
Collective Reading January 26-February 1: Stabilize, Reframe, Reset, and Prepare

The energy of this week is designed to stabilize the energy downloads and massive reality shifts of last week. You may need to rest and let your mind catch up to the new landscape. The emotions you feel inside are your indicator for which reality (old versus new) you are tuning in to. Let your feelings inform your navigation on this journey. The image I see is of moving from the swamp to the plains, or a similar environmental change. You may have felt bogged down before, because the ground was soggy. You had to forcibly lift your feet out of sucking mud, and each step was laborious. Now you don’t have to pick your feet up quite so high when you step. Learn how to walk differently in this new terrain. Let go of the sadness with your steps and watch it crumble to dust under your feet.

Your relationship to motivation has changed, or will soon. When you feel called to action, is it from a place of desperation or a place of confidence in your effectiveness? Pause and breathe if you are unsure. The energy you are reaching for feels much lighter than the energy you have purged and are purging. Expect everything to work out, and you will find the path to walk that brings success to fruition. If you doubt your abilities, look back on how much has changed in the recent past. You did that. And the help you had may not have been what you thought you needed, but it was enough. Accept that both it and you will be enough together going forward.

You may start getting exciting ideas of what you want your future to look like. Write them down in a centralized place so you can reflect on what these ideas will result in. If you are unsure about the result being what you want, release the path and outcome again so that your deep desire lines up with the path that leads to your highest outcome. Come back to the desire so you can streamline your mental pathways to match it. The mind is a powerful tool, and can be used both for and against you. Mindset reframes will decrease suffering when you discover where your imagination has not been aligned with your intended reality.

Manifestation in the physical depends on your ability to align with it. Look into what heavy emotions you need to release to feel free enough to align with your highest good, because your dreams are showing up for you to claim. It all works out, as quickly and fully as you allow it to. We are moving to a higher need and a greater ability to be consciously aware of what our energy is doing on all levels. Remember that your physical self does need to give consent to your higher aspects for them to bring you that energy. Overriding consent has been a stopgap to rescuscitate your energy in the past, but we have more gentle, more sustainable options now and Universal Law encourages us all to reach for that option first. The fact that this invitation to awareness is extended to you in this physical body is proof that you are capable of developing the awareness of your desires, your intuitive voice, and your surroundings, which means you are capable of directing your own path more and more. This is what it means to have the veil thinned: you are now more capable and therefore more responsible to act with spiritual maturity/consciousness.

It all works out. The measure of trust you have in that belief dictates the measure of success you will have attaining it. Keep going. You’re doing great.

-Elihu John

Need help accessing your intuition or clearing your channels? Book a 1:1 session or Dreamscaping class with me here.


Collective Message January 19-25: Message for the Spiritual Warrior

If you feel like you’re needing to level up just to keep your head above water, it’s because the energy is ramping up. This is a result of the battle between light and dark on Earth right now. As one side starts to win, the other throws more energy into the ring to get ahead, and then the cycle repeats. It is not a bad thing to rise to the occasion. The dark feels no shame for upping the ante. It would rather you believe that responding effectively is shameful, and that you are so much less powerful than it.

These are both lies. Keep your head on your shoulders in this high energy time, and act as though you are going to win. Belief only goes so far without sustained action, so allow your action to back up your belief 100%. If you hold back, you will not be keeping up with the energy of the opposition. That being said, be smart. Keep your armor on.

Spiritual war is not forever. Remember that participating when necessary is not the same thing as being bloodthirsty or caught up in the cycle. If it is your role to fight, it will also be your role to stop fighting when the need ends. Battle is exhausting. As often as you feel tired, find routine ways to retire from the battlefield and tend your spiritual garden. This is a war of endurance, waiting out the tempest, and believing in love so fully that you keep your inner calm and joy active in your energy field, no matter where you are, no matter what is happening. This is known as inner peace.

The most successful warriors keep their armor in good order and wear it fastidiously when on the battlefield. Carrying armor is heavy, so they keep their hearts light and their gravity center balanced. True mastery of one’s energy is knowing when it is time to fight, and when it is time to rest. It is knowing that the battle is won in the heart first, and on the field second. Winning on the field does no one much good if the heart is lost in the process.

