Collective Reading

Collective Reading March 2-8: Reintegrating Sacred Rage

This week we as Light Warriors are holding love and rage together in our hearts. Ascension from 3D to 5D embodiment for Earth includes coming back to one’s authentic emotions and learning to express them appropriately. The manifestations of this healing process could be described as shadow work, as we confront the parts of ourselves that we previously cut off and silenced. Every aspect of the reality we are living in now creates the perfect environment for this work.

We have spent generations preparing for this fight. Evidence of our collective success is found throughout human history, alongside the horrors of oppression and destruction we usually highlight in recounting it.

Since the late 1960’s/early 1970’s we collectively have been actively working on the concept of love in the form of both community and environmental care. We collectively bought in the concept that caring for our Earth provides humanity with the resources to live. After having the knowledge expunged with the massacre of indigenous cultures, we again convinced those with eyes to see of their connection to the Earth. These Lightworkers taught their children to be environmentally conscious amid political and economic challenges that continue to damage our planet.

To combat the white supremacy and genocide that destroyed this ancient knowledge to begin with, we also instilled the concepts of racial, gender, and sexual diversity. We participated in the battle of loving both those who look like us and those who don’t. The concept of DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion) solidified in collective consciousness, despite political and economic resistance to expressing it. 

The encoding of love through embracing diversity on our planet grew alongside regressive resistance to love, which was coded into cultural traditions and solidified into every facet of community we have. To combat the prison of toxic family and cultural traditions, we learned the concept of walking away and cutting off those who actively harm our peace and self love. We went so far as to bring in the energy of full social canceling. 

Strong medicine for strong illness. 

We fully denied traditional filial piety and the social hierarchy that kept toxic patriarchy in power. We deconstructed oppressive family systems, and created therapies and healing modalities that could help us create better families, using the concepts of love we anchored into society with our souls’ imprinted Light codes.

These are but a few examples of our human progress amid steep opposition. There are many more concepts and vibrations of love that starseeds and Earth seeds throughout modern history have, through our experiences, words, and choices, made manifest in collective consciousness. These concepts, while expressed through contrast with their opposing manifestations, have prepared the Earth to ascend from 3D into 5D consciousness. 

The work we collectively have done up to this point has created the building blocks of understanding, otherwise known as the framework for choosing right from wrong. We have encoded all these frequencies in our human DNA, as well, which allows for now-incarnated souls to choose to express love (or hatred) and enact their will in community. 

The average of our individual experiences is what creates the frequency of our collective reality, and by all measures that frequency has been rising, slowly but surely. As we see extreme negative distortions into Darkness, we also have extreme positive distortions into Light, and between the two is space for moderate expressions on both sides of the spectrum. You as a human at this time are participating in active healing on both a community and individual level. You did this with every breath, every thought, every word, and every action. The average vibration of each of these small things is what creates and measures our progress on our soul goals, which then goes into the collective average. Your inner work on you is the most effective tool you have to combat the dark.

Choosing the Light, in this framework, means making the commitment to serve and be the Light, no matter what. You choose to either rise with or go down with the ship. Your intention is Light, and your soul reflects this regardless of what you come across in your journey. The commitment comes before the full revolution of energy, so it is natural to need to practice choosing things that will bring about Light from every circumstance. Each time you practice, you have the opportunity to affirm or recant your choice. Choosing Light removes the vibrations of resistance, which then shed into your manifested world so you may reaffirm your choice. 

Choosing Dark has an equal and opposite effect. From this perspective, you cannot argue, convince, or prove to anyone else why they should choose one or the other. They will also rise or go down with their ship. Choosing requires a commitment, and comes with trust that the choice will reward one’s loyalty to it with manifestations of that choice.

A critical mass of incarnated souls at this time has chosen Light. There is still a short amount of time for anyone who has not chosen to do so yet to choose Light, but the momentum of this long-planned shift will not and should not allow the collective to wait. Critical mass, or a majority of souls tipping the average in the positive direction, only needs to be a simple majority (over 50%) but will be more smooth with more majority, so any souls that choose Light in this 11th hour will not only make a positive difference for their own soul journey but also help the collective. Those who do not choose Light will not be allowed to interfere or slow it down, and will not be able to come with to the more peaceful and prosperous reality of 5D, simply because they will not be able to hold it in their being. Allow everyone to choose their own alignment and embodiment of energy, knowing that ascension of the collective is assured.

Our work is not over with the attainment of critical mass. The next step of ascension will require taking the understanding we have of love and integrating sacred rage back into it.

A revolution relies on sustained and balanced anger to overcome oppression. Those who are oppressed were pushed to give away their rage in order to become docile slaves. We as humanity gave away our power in order to continue the fight, until such a time that we could rise up again and reclaim our rage.

Giving away the power of rage was not a simple black and white choice. Not only were there issues with whether a soul could sustain their rage and continue in Light, but the information each individual had at the time to choose whether or not to give away their rage may have been incomplete. In many cases, the alternatives to giving their rage away were worse. 

This choice toward disempowerment by divesting of rage was a means of long-term self-preservation, and preservation of the mission of ascension at large. These souls had to maintain their skin in the game. Many of them have come back into bodies at this time to undo that action, balance the karma of it, and make the choice they had wanted to make the first time. There are those who will choose Dark instead of Light with this opportunity, even if they were closer to choosing Light before.

I speak of the journey in terms of “others” to allow for a mirror to your own soul. Do not worry about the choices of others at this time. Witness their path, take the contrast as information, and choose your own next right step into love.

Sacred rage has been distorted into pettiness and unchecked anger in both the masculine and the feminine. Rage has been correlated with increased suffering of slaves by their oppressors, and oppressors have been predominantly organized into patriarchal systems where the masculine is at the top, which translates into fear of the masculine. 

Both feminine and masculine rage have been distorted into needless destruction, which has caused fear of destruction, despite its necessity in the cycle of manifestation. 

As we heal from these fears of rage, masculinity, and destruction, we will have to create ways to honor our rage and find a path forward that benefits all involved. Choosing Light while expressing rage will force us to love the parts of ourselves that participated in the cycle of oppression. We must forgive all, especially ourselves, for our self-denial and denial of others.

Part of unpacking rage is unpacking shame. Shame has been used to suppress our reaction of anger, and has been anchored into our beliefs and DNA by the events in our human family experience.

Rage in itself is neither inherently good nor inherently bad. As with every emotion we possess, rage is a tool that, when used appropriately, brings empowerment to our manifestations. Rage, like every tool in our work, must have the golden frequency of love woven into it to manifest a loving reality. 

As we unleash collective and individual rage to fuel our ability to reclaim our empowerment, we will come across ancient wounds, fears, and false beliefs anchored by our experiences. The practice of expressing our rage healthily will be bumpy at first. We will fail in the beginning, but we must repair and keep practicing to get it right. As the adage goes, “The master has failed more times than the novice has tried.”

Be gentle and forgiving with these initial attempts, practice healthy boundaries, and practice repair when the offender shows a desire and attempt to do better. We are doing the most important work we can in these practices now.

-Elihu John
My journey to perfect completion is not over, but the progress I have made has provided me with skill and expertise that I love to share. The energy sessions I facilitate are power-packed and transformative. If you are on a healing track for your life and energy work appeals to you, I offer virtual and in-person sessions. Book a session or a consult at my website. You deserve to thrive, not just survive. We all do. And we do so together.

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