
Channeling How-To: A Loose Guide

In my small group meeting this week, Dreamscaping: Connecting to Your Intuition Through Art, the topic of how to get into channeling mode came up, and I thought I would share it here. There are a lot of ways to tap into our intuition. I like to start with a guided meditation when I lead, but what if you’re doing it on your own? What if, when you complete a session in group, you want to go deeper into the information you received? Here is a handy guide.

Step One: Set aside some time when you will likely not be disturbed and gather your tools (pen and paper work great). 10-15 minutes is enough. Set a time limit for getting clear in your energy (5 minutes), but allow for surrender to how the session plays out. You may tap into another one of your clair senses, or you may need the relaxation more than the answers, and that’s okay. As long as you feel calm and content, that’s all you need to be.

Step Two: Clear your energy. Get into a quiet headspace using one or more of the following:

-sage and/or palo santo

-light a candle

-breathing techniques (box breathing, yoga or meditation breathing)

-healing music (chanting, Riverdancing, or other cultural music traditions are great as they are designed to help with aligning body and mind)

-sipping tea and/or eating a snack

-fidgeting or spinning in a chair (this is a body regulation technique and is valid)

Step Three: When you feel ready, pull up your paper and start creating. You may choose to put a date and a prompt on the top to focus your energy. Set the intention that what you create is from the highest source, in the highest good of all. Create a circle or a box on the paper for extra focus and protection. Draw or create without judgment.

Step Four: Automatic Writing. Start writing (or typing) and allow what comes to just be. Don’t edit. Don’t think. Feel interested. If it’s not right later, you can go back and revise, but these tend to be more correct the less you mess with them. When writing, you may start with “I don’t know what this is,” or ask a question in Q & A form: “What is the significance of this symbol?” “Why is this important?”

Step Five: Finish and close. When the time is done, step back and give yourself praise for finishing the task, no matter how it looks. Your boundary on setting aside only that time will also allow you to trust yourself to keep within your intentions, which will help you get in the zone next time, knowing that you can get out of it when expected (no guilt!). As you reinforce positive thinking, your abilities will come out of the woodwork more freely. A helpful mantra: “I did a great job, and I am satisfied with this practice session.” “If I don’t understand it now, I can receive more info as I stay in contentment.”

Don’t be surprised if more comes to light over time, or if certain words or symbols mean more things on more levels. It’s okay to laugh when it hits you, too. This is supposed to be healing and fun.

End the session in gratitude, place your paper in a designated place (a journal, folder, or binder work great), and carry on with your day/night.


Did this work for you? Let me know how it went in the comments. I also would love to see you in the group. These sessions are a fun and rewarding way to connect with like-minded people and practice our skills together in a supportive environment.

If you need a 1:1 session to help interpret what you have, or to clear any energy that comes up, here is the link to book, as well.

Be well, and enjoy!

Intuitive-Tarot Reading

Collective Reading August 25-31: Dig In

Duality has always been a part of this Earth experience, and your current experiment in life is no exception. Light and dark, known and unknown, success and failure all add to your understanding and ability to navigate life.

What used to work for you is no longer working. But that’s nothing new. You are by now accustomed to having to change things up in your routine and mindset to get to the end goal. And you’ve had to learn how to navigate sticky situations with grace and patience.

All of this has built confidence and trust in your Higher Self, as well as in who you’re showing up as now. Don’t underestimate the power of taking the next right step and believing in your vision until you gain traction.

You have to know what doesn’t work in order to fix it. You have to find the problem before you can fix it. This week is demanding patience and self-love as you discover the unsavory results of your previous actions and habits.

You truly didn’t know better. How could you, having never been taught? But now you do, and because you are committed to excellence, this knowledge is fueling your desire to do better–and attain success.

Those who never try will never understand the cost of success. Nor will they attain it, because they have not put forward the energy that feeds the momentum. All they can do is wonder and talk. Only you know how long the road has already been. You have a great track record when it comes to breakthroughs and perseverance, though, so don’t worry about whether you get there. You will.

Reconnect with your vision regularly this week. Sit in silence, go for a walk, listen to music that urges you to tap along. When you are tired, take some slow, deep breaths. When you are overwhelmed, slow down and break the task into manageable smaller tasks. As soon as you catch yourself worrying, find something else to focus on that connects you to your senses. Smell the roses, or make yourself eat something nutritious. Get out of your head and just be.

This doesn’t feel like a particularly light week. But it is one that can propel you further than most if you dig your cleats in and push forward. Release the outcome and let it show up exactly how you need it.

You are divinely watched over, so just be present and do your part. You will get through this.

With Love,

Elihu John


Collective Reading August 18-24: Forward to Victory

When you know more, you can act from a place of more wisdom.

This week is about that balance between gaining knowledge and reaching into the unknown. It’s like you’ve learned how to use math formulas to calculate the outcome rather than just guessing. There will be new variables, but your formulas are more accurate now. Your past experiences have percolated into clarity.

20/20 hindsight is not the same as seeing everything ahead. At some point, you have to learn how to trust your own calculations and take the unknowns in stride. Your cause-and-effect brain is reorganizing through this shift, so if you’re acting in a more aligned way despite the unknowns, it’s because you’re using a better internal guidance system. It’s not a fluke.

Much of what has been happening on Earth in the last few weeks (years, if we’re being accurate) has been a recalibration of human software. We are shifting to higher timelines, upgrading anti-virus software, and expanding consciousness. This is all necessary.

What we don’t often see is the work being done behind the scenes. Trust that as you move forward, doors will open before you and close behind you. Your job is to just do what you’re supposed to do. You don’t have to carry the responsibility of anyone else.