Keep your inner peace and joy intact as you take appropriate action. This lifetime is not just one where you, as a light warrior, came to help raise the frequency of Earth. It is also a valuable training field in which you have the chance to level up your game. Give yourself permission to enjoy the fight for the sake of the growth.

Remember that you, as a human, are vulnerable to the potential to choose something entirely different from what you have chosen before. There is so much freedom to explore who you choose to be. Remember that your choices may propel you onto a vastly different path than where you started from. Many hearts are purified into their most dominant frequencies, while many others focus on a less dominant frequency and magnify it so it becomes dominant.

This is the beauty of the human experience, or the pitfall of it, depending on your perspective. If you feel stuck in battle, find a way to retreat regularly in practical ways. You are more powerful than you know. Your creative power is a tool to clear the dark. So prioritize freeing your mind and your emotions to create your reality, your way.

Flexibility is strength too, so long as it hinges on your ethics. Much love to you and your fight, Light Warrior. You got this. Keep going.

-Elihu John

Collective Reading Dreamscaping Energy Healing

Collective Message for January 12-18: Restoring Your Direction, Going Back to Basics

Manifestation, or the physical world, follows the energy blueprint we hold in ourselves. Children naturally imagine the way they want their life to be and act accordingly, until they are told that they cannot do so. Only then do they learn dependence on the system to achieve their dreams. You were once a child with this direct connection, and that child lives within you now.

Find the most direct way to access that inner dreamer this week and evaluate whether your current long-term goals reflect these dreams. If not, you will be able to avoid much turmoil and chaos by realigning your long-term goals now. Your inner child often knows more about your life’s purpose than your external adult self, so give it the honor and respect it deserves.

If you do not have clearly defined long-term goals, the easiest way to find direction is to pursue joy.

If joy is inaccessible or overstimulating, find rest.

Some places to find rest are: nature, exercise, reading, sleep, and dreaming. Rest may be found with people or alone. Sometimes connection, especially through electronics, causes or triggers anxiety. If you can turn off the screen and be in the present, in your body, that is ideal. Take a minimum of 3 minutes to rest, as many times during the day as you can.

If you find you simply cannot rest, or resting makes anxiety worse, you may need energy clearing. Set aside any beliefs or feelings that undermine your confidence that you will make it to restfulness. You are actually more powerful at manifesting a solution than the world would have you believe. A helpful mantra for this anxiety cycle: “As I calm my body and mind, the solution presents itself.”

Your dreams, and the desires you have, are meant to be the driving force of your life. No one else does exactly what you do, or has the vision you have. It can be hard to justify pursuing your desires for your own benefit, and if that is the case, then you should know that the Universe is like a gigantic puzzle in which every piece fits together to create the whole.

-Elihu John

Dreamscaping, the class I hold on Wednesdays at 9:30 am, is designed to not only teach you how to use your basic drawing and writing skills to access your connection to yourself, but also gives you a supportive space to learn and practice quick tools to break through barriers and access that restful self-connection.If a 1:1 session is more in line with your needs, book an Intuitive Energy Session over Zoom or a Higher Self Connection Clearing, in which the session is done when it is convenient for me and you read the report when it is convenient for you. I highly recommend massage and other embodiment practices, as well, as they go hand in hand with energy work. If you are in Utah, I offer therapeutic and relaxation massage in person.

Collective Reading

The Prodigal Returns Home: Part 6 of Creation and the Elohim

He had been a child when he left. As a child, he had natural strength, but not the knowledge or might to go against his father. On his return, the Prodigal Son saw the devastation that had happened in his absence. But he did not blame himself any longer for not being able to free his mother or fully stop Guile from enacting darkness. In divine order, and with the might and wisdom gained in his journey, the Son overthrew Guile and restored the Divine Mother to her rightful place. Still, he doubted a little. 

“Mother,” the Son said when he freed her, “Forgive me for being born. Forgive me for leaving you here.”

