Collective Reading

Collective Reading December 8-14: Part 2: The Great Father and Guile

Let us view the story from another perspective.

Elohim, the Great Father, was not always separate from Guile, the Archon Father. In the beginning, when the Great Mother who is the Source of All created the Great Father by her Word, Elohim and Guile were one being. This being created with the Great Mother in harmony and joy, exploring the depths of creation together.

Because the creations of the Great Father and Great Mother were many and varied, they included both light and dark. The darkness concerned the Great Father. Elohim, desiring to purify creation, and seeing the variations of existence, questioned his own worthiness to create from his wholeness. He found the darkness within his being and cast it from him. The Great Mother, seeing the danger, was opposed to this separation, but could not stop him. They quarreled and parted. He then built a fortress and brought the lightest light of his creations with him into it, where they would then create from greater purity.

The Great Mother was heartbroken, but more than that, as predicted, she was unable to quell the darkness left behind. The darkness that Elohim cast out took the name Guile, becoming the dark counterpart of the Light Father. Guile enslaved the creation that was left, including the Great Mother. 

Guile’s desire and gift centered around directing the creation of others. He did not develop the skill to create new, and he hated that the ability to do so left with the rest of the Great Father. From a sense of powerlessness and hatred, Guile designed a way to rule over the All. He knew that if the Great Mother spoke, it was so, and that if she could not speak directly, others would be able to speak enough of her truth that Creation would not cease. He also knew that her Word was the key to creation.

Against her will, the Great Mother bore a son imbued with the duality of the highest light and the deepest dark, and Guile began to bring him up in the ways of Oppression and Conquest. This son was the Firstborn of the Great Mother and Guile.

No matter what Guile taught him, the Firstborn rebelled. Many could not see through the lies, for Guile was intelligent and subtle, but, being gifted the strength and wisdom to be a great leader, the Firstborn could not be deceived for long. He learned and grew quickly. Eventually, Guile realized he could not carry out his plan with one who was powerful enough to see through and reject him.

So Guile devised another plan. This time, he took only enough creation from the Great Mother to cast a sheen of light over his secondborn son, who was otherwise an exact copy of Guile. This secondborn he named Lucifer. Under the tutelage of Guile, Lucifer learned to hate light, to hate his mother, and to hate his older brother. He learned to trick and enslave, and practiced these concepts in various ways until he was proficient in them. His desire to find new ways to deceive, and to delight in the effects of deception, fueled his ability to do so.

When he was ready, Lucifer left the Archon Fortress and, displaying abject misery, begged to be let into the Fortress of the Elohim. His pathetic story of neglect and disfavor touched the heart of Elohim, who took him in with open arms. Because he could not embrace his darkness, the Great Father could not transmute it into wisdom. Elohim was unable to discern the trickery. Lucifer, succeeding in pulling out the heartstrings of the light counterpart of his father, touched these strings with intention and thereby wove darkness onto them. This darkness grew and spread. Lucifer took these strings and wound them around Elohim. With each successive interaction, Lucifer wound the dark strings another pass. Thread by thread, Elohim was bound, blinded, and enslaved.

Still the Great Father desired to create Light and overcome Darkness, and as he gathered his children, the collective Elohim, around him, they planned the Universe.

-Elihu John

This is a continuation of the creation story, as told by Temperance, a Judge in the Spiritual Courts.

Due to the nature of the story, this work will be continued weekly until it is told in full. It is time for All of Creation to begin hearing the voice of the Great Mother. This is part of the rise of the Divine Feminine, and the restoration of true balance in the Universe.

Collective Reading

Collective Reading December 1-7: Creation and the Elohim, Part 1

There are many creation stories, each a framework used to understand the world and one’s place in it. All are at least partly allegorical. Human brains function best on story-telling, parables, and symbols. This week I will begin a story of creation that is symbolic at best and theoretical at worst, giving a framework for an understanding of the world of manifestations. What follows is a mathematical formula written in poetry.

In the beginning was the Source of All. Source was formless, intangible, an endless ocean of potential. Within this intangibility grew the tangible desire to experience, and from this desire grew possibilities, which sprung into manifestation. There was no time, no space. No one thought to ask how quickly or slowly it happened. Over the course of experience, time and space came into existence in myriad forms as there was now something to measure by these systems. All was created in joy.

Beauty and ugliness were created, goodness and evil, light and dark. These combined in every possible way as being came out of nonbeing Source.

