Collective Reading

Collective Reading December 15-21: A Creation in Light, Part 3 of Creation and the Elohim

The Firstborn of Guile and the Great Mother, imbued with the Highest Light and the Deepest Dark, learned quickly to discern between them. He saw that his might had been used to further his father’s rule, and refused to allow it any longer. Unable to free his mother, and unable to rule in the way he felt best, the Firstborn turned away from dominion of the Archon Fortress. Now the Prodigal Son, he began his journey to explore the All.

Not all of Creation was enclosed in the fortresses of the Elohim and the Archon Guile. Various beings had gathered and grown into their own groups, coming together through common agreements. These beings showed the Prodigal many ways of being as he wandered, and he reveled in the beauty of Creation. But always in his heart he carried a homesickness that could not be quenched, and a desire to know and understand the nature of Creation.

In his journeys, he discovered a radiant castle from which the pure light of creation flowed. Atop one of the parapets was a being with the energy of hope flowing from her. It appeared to him as a colorful scarf attached at her left shoulder, and waving like a banner.

The Prodigal Son felt inspiration stir within him. Here was a being whose light shone unfettered, embracing the divine feminine and living within walls of safety. Her hope touched his heart. He decided that he must know her.

In order to know her, he had to go before the Great Father, so he approached the gate and requested to be seen.

“Welcome to my kingdom, where creation is solely in the Light,” the Great Father addressed him. “Tell me why you have come.” 

“I am alone in the world, and have wandered far,” he said. “I am a good worker and strong in mind and ability. Your work seems good to me. I would like to join you.”

The Great Father turned his eyes on the Prodigal Son and measured his heart. “You have ability, and you have a good heart. But there is also darkness within you, which you must master. I believe you will do so. We have need of beings to participate in the joy of Creation. Come, join us, and we will teach you to create Light.”

Belonging to a large and joyful family was unknown to the Prodigal Son. He had grown up alone, caught between his parents and trained to be above those he was supposed to rule. In his travels across creation, he had seen many different ways of being, but had never belonged in any of them. Loneliness had been his constant companion. And so the Prodigal agreed, becoming an apprentice as an adopted son of the Great Father.

There were many children, numbering in the hundreds, and each was given their own tasks to work on. By desire, Hope and the Prodigal worked together, learning and creating in their assigned projects. The Prodigal also worked with others, and built relationships within the family. But there was one who had an instant and pervasive distaste for him: Lucifer, the second son of Guile.

Lucifer took every occasion to discredit the Prodigal Son, both to his face and behind his back. When the Great Father gathered all together to create a new Universe, and ideas were discussed, the Prodigal’s protests were discredited.

“The time has come to create a new Universe, that Creation may experience itself. Let us create a reality that exists in Light,” announced the Great Father. “Each of us has something beautiful to add. Let me hear your desires.”

Many spoke.

“We have no answers to the problem of the split between Light and Dark. Let this creation play out these iterations and come back with answers,” one proposed.

“Who will give life to these beings, so that we may receive the answers?” another asked.

“As the creators, we will go down into the mortal bodies that are born, and when we have fulfilled our purpose these bodies will die, freeing us from this forgetting so that we may come back and report our findings.”

“It will be as if we are dreaming,” was the observation of one.

“Why should we need to dream?” another asked. All paused for a moment in thought.

“The problem with this level of creation is that we know too much to live outside of this reality. Let those who give their souls to bring these beings to life forget who they are and where they come from,” suggested another Child of the Great Father.

“If we forget, how will we know what to choose? If we choose Dark, how will we make it back to the Light?”

“We do not desire to lose any of our family,” the Great Father acknowledged. “If we undertake a forgetting, even temporarily, there is the risk of becoming changed. Losing anyone would be unthinkable. How will we make a way for all to return?”

“Let me have control of this creation so that all may come back to Light,” Lucifer suggested. “I will be their savior and in my Light they will see yours.”

“Yes, for without a guide, we may lose our way.”

