Have you been wanting to try energy work, but aren’t sure where to start? 
Call or text 385-465-5569 for a free consultation.

IT’S HERE! Come to my support group, Dreamscaping: Connecting to Your Intuition Through Art. We will use basic drawing to learn energy work.

Visit my blog page for the Tarot of the Week. Want the reading to come to you? Sign up for my email blasts.

For more information on how general tarot readings work, click here

Energy-Integrated Massage


Hands-on, energy integrated bodywork is a great tool to promote and effect healing. Hands-on bodywork accesses the physical anchor that energy attaches to, helps correct patterns of posture/injury held in the body, and calms and balances the nervous system back into rest and digest. Available session lengths of 60 minutes, 90 minutes,120 minutes, and 180 minutes. Click here for more information.

Tarot cards, shells, and stones on an open energy healing book. Photo by dilara irem

Energy reading and energy healing sessions are powerful tools to effect positive change in your life. Find answers to your questions and access deep, holistic healing through a session with El. Readings include Tarot and Oracle readings, channeled messages, and dream interpretation. Energy sessions range from Soul Contract work and Authentic Self Realignment to Intuitive Sessions utilizing Reiki. We connect with your spirit guides and many aspects of the Universe of Light to rejuvenate your energy. This work is offered both in person and distance. Click here for more information.

Ceremonies and Rituals

Honor your life with ceremonies and rituals that reflect your beliefs. As an ordained minister through American Marriage Ministry, I am pleased to facilitate your special moments. AMM’s support of marriage equality allows me to offer my enthusiastic and concrete support of your union, with legal right to perform wedding ceremonies.

Weddings aren’t the only life-changing moments in our lives. I perform Home Clearings and Blessings, Cord Cutting Ceremonies, Rebirth Ceremonies, and more.

Spiritual connection exists without the constraints of a religion because we are spiritual beings, as well as physical beings. Grounding one’s own spiritual practice into both daily life and extraordinary moments is your divine right. As a Spiritual Practitioner, I facilitate, encourage, and celebrate your life and way of being.

Call or text me at 385-465-5569 to set up your special event.