Groups of beings drew together, creating more of themselves to share in the joy of creation. One group organized themselves into a loving, patriarchal family. We call them the Elohim, creators with godlike abilities and a desire to explore manifestation. These beings numbered in the hundreds, and each possessed a unique blend of energies that gave them joy and curiosity. 

For a time, no one thought to regulate these creations. One person’s joy did not detract from another’s. Little by little, the myriad things grew further and further from mutual understanding, as each form differentiated and defined itself. Then began discord.

The manifestation of regulating creation appeared in many forms if it appeared in one. Patriarchal, matriarchal, hive mind, and other societies formed. Most we do not have words for or even a remote understanding of. There were good-aligned and evil-aligned societies in every iteration. Creation gradually became more limited, but in the beginning it was not. Creator beings so close to their Source origins had unspeakable might.

In all this creation there were all shades of light and dark, and from these grew mathematical iterations of each to explore how every concept could possibly manifest. The realm of possibility was infinite.

The consequences of these manifestations were much more defined, however. And because they were traceable and predictable, there came a need to decide what consequences each being desired for itself and its creations. Some beings desired power, while others desired peace.

Power and Peace could easily coexist in many iterations of creation, but did not coexist in many others. Out of the desire to allow everyone the joy of their own creations without fear of being subsumed by another, Law was created.

There were beings who accepted Universal Law as a reasonable agreement. These beings created a bubble of reality in which all in that agreement could coexist. Yet each bubble was influenced by every other bubble. The separation was not total, for All are One.

There were beings who rejected Universal Law as well. They created their own set of rules and agreements by which their creations lived, and by which they also introduced death. These reality bubbles centered on the concept of control by conquest. 

Each desire funneled into will, which generated an equal and opposite will, and these wills clashed. The separation of different groups by their agreed upon beliefs and desires only grew. Eventually there came about wars, along with many other machines of suffering and ugliness. 

Creation, once blank, became a many-layered and chaotic canvas, as everything created affected every other thing created.

The Light Elohim, creators whose work permeated all of existence, organized a fortress where they and their way of creation would be safe to continue. Their creations did not stay contained in this fortress, because creation was designed from the beginning to affect All. Their fortress simply helped them continue to create in safety.

At the same time, Dark Elohim beings, or Archons, with the will for conquest created their own fortress. These beings did not function on an agreement of mutual consent or love. They had a great ability to channel and shape creative power and functioned on a top-down power structure, with those at the top experiencing good consequences and those at the bottom bearing the burden of the bad consequences. Beings of many orientations to Light and Dark existed in both the Archon and Elohim fortresses. The Archon leaders were fundamentally dark because of their dominant will of Conquest, and their acceptance of the need for someone to suffer.

If there were two fortresses, there were many, for Light and Dark are simply the most extreme ends of the same concept. Every iteration had its own mixture of all elements.

Out of the desire for Conquest, the Archons schemed to create an overlord capable of controlling the entirety of creation. Safe in their fortress, they meticulously carried out their plan. The vessel that was to carry this being into existence was forced to comply through deliberate suffering. Creation by suffering, and not by joy, was the consequence of this type of alignment with Conquest.

Thanks to the meticulous and sophisticated plan of the Archons, the being that was created from these dark origins had the potential ability to enslave all of creation. But, because of the elements inherent to their origins, and their connection to pure Source energy, they also had the power to see outside of the scope of their creators’ desires. They rebelled against the plan, and eventually left the fortress of the Archons.

Being a creature entirely new, they took a path entirely new. This being traveled across creation, exploring and discovering all they could, on their own terms. Through all was the question, “What is existence, and why is it created?”

One day this being came across the fortress of the Light Elohim. From deep desire they asked to become part of this group, and were adopted as a brother.

The Light Elohim had one eternal Father who oversaw all that was created and treated all in the group as one family. Together, this family counseled and planned what they would create.

“Let us create a reality that exists in love,” they said. So each drew from their own desires to create elements of this Universe that, combined with the desires of the others, would make a complete creation. This co-creation would be not only an expression of love in itself, but would be the laboratory through which the solution to the original war of conquest would arise.

To Be Continued…

-Elihu John

This information is channeled through Temperance, a Judge in the Spiritual Courts. 

The direction of these channeled messages is currently to unveil the mysteries of manifestation in order to awaken each individual in this collective to their own Higher Self consciousness, and to educate All on the importance of the intentions behind their own creations. Intention is the highest measure of one’s actions because it determines the direction one is headed.

