
Collective Message January 19-25: Message for the Spiritual Warrior

If you feel like you’re needing to level up just to keep your head above water, it’s because the energy is ramping up. This is a result of the battle between light and dark on Earth right now. As one side starts to win, the other throws more energy into the ring to get ahead, and then the cycle repeats. It is not a bad thing to rise to the occasion. The dark feels no shame for upping the ante. It would rather you believe that responding effectively is shameful, and that you are so much less powerful than it.

These are both lies. Keep your head on your shoulders in this high energy time, and act as though you are going to win. Belief only goes so far without sustained action, so allow your action to back up your belief 100%. If you hold back, you will not be keeping up with the energy of the opposition. That being said, be smart. Keep your armor on.

Spiritual war is not forever. Remember that participating when necessary is not the same thing as being bloodthirsty or caught up in the cycle. If it is your role to fight, it will also be your role to stop fighting when the need ends. Battle is exhausting. As often as you feel tired, find routine ways to retire from the battlefield and tend your spiritual garden. This is a war of endurance, waiting out the tempest, and believing in love so fully that you keep your inner calm and joy active in your energy field, no matter where you are, no matter what is happening. This is known as inner peace.

The most successful warriors keep their armor in good order and wear it fastidiously when on the battlefield. Carrying armor is heavy, so they keep their hearts light and their gravity center balanced. True mastery of one’s energy is knowing when it is time to fight, and when it is time to rest. It is knowing that the battle is won in the heart first, and on the field second. Winning on the field does no one much good if the heart is lost in the process.

Keep your inner peace and joy intact as you take appropriate action. This lifetime is not just one where you, as a light warrior, came to help raise the frequency of Earth. It is also a valuable training field in which you have the chance to level up your game. Give yourself permission to enjoy the fight for the sake of the growth.

Remember that you, as a human, are vulnerable to the potential to choose something entirely different from what you have chosen before. There is so much freedom to explore who you choose to be. Remember that your choices may propel you onto a vastly different path than where you started from. Many hearts are purified into their most dominant frequencies, while many others focus on a less dominant frequency and magnify it so it becomes dominant.

This is the beauty of the human experience, or the pitfall of it, depending on your perspective. If you feel stuck in battle, find a way to retreat regularly in practical ways. You are more powerful than you know. Your creative power is a tool to clear the dark. So prioritize freeing your mind and your emotions to create your reality, your way.

Flexibility is strength too, so long as it hinges on your ethics. Much love to you and your fight, Light Warrior. You got this. Keep going.

-Elihu John

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