Speaking of which, if you feel over-burdened, you may be carrying something that isn’t yours. Let that go in gratitude. If you feel overwhelmed, ask your inner guidance if the action you’re trying to complete is in divine timing. It’s okay to change your scope. Better to carry a load to the destination than spill what you’re carrying before getting to the end.

Even if you do spill, it’s going to be okay. You can recover.

The Chariot card reminds you that a step forward in any direction is still going to drive the mission forward. Someone else on your team may need to course correct, and you may receive some coaching, but that next step in an even better direction will never happen if you don’t take the one before it.

You’ve got this. The Universe has your back. Be optimistic and curious about how to move forward, and your energy will align with your beautiful future.

With love,

Elihu John


Want to learn to do energy work using basic art? Come to my small support group, where we practice drawing to tap into our intuition. We meet Wednesdays at 7 pm MDT. Here is the sign up sheet.

If you are in need of an energy session or 1:1 reading, I would love to work with you. Book here.


Collective Reading August 11-17: Paths Diverge

You have reached the apex of this cycle of change, and are now ready to pick up momentum in your new direction. Expect things to improve and get easier quickly. You are no longer pushing your bike up the hill.

Everything that is coming to the surface is an image of what has already manifested. Sometimes we as humans don’t see just how bad it was until we get some distance from it. Now that you have that distance, you are invited to accept and recognize the experience for what it is. Be ruthless in your quest for truth, and fierce in your commitment to love.

Acceptance is the first step in changing what happens next. Acceptance involves believing what you perceive, and separating it from the assumptions you previously accepted as truth. An example of this would be realizing that you and someone you love do not agree on what movie to watch, and rather than continuing to believe someone is at fault and should change, you realize that you simply have different interests. If you don’t have to change your preferences to be loved, and they can keep theirs intact with dignity, you can come up with a compromise that allows each person to watch their own movie and spend time together doing something else.

When people can play together without having to play the same note, there is harmony. When realities diverge to the point of having no overlapping truths, the natural effect is separation. Let go of what does not serve you, and you will find more space for what does. It is okay to acknowledge that someone else is having a different experience of reality without you having to change yours, and vice versa.

In order to manifest the life you want, you must be unyielding in your dedication to your truth. You must set your sights on the beauty you wish to experience and act in a way that allows for it to show up.

Call a spade a spade, and then pick it up and use it to dig your garden. Everything that you experience is useful to identify what you do and do not want, so you know what direction to pursue. And when you know better, do better. Don’t worry about fault.

You are doing good work and it is paying off, even if you’re not seeing it yet. This divergence from what you knew will lead you to convergence with your beautiful new life and community. Keep going.

With love,

Elihu John

It’s here! Come to my virtual support group, Dreamscaping: Connecting to Your Intuition Through Art. This recurring event is for beginner to intermediate artists, and focuses on the process rather than the result. All you need is the ability to draw a stick figure and some basic shapes. We will set aside time for journaling and then sharing our experiences. We meet virtually Wednesdays at 7 pm MDT.

Intuitive-Tarot Reading

Collective Reading August 4-10: Shifting Tides

The Tower is joined by three more major arcana cards, a 10, a 4, an 8, and a 1. This is big stuff, so if you’re tired, take a breather when you can.

Allow the Earth to shift. Allow your energy to flow. This is a week of holding the vision of positive change and trusting that process.

When you worry about something, you’re manifesting it going wrong. When you stay optimistic, what you manifest is good. You are the captain of your own ship, and you get to decide whether everything turns out right. That does not mean you know how that needs to happen. Save yourself the stress by being flexible and letting go of the details.

Your intentions are the most important factor in what you experience next. Pay attention to them. Clean up your vibration and acknowledge when you need to change your intent. It’s okay to admit when you’re stuck in unhelpful expressions of your deepest desires.

You’ve been living in a dog eat dog world for so long that it is hard to imagine a world completely without it. But you held out hope, and created little pockets of peace wherever you could. You accepted what you had to, uneasily, and swallowed your pride and your protests. Still, these protests never really left you. It sometimes felt like your only real option was to continue living in competition. And you made do. But accepting competition caused more distress, even as it relieved the pressure to provide for your needs. Did you limit your success in order to give voice to that rejection of competition?

Competition mindset can only turn into abundance and collaboration if we can see the root issue that led us to believe we had to compete for resources in the first place. The system is designed to weed people out on so many levels. Survival of the fittest is ingrained in every mind and leaves little room for mercy, or trying again.

Your rejection of the way things have been is critical in solving the problem. You have already made a difference, simply by acknowledging in yourself that something wasn’t right. Now, as the breakdown of the foundation of systemic lack is accelerated into a full shift into peace, we are all asked to go deeper. What do you really want, and how do you imagine that playing out for the highest good of all? When you have that answer, the only way forward is to actually take steps. Just do what you can, and the next step will become closer.

There are many ways to proceed, and many factors at play in this shift back into abundance. Having abundance and community matters. Your life matters. Your joy matters. Your success in bringing about the highest good of all matters. And every well-intended effort will make a difference, because even if you fail, you fail forward. Come back to love when you feel confused or overwhelmed. If you don’t know the next step, sit in quiet until you do. Keep your heart open to keep love and energy flowing. That is your main job.

Consider that your momentum, and the collective momentum of all these souls incarnated and working behind the scenes, has already built a wave so massive that even if you manage to mess things up temporarily, it will right itself as you steer the ship back into the wave. You cannot single-handedly stop the ocean from churning, and you cannot stop this change, either.

It’s all going to be alright. Trust breeds trust, in this case. Use your mantras. You are not working alone, and you have every resource you need in reach, as you need it. Have faith.

With love,

-Elihu John

As well as reading for the collective, I also provide 1:1 healing and reading sessions. These sessions are powerful and transformative. Book here and start feeling relief.