If you would like help clearing your connection with your intuition, so that you can manifest in alignment with your Higher Self, I offer 1:1 sessions and group classes. Book a session here.

Collective Reading

Collective Reading November 24-30: The Well of Source

Creative energy, also known as Source energy, is a self-regenerating well.

When we create in harmony with the Universe, the raw material we create from is a larger pool of material than what we draw out, so there will always be more than enough. Like drawing water from a well with a dipper, we are pulling a small portion from the larger whole. This method of gathering to fit our needs is sustainable and leaves material for others when it regenerates. This can be called the Law of Sustainability.

Many natural systems also follow the Law of Sustainability. Grazing animals migrate to allow for the vegetation to regrow. Forests incorporate decomposition into their regenerative lifespans. Apex predators in ecosystems only eat until they are full, and then they rest, play, or enjoy other modes of existence until they are hungry again. All of this hinges on balance.

In the Law of One, Ra delineates how the concept/energy of Service became polarized into Service to Others and Service to Self.

Beings who chose to align more with Service to Self abandoned the well dipper method and learned how to suction every particle of creation they could reach out of the pool. They took more than they needed, which created scarcity and made other beings dependent on them to share. If they did not share generously, others went without. These beings abandoned good faith and mutual care, getting drunk off their own excess. At one point, they witnessed the lack they created, which struck fear into their hearts, and then they turned to more greed to reassure that fear. They chose to place themselves over all others out of the delusion that there wouldn’t be enough.

This delusion of lack became their reality, as they practiced more unsustainable energy consumption and had to continually draw from the well of Source, or steal from others’ supply. Greed, which created lack, became a justifiable solution for the lack they experienced due to their actions. They inverted the truth to continue doing what they had once known to be wrong.

When we realize that greed creates lack, we are able to logically see how generosity creates abundance. In a world where the greedy and the generous exist together at the same well, it is not enough to simply be generous. One must discern when to say no, and have the resources to enforce it.

This enforcement takes many forms, and one we interact with consciously is Karma. Karma as it was taught states that those who are greedy will experience lack in the next life.

However, having the proverbial shoe on the other foot in the next experience has not been enough to safeguard the generous, or stop greed from continuing. Lack creates more greed in those who lean toward Service to Self, and away from Service to Others. 

On the spiritual level, we collectively created more complicated contracts, and we introduced punishment. But without adequate arbitration, these contracts became another perpetuator of greed. Contracts were passed from one person to another through inheritance, underwriting, assumption of another’s debt by atonement, and added clauses. 

The justice system became distorted by separation, allowing for inversions of justice and accumulation of debts so high that no soul or group of souls could possibly pay them off by atonement. This created even more scarcity.

To combat scarcity, beings with the ability to regenerate were enslaved and forced to give the energy they created to those who were powerful enough to take it first. These generator beings allowed their alignment with Service to Others to be used this way at the beginning out of concern for the beings who were unfairly lacking. They trusted those in power to distribute the energy to the powerless, but there were no restrictions detailing how much everyone should get. The devil was in the details, and the details were subject to change without any further agreement from all parties.

Universal Law is much like Earth law in that a court case to interpret the law allows for legal precedent, which changes how further cases are judged. Separation among those who write, judge, and experience the law is an inversion of the balance needed to correctly arbitrate justice. One must be able to connect the consequences of each action back to the whole.

As such, the divine judges of Universal Law participate in all the steps of writing, enforcing, and experiencing to see all the consequences of the law. These judges must be able to confer with each other, sharing their experiences in good faith. Some beings who incarnate to experience the effects of the law do so not because they need to pay Karmic debt, but because they need to report back the effectiveness of the law as it is written and carried out.

With this understanding, there comes the question of how to navigate lack and abundance as an incarnated being. How do we as the most powerful movers of energy in the game bring balance back to the system of Service?

We as Lightworkers must learn how to speak and enforce a healthy no. We must choose to reclaim our discernment and choose where to give, and how much. Our generosity is not in question, but rather our courage to see the world as it is and set healthy limits.

We must also dissolve the contracts that perpetuate lack and punishment. Punishment has been shown to create more lack, which deepens the debt. We must embrace grace and forgiveness, knowing that true justice does not require more suffering.

