loving, and reverencing yourself and your work. All of it makes more of a difference than you can see yet.
This week is a time for making decisions and gaining momentum. Desire and dreaming are not enough to make things happen. You must take right action at the right time. Then, all will shift.
Sometimes the right action is simply to choose to observe, and that is fine when it is appropriate, but this week feels like a chance to take steps. Our intention to receive good things must be coupled with hands poised to receive them. Put your efforts where your desires are with the assurance that you will have success.
I speak as my Higher Self overtly in this next part, and trust that those who have ears to hear and eyes to see will understand.
The origins and history of our species includes an element of slavery and unjust hierarchy. The price of personal freedom has often seemed to be shuffling off the bonds onto another. In accepting the paradigm that slavery has to exist, the idea that gave people permission to turn a blind eye to it was, “Better her than me.” So long as someone in the community took the punishment, others were allowed to rise. This system is corrupt, and has been corrupt on a DNA level since the beginning.
We as Warriors of the Light have fought against it and denied it, introducing opposing themes so that the humans after us could have another choice. We came back to Earth again and again, fighting the good fight to get to full and final liberation of humanity. We are nearly at the tipping point. Don’t give up now.
The question of who we are is less about what we grew from and more about what we decide to do with the material we have. Oppression can either accumulate more oppression, or it can transmute into freedom through a revolution of some kind. Revolution simply means a turning around, which reminds us that oppression and freedom are two sides of the same coin. This contrast is part of what we know as Earth life, but what we experience now is temporary. Contrast remains, but we are headed into a better balance where the negative is finally checked.
As Lightworkers, we took up human bodies in order to overthrow the slavery and exploitation inherited in our human lineage and bring power back into balance. Doing this work will create in us, and in the greater human family, a stronger, more free, more compassionate, more just species and collective. This shift is changing our very DNA so that we and our soul family may enjoy human bodies on a higher level of consciousness.
The question of whether this transmutation is even worth it has been hotly debated, and ultimately judged valuable to the Universe. Human existence was designed and approved to have a great capacity for emotion, creation, and evolution. Even in our lower aspect, we still have enviable capacity to create, feel, and experience things that ultimately lead to positive growth. Humans are worth the effort, because the way in which we co-create beauty is unique and fulfilling.
I bring in this historical context to validate just how hard this has been for you, and for all of us. And this knowledge comes with choice. It is and has been up to you whether you accept this calling to shift Earth and your human vessel fully into the light this way. In order to continue, you must really become embodied. From the consciousness of your light, you must accept what is now in all its heaviness. As we shift higher, the veil is being pulled back, and the vibration of Earth is being lightened, which forces change on a cellular level. As this happens, we will experience more triggers, more exhuming of darkness, and more opportunity to heal ancient wounds.
Understand that only when we have accepted what is can we begin to change it. Love yourself and your past fiercely and unconditionally. To know oneself is the only chance to love oneself. Then, when we have mastered loving ourselves, we are called to love our counterparts in the game. All must be enveloped in love.
Pure, unconditional love destroys the dark. It does not allow the light to be sacrificed. This sacrifice is the very energy of oppression that we are transmuting. This is why self-love must come first. Unconditional love is balanced with justice and wisdom, and tempered with every emotion. Anger and sadness are just as sacred as joy and peace. Continue to develop your understanding of love so that you may use all tools appropriately.
I love you, Light Warriors. We are so, so close. Keep going.
-Elihu John
Thank you for following along. I post here and also read the collective reading on my YouTube channel, so please like, share, and subscribe to help my platform grow.
As well as channeling for the collective, I also offer 1:1 sessions for energy work, readings, and clearings. Book me on my website.
This is a turning point for you, in which your Higher Self is coming through as much as you will let them. It is highly important this week that you do not engage in drama, but instead tap in to your deepest well of inner peace–and guard it from negativity.
Fitting in with everyone else who “cares” about what’s happening will not help anything. Commiserating is not going to solve the problem. Be sympathetic to the struggle, but you are here to remind yourself and your loved ones that we truly are able to rise and overcome all of it.
The biggest help you can be is to remember who you are; do what you can do when you have your boots on the ground; and balance rest with effort.
Worry does not fit anywhere in this. Once you have identified what is making you feel how you feel and connected it, take a breath and remember to ask for and look for the solution.
A helpful mantra: Wow, this feels so big. My feelings are reasonable for what I am experiencing, and I know that I am part of the solution as I send love to the situation. What can I do, and what can I ask for help with?
Do, ask, and then trust that the best help is coming. Find the evidence of that help and give thanks for it. Allow yourself to receive what you need with open arms, and block all that does not serve your highest good. Unconditional love, unconditional boundaries.
You may wish to transmute worry into prayer. Prayer is a helpful tool because it focuses our energies. Mantras and affirmations are a form of prayer, as well. You can also use your imagination to bring about a potential good resolution. Visualization based in hope adds light and opens doors to higher possibilities. Even if these ideas dont happen, they serve to open your mind to the potential of a better outcome. What if things go better than expected?
Love is always going to bolster you up. Remember to love and believe in yourself and your power, no matter what.
Your new reality is taking shape as you continue to hold your resonance.
-Elihu John
Did this resonate? I post the channeled reading here on my blog every week and also read the message on my YouTube channel. Be sure to subscribe!
Are you feeling lost in all the drama, like you can’t quite stay clear and peaceful in this sea of turmoil? Book an energy session so you can ground your peace into your life.