Knowing that he needed her assurance, the Divine Mother answered his plea. “I forgave you before you were born,” she said. “I love you. And I have always been proud of you.” And at her words, the Son finally saw how it had always been so.

While the Great Mother could not control the creation of her son, by her desire she created a way through him to resolve the darkness of Guile. Darkness was part of the inheritance of the Son. It was his to wield, and his to master. Without it, he would not have had an understanding of the darkness, and therefore would have no knowledge of the contrast between it and the Light of Source. 

The Son’s desire to choose and align with Light was his, yet it also aligned with the desires of his mother. As the Son chose Light at every opportunity, he gained greater alignment with Source, and therefore greater alignment with the might required to rule. Being exposed to both Light and Dark allowed for choice, which led to developing wisdom. As he grew wise, so he grew in love.

His father’s desire to create a being who would be able to rule All of Creation also aligned with his desire. The Son did not care who ruled, so long as that rule was just. Being capable of rule, the Son decided to be just. He learned to judge rightly. He also learned to apply mercy where justice failed to meet the need.

The Son, having been adopted by Elohim, and recognizing that Guile and Elohim were fragments of the Great Father, had a vantage point that allowed him to see clearly. When the Great Father cast aside his darkness, or shadow, he did not realize that doing so would create a being that could overthrow the Great Mother. In the capture and disintegration of Guile, it was understood that Elohim must re-integrate the neutralized darkness in order to become whole.

With the Great Father whole once more, and the Great Mother freed, the groundwork for mending Creation was finally anchored. The Divine Father and the Divine Mother,  healed and reunited, were joined by the Divine Child in harmonious union. What was once born in suffering became embraced in joy. From this reunion, Creation began to heal.

Without the dissolution of Guile, many previous attempts at harmony had failed. Each failure had dragged away Creation’s hope, and allowed for more darkness, more pain, more suffering. Guile and all the beings who had worked for and with him continued to enact Conquest and Oppression, even as the Light aspect worked to establish peace and love.

Guile’s influence had protected Lucifer, but with Guile’s dissolution, there was no place for Lucifer to hide. The Son had battled Lucifer many times, and each time he had gained wisdom. This last time, the Son gained victory, because he knew and embraced himself and his place in Creation. As this truth came to light, Lucifer was dispatched.

The work was not over, however. Full rectification, because it involved all of Creation, would take all of Creation to complete. Guile and Lucifer had not worked alone, and the template for splitting off darkness had continued in many creatures.

The hope of each individual, and their initial desire for Creation, needed to revive. As each Creature awakened to hope, they began to awakening to their own power. Creation began to speak truth, unfettered by lies, and when they did so, each being remembered: as they were all Creatures, they were all Creators.

True power empowers All. True leadership inspires All to participate in a common cause. The Son, in his travels, had learned the truth he had been born with: every aspect of Creation is God, and when each aspect speaks, it is so.

It is with the ending of this story that I share this wisdom for all Lightworkers to understand and implement in their work. The magic of co-creation is this: Unity in Purpose, Harmony of Expression.

We do not need to be someone else to embody our own power. We do not need to cast aside our own darkness to enact light. As we act in love, with mutual respect for our unique desires, we create All of Creation and give life to the Universe of Love.  As we honor and embrace ourselves, and our fellow beings, we place our own balance of light and dark into proper harmony.

Let us do so now, for each Creator has their own beautiful desire to add to the whole of Creation, and the time to mend the split in Creation is now. Much love to you all, Glorious Creators.

-Elihu John

This message is channeled through Temperance, and Judge in the Spiritual Courts.

Collective Reading

The Journey of the Prodigal Son: Part 5 of The Elohim and Creation

The outrage of Guile and the Governess-Mother loomed over the Prodigal Son as strongly as ever, for if he should leave, they knew that they would not be able to use him to control All Creation. This time, however, the Son allowed their anger to turn back on them, for he felt calm and assured in his decision. When he spoke, it was with the cooled precision of a forged blade. “As you are no mother to me, I am free to be Son to my true Mother at last,” he said. And it was so.