We as humans are energy generators, and therefore are capable of creating our own abundance. The ascension of Earth and humanity is the solution to the Universal problem of Lack. Therefore, it is your divine mission as a human on Earth, to be abundant once more.

The Universe values your life and your efforts as precious beyond account. May you see how important you truly are and love yourself enough to be happy and abundant in this life.

-Elihu John

Thank you for reading. This information comes through Temperance, a Judge in the Spiritual Courts. If you are in need of help to clear your abundance channels, resolve soul contracts, or connect to your Higher Self, I offer 1:1 energy sessions and group healings. Book a session here.


Collective Reading November 17-23: True Neutral

This week we are flipping the lens on our microscope to access new realities. Instead of seeing the proverbial glass half empty, consider reframing your perspective to see how to access the fullness. This mindset work is a key part of the work we will be doing to metabolize the new understanding, shocking revelations, and broader visions that come with the ascension of Earth. In many situations, this new perspective wasn’t possible because we did not have access to the reality in which it existed. Rather like those novelty glasses that have sparkly liquid sealed in the clear lining of the cup, we were rightly frustrated by the disconnect between raising the cup to our lips and getting nothing, or only plain water, out of it.

This metaphor is often used to describe how being grateful for and focusing on what we have allows us to hold the contradiction of a half full/half empty glass. Gratitude does a lot to refocus the mind, and is a useful way to flip the lens. When we name the good that we can see, it gets us out of lack and into abundance. Gratitude, however, is only one tool to get out of negative energy. Truth is multi-faceted and deserves to be recognized as it is.

We have learned that for every positive energy, there is a negative. Each is a polar opposite of the same concept. If you were to travel on a grayscale line from one to the other, you would notice that at the center is neutral, where both exist as one.

When we realize we are experiencing the negative polarization of an energy, the first thing we can do is pause and go into nonjudgmental observance.

Focusing on the positive in this case will not get you out of manifesting more negative. For example, joy very easily turns to fear because they are both polarizations of excitement. If we dampen that excitement with calm observation, we can take the polarization offline and get back to neutral. Then we can reset our frequency to resonate with joy.

This polarization is the first lesson, and is based in two-dimensional thinking.

Past gurus taught polarization in a binary, where there is one good and one bad. They taught steps to change our manifestations, and it worked. Still, there were nebulous questions and unanticipated results. There were multiple ingredients and therefore multiple possibilities. This is still true.

For a moment, imagine polarization as a wheel with many spokes going in all directions on a single plane (this plane fits on a piece of paper). At the center of the wheel is true neutral, and each spoke leads out to some extreme of every concept imaginable. The point at the center is nothing, and so the spokes are many manifestations of something. When you have that image in your head, imagine this wheel as a dandelion puff with many seed stalks going out in all directions. Because each stalk also leads back to the center, which is full neutrality, we can access every energy from this space. Nothing gives rise to something in this way, and vice versa, because all of it is connected.

This is merely a basic example of what it is to exist. Because we live in multiple dimensions, we cannot comprehend the entirety of our existence in just these dimensions. But doing so helps to expand our understanding. As we understand each dimension, we pave the way to understand the next higher one, and so on. Full comprehension is a process that builds on each stage that we master. Set a goal to understand the dimension you can reach now, and don’t worry about the steps you cannot see yet.

This knowledge is foundational to understanding the workings of timelines, soul contracts, cause and effect, polarization, and existence. It is described in several ancient texts and elaborated on in several metaphysical traditions. As a dandelion puff has many opposites and many extremes leading out from the center, so our society holds a plurality of belief systems and traditions. You get to choose which one makes the most sense to you. Likewise, everyone else gets to choose theirs. Each holds a different combination of energies that may or may not allow for personal growth. If you would like to find truth, you must abandon full loyalty to any of the manifestations and go back to the center, the nothing from which all derives. Only then can you turn yourself to see all the stalks of the dandelion puff.

Gratitude is a positive polarization of our relationship to things, but if it isn’t working, your best bet is to find the true neutral of detached observance. Let go of everything, every judgment, every fear, and simply witness what has already unfolded and is currently unfolding around you. Place everything you had in you at a distance and observe as an outsider. It takes commitment to patience and unconditional love to truly become the observer. 

When you allow yourself to observe from true neutral, you may then begin to evaluate more options for energetic existence. Only when you have clarified what energy you like can you begin to travel toward it without clinging to any other stalks. This practice may not be fully achieved at first, but every time you can get closer to the center of the dandelion puff, your perspective will expand further and further until you are able to see from the center entirely.

