Despite any and all evidence to the contrary, the Light is winning. Be not afraid of the path ahead, or of what may come of it. All will be well in the end. For many involved now, that end is sooner rather than later. Ending participation in war is a valid choice, but does not mean that one has to cease existing. Nevertheless, existence is riddled with warfare at this point in time.
Spiritual warfare does not have to look any one way. In fact, it is its diversity that makes it so pervasive. This applies to both sides of the war. The commitment of the dark to continue to steal, lie, and terrorize the light means that outlawing a mode of warfare does not make the actions stop. There is no appeasement, no boundary that will keep it from happening should even one small being wish to persist. Boundaries and laws limit the effect of the dark and create pockets of safety for the light, but those pockets are eventually targeted by the dark regardless of size. Their existence provides more fuel for the dark to continue its warfare. I say this not to judge whether strongholds should exist, but to make you aware of what is created in the wake of their creation. The balance of existence is in constant flux so long as there is creation. Even the energy that is not created is affected by what is, because it is the source of energy for new creation.
To turn away from creation does not solve this problem, but as we expand our awareness of what creation is, and how it is interconnected, we come into contact with false beliefs in ourselves centered around what creation should look like. As an example, the never-ending cycle of birth and death may seem overwhelming if we believe that we cannot achieve peace no matter where we go or what we choose. Let go of conditions, outcomes, and bars on your inner peace so that you may truly be present with yourself.
War is a game, and can be more easily understood as such by those who are entrenched in the heaviness of it. If this fatigues you, keep your perspective gentle and seek to love yourself until you find your meaning again. This may mean taking more time to be humorous, simply observing what is without judgment, or otherwise finding your balance of light and dark participation/experience to correct a personal imbalance of dark experiences. What we focus our main attention on becomes the backdrop for all our experiences going forward.
Some beings may tire of the game and choose to dwell in a designated pocket of safe existence with other peace-aligned beings. Be aware that ignoring the dark around and in you does not create safety, but simply opens you up as a target for extortion by the dark. Darkness must be expunged and effectively kept out to create stable spaces of light. Once that work is done, the subsequent true nonparticipation in the darkness creates strongholds of safety for others. This is part of the diversity of creation.
Those who choose to leave these pockets of safety to provide more balance to the fight happening outside of it do not all do so for one single reason, and cannot be judged by one standard. The reasons for joining the fight often evolve, because the experience of it is designed to change and purify the desires and intentions of the participants. Beings of light naturally evolve in their reasons for fighting, and may even lose their connection to their initial desire.
Sometimes growing into a new desire is the journey that was necessary for the being, and other times the loss of the original desire is what leads to the corruption of the light into darkness. In this way of experience, we are all self-made. Our initial creation is our starting point on a spectrum of experience, which we then choose to change or maintain. This is part of why war has been permitted in existence: without the contrast of light and dark, we would not know which direction to take to grow as souls.
I have spoken of the commitment of the dark that keeps it going. Now I speak to the opposite. The commitment of the light to share resources, uplift and enlighten the collective, and speak truth is the counter-balance to the expression of the dark. As we find our own light, we find our inner desires, and vice versa. These desires fuel our focus and our actions, so that we may find where we fit in this experience and what we bring to the whole. Every being who fights for light does so in their own necessary way, and that way does not have to look like anyone else’s to be based on true intent.
The one thing every facet of lightwork, or light warfare, shares is love. Pure, unconditional, unending, unwavering love is the desire that we must hold onto. Every action that is taken without love can be easily lost from the light. Every action that includes love can be purified into greater effectiveness as we try and try again to enact our will with greater fidelity to our desires. Taking an extreme example, those that kill for love are not lost from love, because as they are brought to analyze and account for their actions, they can then set the intention to rectify anything that did not bring about the love they sought. By contrast, those that kill without love have no guiding understanding of the framework that holds the Universe together. They act from a place of hurt and hatred, and their disconnection from the truth means that the first step to bringing them back to their original alignment with love must start with their acceptance of the sovereignty of love.
No one can force any being to accept anything they do not wish to accept. To force the acceptance of love would be to violate consent. Sometimes dark-aligned beings choose deconstruction rather than allowing for truth. In this way, they are neutralized and balance is brought back to the whole. Spiritual justice allows for choice within the confines of reasonable boundaries.
For you, as a Light Warrior, all must be done in love. There can be no wavering from this perspective. There can be no faltering from this path without a consequent journey back to love. If you find that you are paying back the karma of losing your connection to love, understand that your current desires and actions bear more weight than anything in your past, and that this current opportunity to correct is your path forward. Be present in it, appreciating the gift that is this chance. You are never unworthy of realignment with love. Your choice lies in how you face your accountability, and there is room for every action. This is the element of grace.
Every restoration through justice brings peace and rest for those involved, one way or another. To heal one is to heal all. To bring true rest to one is to rejuvenate all. Those you hold accountable for harms committed against you have as much need for rest as you do as the survivor, and vice versa. Understand that you cannot obtain true grace without justice, but once that is completed, you must unhook yourself from continuing in strife. Forgiveness is part of justice in that it frees you from interaction with further darkness, and is part of allowing yourself to rest. Trust that offering grace universally, and offering love universally, allows you to experience that grace and love for yourself. Accept grace and love for yourself and live in your inner peace, regardless of what the outer experience looks like.
-Elihu John
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