Collective Reading Dreamscaping Energy Healing

Collective Message for January 12-18: Restoring Your Direction, Going Back to Basics

Manifestation, or the physical world, follows the energy blueprint we hold in ourselves. Children naturally imagine the way they want their life to be and act accordingly, until they are told that they cannot do so. Only then do they learn dependence on the system to achieve their dreams. You were once a child with this direct connection, and that child lives within you now.

Find the most direct way to access that inner dreamer this week and evaluate whether your current long-term goals reflect these dreams. If not, you will be able to avoid much turmoil and chaos by realigning your long-term goals now. Your inner child often knows more about your life’s purpose than your external adult self, so give it the honor and respect it deserves.

If you do not have clearly defined long-term goals, the easiest way to find direction is to pursue joy.

If joy is inaccessible or overstimulating, find rest.

Some places to find rest are: nature, exercise, reading, sleep, and dreaming. Rest may be found with people or alone. Sometimes connection, especially through electronics, causes or triggers anxiety. If you can turn off the screen and be in the present, in your body, that is ideal. Take a minimum of 3 minutes to rest, as many times during the day as you can.

If you find you simply cannot rest, or resting makes anxiety worse, you may need energy clearing. Set aside any beliefs or feelings that undermine your confidence that you will make it to restfulness. You are actually more powerful at manifesting a solution than the world would have you believe. A helpful mantra for this anxiety cycle: “As I calm my body and mind, the solution presents itself.”

Your dreams, and the desires you have, are meant to be the driving force of your life. No one else does exactly what you do, or has the vision you have. It can be hard to justify pursuing your desires for your own benefit, and if that is the case, then you should know that the Universe is like a gigantic puzzle in which every piece fits together to create the whole.

-Elihu John

Dreamscaping, the class I hold on Wednesdays at 9:30 am, is designed to not only teach you how to use your basic drawing and writing skills to access your connection to yourself, but also gives you a supportive space to learn and practice quick tools to break through barriers and access that restful self-connection.If a 1:1 session is more in line with your needs, book an Intuitive Energy Session over Zoom or a Higher Self Connection Clearing, in which the session is done when it is convenient for me and you read the report when it is convenient for you. I highly recommend massage and other embodiment practices, as well, as they go hand in hand with energy work. If you are in Utah, I offer therapeutic and relaxation massage in person.


Channeling How-To: A Loose Guide

In my small group meeting this week, Dreamscaping: Connecting to Your Intuition Through Art, the topic of how to get into channeling mode came up, and I thought I would share it here. There are a lot of ways to tap into our intuition. I like to start with a guided meditation when I lead, but what if you’re doing it on your own? What if, when you complete a session in group, you want to go deeper into the information you received? Here is a handy guide.

Step One: Set aside some time when you will likely not be disturbed and gather your tools (pen and paper work great). 10-15 minutes is enough. Set a time limit for getting clear in your energy (5 minutes), but allow for surrender to how the session plays out. You may tap into another one of your clair senses, or you may need the relaxation more than the answers, and that’s okay. As long as you feel calm and content, that’s all you need to be.

Step Two: Clear your energy. Get into a quiet headspace using one or more of the following:

-sage and/or palo santo

-light a candle

-breathing techniques (box breathing, yoga or meditation breathing)

-healing music (chanting, Riverdancing, or other cultural music traditions are great as they are designed to help with aligning body and mind)

-sipping tea and/or eating a snack

-fidgeting or spinning in a chair (this is a body regulation technique and is valid)

Step Three: When you feel ready, pull up your paper and start creating. You may choose to put a date and a prompt on the top to focus your energy. Set the intention that what you create is from the highest source, in the highest good of all. Create a circle or a box on the paper for extra focus and protection. Draw or create without judgment.

Step Four: Automatic Writing. Start writing (or typing) and allow what comes to just be. Don’t edit. Don’t think. Feel interested. If it’s not right later, you can go back and revise, but these tend to be more correct the less you mess with them. When writing, you may start with “I don’t know what this is,” or ask a question in Q & A form: “What is the significance of this symbol?” “Why is this important?”

Step Five: Finish and close. When the time is done, step back and give yourself praise for finishing the task, no matter how it looks. Your boundary on setting aside only that time will also allow you to trust yourself to keep within your intentions, which will help you get in the zone next time, knowing that you can get out of it when expected (no guilt!). As you reinforce positive thinking, your abilities will come out of the woodwork more freely. A helpful mantra: “I did a great job, and I am satisfied with this practice session.” “If I don’t understand it now, I can receive more info as I stay in contentment.”

Don’t be surprised if more comes to light over time, or if certain words or symbols mean more things on more levels. It’s okay to laugh when it hits you, too. This is supposed to be healing and fun.

End the session in gratitude, place your paper in a designated place (a journal, folder, or binder work great), and carry on with your day/night.


Did this work for you? Let me know how it went in the comments. I also would love to see you in the group. These sessions are a fun and rewarding way to connect with like-minded people and practice our skills together in a supportive environment.

If you need a 1:1 session to help interpret what you have, or to clear any energy that comes up, here is the link to book, as well.

Be well, and enjoy!