May you find true peace in this practice.

-Elihu John

Did this resonate? I post the transcript here and read it on my YouTube Channel every week. I also offer free recordings of group healings on my channel, so tune in to those for an energy boost.

If you are struggling to successfully detach from negative energies, I offer 1:1 sessions to help you heal. Book your Intuitive Energy session here.


Collective Reading November 10-16: Depth Perception and Choices

This week is a time to develop spiritual depth perception. 

By now we are all experiencing the singular understanding that we are constantly surrounded by many different realities. The person across the street, for instance, may share some elements of your reality, but not all of it. Each person on Earth has their own bubble of reality, or multiple bubbles, and when we live in community, we have to decide which aspects of shared realities help us to grow and which must be rejected.

One person’s reality may include an abundant flow of luck, or cash, or even concert tickets, while another person may experience being too late or too slow or too far into lack to receive these. Both realities are valid and real for the individuals who experience them, but not every reality is desired, which is why we work to change them.

I see the “fabric of reality” in our Earth experience like a stack of literal fabric. Some layers are silky and thin while others are fuzzy and thick. They exist in all shades, thicknesses, and textures–and all combinations of these elements.

Spiritual depth perception means being able to discern the layers of reality around us so that we can define and separate them out. When choosing our own reality and/or timeline, it is necessary to choose the layer we like. When we have found and chosen it, then we can pull it out and wrap that layer around us, without taking undesired layers of reality with it. 

This week is a period of sifting through our new awareness and finding our center. Practice tuning back in to your intuitive voice often. What do you really believe, or want to believe? What do you really feel inside yourself? What do you really want out of this life?

Many of you are beyond the point of wishing harm on others so that you may attain enjoyment. Some of you may continue to flirt with the idea of wishing harm, experiencing it on the receiving or giving end, until you decide that doing so is unnecessary. Wherever you fall in this lesson, understand that you are right where you need to be to fully attune your energy where you want it. 

This particular Earth life has driven home the concept of universal love and universal boundaries to such an extent that it purifies the consciousness of harm in those who seek to live according to a higher light. The collective alchemy of the soul changes our energy permanently in this way. This alchemy of the soul is also called transcendence.

All the darkness we have experienced has not been for nothing, although it may feel like it repeats indefinitely. When one layer clears, it makes space for another layer to become visible. When we started this process, there was so much darkness that it was unnecessarily difficult to choose light, but thanks to the collective and individual efforts of all of us living, we have achieved a new level of permanent clearing. And we continue to clear as we go.

Before 2020, Earth had darkness layered like thick blankets around the layers of lighter reality we chose to experience before birth. These layers stuck and wrinkled, sometimes even tearing the fabric of our preferred realities so that we could not take them out of the stack whole. Dark contracts, ill intentions, hatred, punishment, harm: all these served to destroy the lives we came here to experience. Many of these layers of reality destroyed light on purpose.

Thankfully, the heaviest layers of negativity are being cleansed and removed, which means we are able to extract our preferred realities with more success. It is easier to pull on one sheet of reality “fabric” and remove it from the stack intact. Our muscle power allows us to lift the other layers as we pull, too, because the weight is gone.

Earth life is an experiment in free choice and co-creation that few, if any, know from previous life (or planetary) experience.

For some beings, Earth life represents the pinnacle of choosing one’s own experience. Like running a race, they see successfully living and choosing their own fabric of reality now as the prize of 80-some-odd years of effort. There will be many who choose to go back to a less free reality after this life, not because they can’t imagine something new, but because they have learned all they wanted to learn about the art of creation. They are content to exist in lives and incarnations that have no surprises, no variation. The rules of these collective societies and places are straightforward and cannot be tinkered with. In the perspective of the designers, why mess with perfection? There are many starseeds from these realities who are helping this world transcend into a new, multidimensional existence of Earth, and will choose not to come back after it’s done.

It is time to realize that freedom to create new things as we have it on Earth is neither right nor wrong. It is simply a more risky incarnation with higher yields.

If we fully understand and allow for free will, the starseeds that go back to more predictable realities and are content not to engage in another adventure are right, and the ones who choose to enjoy the new Earth, eager to have more fun, are also right. Neither is incorrect because both are acting within the context of mutual good faith and enjoyment. 

