Collective Reading September 29-October 5: Healthy Boundaries

For so long, you have felt like you were locked out in the cold, looking in on the abundance of others. This week we are finding our empowerment and claiming our abundance. Be firm in your belief in your worth.

The beginning of knowledge is understanding that you don’t know something. The beginning of abundance is realizing that you want something you don’t have.

Before you experienced lack, you experienced undifferentiated wholeness. There was no lack, and there was no abundance. There simply WAS.

Then, the question was asked, “What is this thing that I have, and what does it do for my experience?” Like a science experiment, this idea piqued your interest.

And so, you agreed to experience existence without that thing. You learned that not having it created problems, but the plan was always to attain it again. You enjoyed the idea of coming to appreciate that thing more. You decided that you would choose kindness when you felt badly, as well. You would be the good. In experiencing an abundance of lack, you felt the energies of sadness, jealousy, and competition. You felt fear and guilt, as well. Nevertheless, you knew that taking abundance from others would not fix your feelings, and so you chose poverty and self-denial until you could find your own abundance again.

At the same time, others also incarnated to experience lack, and their reaction to it created an insatiable hunger. They turned the energies of sadness, jealousy, and competition into justification for taking from others. They forgot that we are all part of the whole, and that hurting one hurts all. They chose not to care, deadening their feelings and separating themselves from the pain of the whole so that they could continue to inflict it. They shoved their guilt off onto their victims. You saw this and started to believe that poverty was the best way forward. You may have taken an actual vow of poverty at one point, as well. Betrayal got involved, causing community wounding. The social system skewed in favor of those with insatiable hunger to take for themselves.

This game is ending, and it’s ending now. In bringing the world back to wholeness, balance must be restored. We can no longer live in a world with such drastic imbalance, because the effect of it is pulling the collective Universe off balance. What began as a smaller game has spiraled into a disaster.

The higher powers of the Universe are stepping in to break up the game, and have been doing so for a while. The solution must match the problem, and that is why it has taken this long. If you feel big shifts, or feel you are part of these big shifts, you are correct. Keep balancing service to others with service to self inside yourself.

No light is ever wasted, and no true love goes unrewarded, in the long run. It is not your job to punish selfish people. It is your job to reclaim what is rightfully yours and be compassionate. That claiming is not punishment. Remember that self-compassion is as important as compassion for others. You cannot give to others if you have nothing to give. You cannot endlessly break your cup to fill someone else’s. Drop the guilt over feeding yourself.

The biggest factor in your success now will be your ability to hold healthy boundaries. Take time and energy to rest and refill your cup as needed (and give when you feel like it!). You are looking for reciprocal energy from others who believe in service to others in balance with service to self. A kind no is better than a dishonest yes.

The key is to start valuing balance above self-sacrifice. This will allow you to finally drop these negative emotions and ideas that held you back. Be gentle with yourself in this process. Creating safe space within you is the most effective way to heal the collective.

-Elihu John


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