There is an energy of plunging ahead into the unknown this week. We may feel like we as a world are repeating history. We may feel like it just gets worse. In reality, the intensity is rising, but not just one way: light and dark are polarizing.
If you just realize how the pieces fit together, you will see the way you can unlock your bright future. It is time to let go of the past, let go of fears and worries. They will be there, stronger than ever, if you choose to tune into them. This opposition is a programmed response to you rising into your power. Ignore it when possible. Holding your vision of a better way will draw that way to you until you merge with it in every aspect.
There is so much you are ready for. The belief that you aren’t ready is simply your reaction to not seeing the whole picture yet. If the road seems steep, take it one step at a time. You are not just climbing mountains; you are moving them.
It really cannot get worse, because of how you have grown to match the dilemmas you face. You have reached the apex of this experience, and any further worsening is basically threats to make you give up. This feels like a staring contest. Keep staring it down, and wait for it to back down. You have a great deal of stubbornness, stupidity, and tunnel vision at your disposal, so use it appropriately.
The end result of holding your optimism and acting on it is that you will be the dominant energy. You will create your garden of peace and prosperity because you didn’t stop nurturing it. Others may ridicule your growth, but what they call weeds are actually the medicine that the world needs. Keep embracing your wild beauty, and your thorns.
This week feels like finally being able to drop the weight of caring what other people think, so that you more fully embrace and use your power. Carry on, beautiful warrior soul. We need you just the way you are.
-Elihu John
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