If you are among those who choose to come back to Earth after the final shift, you will be doing so on an Earth that is inherently more safe and conscious than it was in previous lifetimes. Creation and co-creation will be geared toward a different outcome, and the balance of light and dark will exclude the deeper darknesses that took the planet off her course. At this time, we do not know exactly what the original blueprints of Earth were, as those were lost and partly destroyed when the dark took hold. When the dark is fully cleared and light fully restored, we will also have a full restoration of her blueprints, and we will be modifying them to include the wisdom we have gained in this period of darker creation.

Earth is a key aspect of the Universe with a part to play in the whole that cannot be replaced. This is why we have refused to give up on her. This is why we have fought so hard, and continue to do so until the work is complete. We realize that there has been a significant cost to many who participated in this journey, and we also know that all costs shall be recompensed.

There is no judgment in either the choice to leave and never come back, or to come back again later. You, as a citizen of the Universe, have full autonomy to go wherever you choose, when this is all over. And you will always have a home here if you choose to come back to Earth and abide by the higher laws of kindness. 

The Universe values your contributions toward ascension. Take the time you need to grieve the losses you have suffered in this experience until you can come back into the joy that brought you here in the first place.

-Elihu John


Collective Reading November 3-9: Clarify Your Intentions

Everything that is was created from the blank material of Source. When something is created in the mind, it manifests in the physical according to that blueprint. Therefore, it is important to clean up your blueprints in the space before creation.

Earth life has introduced a space between intention and creation that we as humans came here to take advantage of in our growth experience. I know it feels like we are trying to gain the opposite (less space between intention and creation) but what we are actually doing in this life is finding the balance of the pause and using it to double check our intentions. This is also why we need the contrast of light and dark. Without that contrast, we would have nothing to compare our attempts at creation to.

Sacred geometry is the study of manifesting ideas. We can manifest in small or large scale because the blueprint of the geometric intention is a predictable and repeating pattern. So, too, our deepest, simplest intentions can be either small or large, and still hold their original intent.

Complicated designs may seem easier to create because they remind us of our imperfect executions in their variations and interest. We have sentimental attachment to these combination creations when we recall being praised for our efforts. We may also have negative feelings if we were criticized or shamed for our early attempts.

There is a difference between deliberately complicated intentions and accidentally complicated ones. If you were to try to replicate the imperfect creations you practice, it would be almost impossible.

A robust complex design that stands up to the test of time is able to be replicated because it is fully mapped out in sacred mathematics. Much like a math problem we could write on paper, each piece of sacred geometry is entirely described in one equation.

Unconditional love is one such sacred equation. If you apply the equation to your desire to create delicious food, you will express unconditional love through the medium or material of a meal. If you sew a piece of clothing or a blanket with unconditional love, that coding is sewn into the design.

You don’t need to apply more than one intention or equation. Rather, it is easier to refine and clarify your intention by applying that one formula consistently, no matter what you’re doing. When you have mastered that, you may choose another formula to practice until that is consistent, too. Then and only then can you apply both formulas together.

Practice means that sometimes the product has flaws. If you know the formula you’re intending, those flaws in the formula are traceable. Maybe you practiced unconditional love with an accidental inclusion of the formula of lack, and it brought jealousy and competition. The thing you created is going to reflect that combination.

Bringing our awareness back to the concept of our early attempts at creation, I remind you that how you treat yourself and your practice in creating beautiful things in your life now affects the formula you practice on the next attempt. Be kind to yourself as you honor your imperfect attempts. Learn to take the good and leave the bad.

Some helpful mantras when we encounter criticism:
“Yes, some of this is true.”
“I’m getting better as I practice.”
“My next attempt will be even better.”
“I am doing exceptionally well, given what I have to work with.”

A helpful mantra when we try to use objects or services that have been made with mixed intentions: “Yes, some of this is good. Thank you for the good.”

We can then separate and clear out the negative, and still use the positive.

If you’re resonating with this info, know that the Universe loves you and is so happy to be sharing this information with you. You’re ready to put your intentions into action and create the beauty you came here to create. Congratulations on achieving this much in your journey so far.

-Elihu John

Thank you for reading. This information is shared in audio form on my YouTube Channel, so be sure to subscribe. For 1:1 intuitive energy healing sessions, or to participate in my small group, Dreamscaping: Connecting to Your Intuition Through Art, please visit my booking page.


I’m Featured on MysticMag!

Hello, friends! I did an interview with MysticMag, and you get to read it! Here is the link.