“Control is not the way,” added the Prodigal, who had grown up witnessing the control and oppression of Guile. “The only way for all of this creation to come back to the Light is from their own free will.”

Some of the family nodded agreement, but others shook their heads in dismay.

“How free is free will if we do not remember?” Lucifer demanded. “In forgetting, we will be as children. A child must be guided, as it cannot think logically to be reasoned with. Your idea is irrelevant to this creation.”

“I agree,” spoke another. “We are going down as children, and therefore need more guidance.”

“If we go down as children, we should then grow into adults before coming back. It would be a satisfying journey.”

“But that adulthood will need to be slow enough for us to gather information and learn how to use it. Wisdom is a worthy fruit.”

“Growth is empowerment. Those who go in as children and wake up as adults would find the adjustment hard. We must grow in our awareness gradually, and we will need guidance to grow.”

The Great Father considered all these points. “Very well, we will have beings from higher awareness to show the way. They will be known as Way Showers.”

Lucifer looked in alarm at the Great Father. “Many Way Showers could become confusing. There must be order. They need a leader, like you as father are a leader to all of us. I know your ways better than anyone. I would be that leader.”

The Great Father continued. “One Way Shower would have no balance, but many will tip the scales so that the children of Creation will have many paths back home. It is wisdom. Those who wish to participate may do so, and those who do not may wait for another creation.”

And so, those who wished to create a Universe in this way went to develop their contributions. Each dreamed up a way to resolve the split between Light and Dark, bringing it all back into Oneness.

Lucifer, having no desire to create of his own energy and every desire to control everyone else’s creations, set about siphoning from each creator in turn. As he wheedled his way into the ideas of each creator, he introduced slight misrepresentations. As with the cords he placed in the heart of the Great Father, he began leveraging the cords placed in the hearts of his adopted siblings. While they debated, he took key pieces of their work for himself.

The concept of completion became distorted. Before, each being created from their wholeness, using the synergy of their combined efforts to create something above and beyond the sum of its parts. But as the creators developed and measured their creations this time, they found them lacking. Wholeness, Lucifer insisted, would come from combining these partial creations. It was not meant to make sense until it came together. They were doing well, he insisted, flattering them out of questions.

The creators accepted this distortion. Lucifer was persuasive and manipulative. In his minor alterations, he positioned himself to be the older brother, the wiser brother, the one who knew the mind of their Father the best. Eventually he created enough lack to allow for himself to be the solution. He deceived them all.

The Prodigal Son, along with some others, continued to question privately, but as the Great Father had spoken and all had agreed, the plan was carried out, and any misgivings were subsumed in good faith. Each had had the seeds of doubt planted so that their claim to their inner authority was blocked. Since the Prodigal felt like an outsider, he allowed his own self doubt to cloud his mind. He knew only a few would listen to him, and he did not wish to lose his place in the family.

The day to create the Universe came, and all who wished to participate brought their treasured creations. At the center of the gathering place was a cauldron where each creator cast their contribution. As each cast their part in, it expanded and created a more beautiful whole. When Lucifer cast his part in, it grew for a time, and then split. The explosion of this split caused all of the Creators to be cast far and wide. But the Creation was made, and would follow its blueprint to completion.

-Elihu John

This is part 3 of the creation story channeled through Temperance, a Judge in the Spiritual Court. It is important to note that the son of Guile and the Great Mother is not Jesus, nor is he Yeshua, to my knowledge. Yeshua is another Judge, however, and is a great soul who is continually interested and active in the well-being of Earth. The Great Father is the twin flame of the Great Mother, and their journey of separation has been a blueprint for the separation of many twin flames in this creation. Their reunion will affect the reunion of many twin flames, as well. It has been interesting to me to channel this story for other reasons, as well. The soul path of the Great Father, in attempting to cut out his shadow instead of integrating it, has echoed through the formation of patriarchies through the ages. I hope you come to understand him through this story. I have yet to hear the story of the Great Mother, but I think she will be more able to speak and be heard after this part of the story is resolved. Let me know what you think!

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