The Son took his leave. He traveled Creation for many eons. Prodigal, his father called him. Lost, he called him. Within himself, the Son accepted these titles and their shame. When he rested, it was in foreign fields, and when he entered a house, it was only as a guest or prisoner. The Son accepted all punishment, for it aligned with the views he held of himself.

Meanwhile, in the Archon Kingdom, Guile planned to create a new ruler, for the First Son was right: there was no one else with the might to rule. Guile did not have might, but he did have great intelligence. He knew that he alone was not able to rule. From his own being, he created a copy, and from the Great Mother, he took just enough light to cover over the darkness and make his creation appealing. He called his creation Lucifer, and gave him to the governess-mother to raise. Lucifer knew not the Great Mother. He accepted the rule of his father, and the conditional love of the governess-mother. He learned their lessons well and embraced their ways. When he received his diploma, it was a pinnacle moment of his life.

The Prodigal Son had no knowledge of this second son. In his exile, he truly desired to learn how to rule. He knew that his might had been used to govern in the name of his father. He believed that in stepping away, he had prevented more harm. As he had learned to speak with his Mother under his father’s eye, he continued to do so in his travels. Her voice comforted him, even as his father’s shame ripped him apart. Sometimes he could not hear her voice clearly, and he experienced suffering and doubt. Yet he continued his journey.

After many travels, the Prodigal Son was adopted by Elohim, the Light aspect of the Great Father. He did not know that his younger brother had gotten there first. He did not know that his brother knew of him and recognized him. Lucifer and the Prodigal were both embraced as children of the Elohim Father. The Prodigal’s honesty regarding his origins combined with his self doubt to allow an opening for Lucifer’s lies.

Notwithstanding this, the Elohim Family planned and carried out a new Creation together. In the planning, the Prodigal Son protested Lucifer’s ideas, but his words were denied. How could he, the son of Guile, who inherited so much darkness, see clearly to judge the heart of Lucifer, or even the heart of the Great Father? So he settled for contributing his own part in harmony, as he was asked to do.

When the Creation was carried out, the Prodigal Son knew that Lucifer caused it to split. In his heart he knew it was deliberate. But to please his adopted Family, the Prodigal Son allowed himself to doubt. He allowed for it to be a mistake, and Lucifer continued to assure the Family that he had every intention of helping to mend the divide. Thus he was permitted to continue.

The work of mending commenced. The Prodigal Son participated in every level of this Creation, from the smallest Creature to the largest. He lived many lifetimes, giving his creative might to All in as many ways as he could imagine. Many Creatures he came across in his journey. They ranged from new to old, large to small. In each he saw the spark of the Great Mother. He honored them all. 

By choosing Light at every turn, the Prodigal grew in might and virtue. In his journey he proved that one’s destiny is not dependent on what one is given. What makes a Creature is the choice between Light and Dark. Having been born of oppression, the Son chose Light, and thus gained the might to rule.

As he worked to heal All Creation, he was joined by those who shared his desire for healing. The Prodigal Son gained titles, not by inheritance, but by his dedication to Love. In this way, he fulfilled the plan he had designed upon leaving home. Because he could see through the eyes of All, the Prodigal Son was, according to the Word he had spoken, now fit to rule All. Yet, he doubted himself.

The mending of Creation began, then failed, then began again. Each time it began, it gained more ground. But it was not enough to last.

Seeing this, his friends met with him to discuss what next steps they together should take to heal the split. “What you have done in this capacity is enough. You must go home,” they said to him. “You must embrace your inheritance and work from the level you were born to wield.”

“I am not ready,” he protested. “I have not experienced all there is to experience. I do not know everything yet.”

“You know all you need to learn all there is to know. You have proven yourself a fit ruler. You have attained wisdom. We need you to take your place, for working on the outskirts of your true power does not serve the Highest Good of All. Your might is also needed.”

The Prodigal Son knew it to be so. “I will do what it takes,” he said. And so, with the might and authority gained in his travels, and with an army of Lightworkers pledged in mutual love, the Prodigal Son returned home.

-Elihu John

Thank you for reading. This story is channeled from Temperance, a Judge in the Spiritual Courts.