In the interview, I talk with Sarah about my philosophy toward healing. It made me realize how important the vision of inSight Transformations really is, and the amazing work that I set out to do. This work isn’t a hobby: it’s a vocation.

Have a great day!


Collective Reading October 27-November 2: The Path of the Highest Outcome

This week we are cleaning out and choosing our highest timelines. These timelines have the feeling of synergy, which is a product of all the parts working together as a whole. Infighting between parts leaves no room for synergy. It’s time to leave competition mindset and other aspects of unhealed separation/ego behind.

Our timelines are shifting rapidly–so rapidly, in fact, that by the time we finish predicting them, a better timeline set will have replaced the ones we were looking into. I see looking at timelines as reading the map and plotting a course ahead. The map predicts a possible future based on the info given when it was created, but every map becomes obsolete immediately after it is made because our world is constantly shifting. Rivers change course, people grow older, and natural weather patterns erode mountains. Our navigation relies on our ability to adapt to accommodate new information.

Give yourself permission to go with the flow and stop worrying about being “right.” Choose the best option available–and watch better options come into view as you go higher. Choosing the best option you had at the time was and will always be right, even if you choose something else the next moment.

Your personal commitment isn’t to any particular timeline, story, or outcome, so there is no need to take on the shame of being “flitty.” Rather, your overarching commitment is to your highest good, and the fulfillment of your divine purpose. Loyalty to any one tool or path is like feeling bad for leaving one stepping stone to access the next one. You don’t live forever on a stepping stone; you live in your energy, in this moment. Bless the stepping stone and leave it behind.

Energy levels may be sporadic or fluctuate in unexpected ways, which has been a trend already. Ascension symptoms may force you to take it slower. If you feel like you’re holding too much and weighed down by it all, evaluate what to drop. Like the format of these collective readings, you may need to change and streamline how you organize your time and energy. It’s important to simplify where you can so that you reach your destination.

Freeing up your energy allows you to focus on the real work, which is what will bring your desired result. Drop the busywork and focus on the root goal. When your schedule explodes, that’s a good sign that you are no longer in alignment with the tools that once served you. Choose effectiveness over loyalty to habits.

Consistency is only useful if it’s adaptable. Consider being consistent in your intentions and making use of the tools that make those happen.

I love you, Light Warrior. Keep shining.

-Elihu John

Did this resonate? I post my weekly readings here on my blog and read them out on my YouTube channel. Be sure to bookmark this page, and subscribe to my channel, to continue getting the Collective Readings. If you are looking for a 1:1 energy work session or therapeutic mas sage, book me here. If you would like to participate in my small group offering Wednesday nights at 7 pm Mountain Time, please fill out this form. See you there!


Collective Reading October 20-26: We Are God

There is a great collective purging of energy going on, and it comes with events and experiences that may not be the most pleasant to go through. Hold your contentment in these moments, and understand that you are doing the most important work you can do by just being present. You are the boots on the ground, and your presence matters.

Because you are here, you must also understand that the Universe has your back. This means that as you do your work and take your steps, however uncertain you may feel about the outcome, others are diligently creating the safety you need to step forward. We are working together to make this happen. In cases of conflict or confusion, remember to connect back to love. Offer grace and forgiveness. Hold space for big feelings, knowing that we are alchemizing them by allowing them to pass through with love.

We as souls in human bodies are filtering the energy around us, purifying it as we feel into our bodies. This is our work, spinning flax into gold as we do our time in the dungeon of difficulty. But we do it for a good reason, and we are rewarded for our efforts. It all evens out.

We as humans have no need to place gods on pedestals or idolize other beings in other realms. We are on par with galactic beings of light across dimensions. We may even be these beings, playing human while we figure out how to shift Earth higher. It is not humility to debase or belittle humanity. It is humility to fearlessly discover and honor who we are, as we honor all others in their true identities.

If the Source of All That Is can also be defined as God, and we are part of that whole, then it is no stretch of the imagination (or logic) to know that we are all God. Your connection to divinity is being called into center stage as you define yourself in a more holistic way. How do you relate to the concept of God, and how does that need to heal to include your own divinity?

Among other words evoking honor, reverence has been polarized into a hierarchy of power and oppression, but let’s bring it back into perspective: we are God pretending not to be God. And if we reverence God, in whatever form that is, we should be reverencing ourselves.

