Physical Mechanic Work

Massage is like taking your body to the mechanic’s shop.
Regular maintenance keeps things running well, and detailed sessions fix problems. Since you’re always using it, it will always need TLC.
Your body is your vehicle for your life. When I tap into the energy of the body, I’ve only ever run across bodies that act like “golden retrievers.” They can have their defects, for sure, but the overarching feel of the body is one of loyal, undying, unconditional love for you.
Your body is intelligent, and has a language all its own. Aches and pains, over- and under-toned muscles, etc., are messages signaling where there are problems. And even when problems go unresolved for years, your body gets up every day it can and compensates for them. The effort involved in some of these compensation patterns is incredible.
Some of the issues I have had the honor to work with and improve are localized arthritis, hip complex imbalances, shoulder girdle imbalances, old injury sites, gout, tendonitis, migraines, abdominal restrictions due to endometriosis and surgeries, post-birth care, prenatal care, post-surgery scar work, anxiety and emotional trauma held in the body.
Bodies can have different ratios of fat, muscle, tendon elasticity, etc., and they all grow older with time. Every body is celebrated here. Every body deserves maintenance and care.