About Me
Who am I
I am Elihu John (El) Vineiz-Cox and I’m a Reiki Master, Energy Healer, Licensed Massage Therapist, Tarot Card Reader, and Ordained Minister. My office is in Woods Cross, Utah. In my journey, I have benefited from many different healing modalities, and found a love for subtle energies and intuitive knowing. I believe that everything the body experiences is information that can be used to provide insight into one’s spiritual journey. I offer a safe space for self discovery and healing negative patterns.
My Inspiration
My healing journey started with myself. I suffered from the usual ailments for years, and then found myself struggling to keep up with daily tasks due to undiagnosed illnesses. Several medications and doctor’s visits later, I decided to try energy medicine; it was a game-changer. Symptoms that had landed me in the ER were relieved in the first ten minutes of that first session. I continued treatment and climbed back into functional health. I believe in combining Western and Energy Medicine to treat the whole self.
My Philosophy of Care
I provide conscientious healing for both simple and complex issues, focusing on the energy field and the body. There are so many wonderful resources available. Energy Medicine addresses the metaphysical side of the equation and brings insight into what manifests in the physical. Hands-on bodywork zeroes in on where trauma is kept in the body and allows it to release, disrupting patterns of dysfunction and relearning healthy posture and movement. Energy is the linchpin that holds it all together.
What You Can Expect On Your First Visit
In consultation over the phone, or when you come in for your visit, we will discuss what you need on your healing journey. I do an energetic scan to get information on where in your body you feel the issue. We will discuss what modalities best fit your needs and go from there.