Collective Reading August 25-31: Dig In

Duality has always been a part of this Earth experience, and your current experiment in life is no exception. Light and dark, known and unknown, success and failure all add to your understanding and ability to navigate life.

What used to work for you is no longer working. But that’s nothing new. You are by now accustomed to having to change things up in your routine and mindset to get to the end goal. And you’ve had to learn how to navigate sticky situations with grace and patience.

All of this has built confidence and trust in your Higher Self, as well as in who you’re showing up as now. Don’t underestimate the power of taking the next right step and believing in your vision until you gain traction.

You have to know what doesn’t work in order to fix it. You have to find the problem before you can fix it. This week is demanding patience and self-love as you discover the unsavory results of your previous actions and habits.

You truly didn’t know better. How could you, having never been taught? But now you do, and because you are committed to excellence, this knowledge is fueling your desire to do better–and attain success.

Those who never try will never understand the cost of success. Nor will they attain it, because they have not put forward the energy that feeds the momentum. All they can do is wonder and talk. Only you know how long the road has already been. You have a great track record when it comes to breakthroughs and perseverance, though, so don’t worry about whether you get there. You will.

Reconnect with your vision regularly this week. Sit in silence, go for a walk, listen to music that urges you to tap along. When you are tired, take some slow, deep breaths. When you are overwhelmed, slow down and break the task into manageable smaller tasks. As soon as you catch yourself worrying, find something else to focus on that connects you to your senses. Smell the roses, or make yourself eat something nutritious. Get out of your head and just be.

This doesn’t feel like a particularly light week. But it is one that can propel you further than most if you dig your cleats in and push forward. Release the outcome and let it show up exactly how you need it.

You are divinely watched over, so just be present and do your part. You will get through this.

With Love,

Elihu John

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