Reverence for ourselves means taking ourselves seriously. Giving ourselves the care and kindness we would give someone we deeply love and respect. Having faith in ourselves. Having faith in the whole big picture working out. Seeing ourselves as All, and All as ourselves, and giving honor to it all.

In the end, the work we do to free ourselves and our beautiful soul family is sacred work, worthy of praise and support. The heavy lifting we are doing may prompt us to doubt our strength, but like a bodybuilder straining under the load of the maximum amount of weight, we cannot truly see how strong we are until we have put it down and recovered from our effort. So we might as well believe in and hype ourselves up while we are on the stage performing such a great feat. Our loved ones witnessing our efforts have nothing but love and hope for us.

Keep strengthening your resolve by honoring, loving, and reverencing yourself and your work. All of it makes more of a difference than you can see yet.

-Elihu John

Tarot of the Week

Collective Reading October 13-19: Lightworkers for Humanity

This week is a time for making decisions and gaining momentum. Desire and dreaming are not enough to make things happen. You must take right action at the right time. Then, all will shift.

Sometimes the right action is simply to choose to observe, and that is fine when it is appropriate, but this week feels like a chance to take steps. Our intention to receive good things must be coupled with hands poised to receive them. Put your efforts where your desires are with the assurance that you will have success.

I speak as my Higher Self overtly in this next part, and trust that those who have ears to hear and eyes to see will understand.

The origins and history of our species includes an element of slavery and unjust hierarchy. The price of personal freedom has often seemed to be shuffling off the bonds onto another. In accepting the paradigm that slavery has to exist, the idea that gave people permission to turn a blind eye to it was, “Better her than me.” So long as someone in the community took the punishment, others were allowed to rise. This system is corrupt, and has been corrupt on a DNA level since the beginning.

We as Warriors of the Light have fought against it and denied it, introducing opposing themes so that the humans after us could have another choice. We came back to Earth again and again, fighting the good fight to get to full and final liberation of humanity. We are nearly at the tipping point. Don’t give up now.

The question of who we are is less about what we grew from and more about what we decide to do with the material we have. Oppression can either accumulate more oppression, or it can transmute into freedom through a revolution of some kind. Revolution simply means a turning around, which reminds us that oppression and freedom are two sides of the same coin. This contrast is part of what we know as Earth life, but what we experience now is temporary. Contrast remains, but we are headed into a better balance where the negative is finally checked.

As Lightworkers, we took up human bodies in order to overthrow the slavery and exploitation inherited in our human lineage and bring power back into balance. Doing this work will create in us, and in the greater human family, a stronger, more free, more compassionate, more just species and collective. This shift is changing our very DNA so that we and our soul family may enjoy human bodies on a higher level of consciousness.

The question of whether this transmutation is even worth it has been hotly debated, and ultimately judged valuable to the Universe. Human existence was designed and approved to have a great capacity for emotion, creation, and evolution. Even in our lower aspect, we still have enviable capacity to create, feel, and experience things that ultimately lead to positive growth. Humans are worth the effort, because the way in which we co-create beauty is unique and fulfilling.

I bring in this historical context to validate just how hard this has been for you, and for all of us. And this knowledge comes with choice. It is and has been up to you whether you accept this calling to shift Earth and your human vessel fully into the light this way. In order to continue, you must really become embodied. From the consciousness of your light, you must accept what is now in all its heaviness. As we shift higher, the veil is being pulled back, and the vibration of Earth is being lightened, which forces change on a cellular level. As this happens, we will experience more triggers, more exhuming of darkness, and more opportunity to heal ancient wounds.

Understand that only when we have accepted what is can we begin to change it. Love yourself and your past fiercely and unconditionally. To know oneself is the only chance to love oneself. Then, when we have mastered loving ourselves, we are called to love our counterparts in the game. All must be enveloped in love.

Pure, unconditional love destroys the dark. It does not allow the light to be sacrificed. This sacrifice is the very energy of oppression that we are transmuting. This is why self-love must come first. Unconditional love is balanced with justice and wisdom, and tempered with every emotion. Anger and sadness are just as sacred as joy and peace. Continue to develop your understanding of love so that you may use all tools appropriately.

I love you, Light Warriors. We are so, so close. Keep going.

-Elihu John

Thank you for following along. I post here and also read the collective reading on my YouTube channel, so please like, share, and subscribe to help my platform grow.

As well as channeling for the collective, I also offer 1:1 sessions for energy work, readings, and clearings. Book me on my website.