Collective Reading October 6-12: Go Within

This is a turning point for you, in which your Higher Self is coming through as much as you will let them. It is highly important this week that you do not engage in drama, but instead tap in to your deepest well of inner peace–and guard it from negativity.

Fitting in with everyone else who “cares” about what’s happening will not help anything. Commiserating is not going to solve the problem. Be sympathetic to the struggle, but you are here to remind yourself and your loved ones that we truly are able to rise and overcome all of it.

The biggest help you can be is to remember who you are; do what you can do when you have your boots on the ground; and balance rest with effort.

Worry does not fit anywhere in this. Once you have identified what is making you feel how you feel and connected it, take a breath and remember to ask for and look for the solution.

A helpful mantra: Wow, this feels so big. My feelings are reasonable for what I am experiencing, and I know that I am part of the solution as I send love to the situation. What can I do, and what can I ask for help with?

Do, ask, and then trust that the best help is coming. Find the evidence of that help and give thanks for it. Allow yourself to receive what you need with open arms, and block all that does not serve your highest good. Unconditional love, unconditional boundaries.

You may wish to transmute worry into prayer. Prayer is a helpful tool because it focuses our energies. Mantras and affirmations are a form of prayer, as well. You can also use your imagination to bring about a potential good resolution. Visualization based in hope adds light and opens doors to higher possibilities. Even if these ideas dont happen, they serve to open your mind to the potential of a better outcome. What if things go better than expected?

Love is always going to bolster you up. Remember to love and believe in yourself and your power, no matter what.

Your new reality is taking shape as you continue to hold your resonance.

-Elihu John

Did this resonate? I post the channeled reading here on my blog every week and also read the message on my YouTube channel. Be sure to subscribe!

Are you feeling lost in all the drama, like you can’t quite stay clear and peaceful in this sea of turmoil? Book an energy session so you can ground your peace into your life.

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