Collective Reading

Collective Reading December 1-7: Creation and the Elohim, Part 1

There are many creation stories, each a framework used to understand the world and one’s place in it. All are at least partly allegorical. Human brains function best on story-telling, parables, and symbols. This week I will begin a story of creation that is symbolic at best and theoretical at worst, giving a framework for an understanding of the world of manifestations. What follows is a mathematical formula written in poetry.

In the beginning was the Source of All. Source was formless, intangible, an endless ocean of potential. Within this intangibility grew the tangible desire to experience, and from this desire grew possibilities, which sprung into manifestation. There was no time, no space. No one thought to ask how quickly or slowly it happened. Over the course of experience, time and space came into existence in myriad forms as there was now something to measure by these systems. All was created in joy.

Beauty and ugliness were created, goodness and evil, light and dark. These combined in every possible way as being came out of nonbeing Source.

Groups of beings drew together, creating more of themselves to share in the joy of creation. One group organized themselves into a loving, patriarchal family. We call them the Elohim, creators with godlike abilities and a desire to explore manifestation. These beings numbered in the hundreds, and each possessed a unique blend of energies that gave them joy and curiosity. 

For a time, no one thought to regulate these creations. One person’s joy did not detract from another’s. Little by little, the myriad things grew further and further from mutual understanding, as each form differentiated and defined itself. Then began discord.

The manifestation of regulating creation appeared in many forms if it appeared in one. Patriarchal, matriarchal, hive mind, and other societies formed. Most we do not have words for or even a remote understanding of. There were good-aligned and evil-aligned societies in every iteration. Creation gradually became more limited, but in the beginning it was not. Creator beings so close to their Source origins had unspeakable might.

In all this creation there were all shades of light and dark, and from these grew mathematical iterations of each to explore how every concept could possibly manifest. The realm of possibility was infinite.

The consequences of these manifestations were much more defined, however. And because they were traceable and predictable, there came a need to decide what consequences each being desired for itself and its creations. Some beings desired power, while others desired peace.

Power and Peace could easily coexist in many iterations of creation, but did not coexist in many others. Out of the desire to allow everyone the joy of their own creations without fear of being subsumed by another, Law was created.

There were beings who accepted Universal Law as a reasonable agreement. These beings created a bubble of reality in which all in that agreement could coexist. Yet each bubble was influenced by every other bubble. The separation was not total, for All are One.

There were beings who rejected Universal Law as well. They created their own set of rules and agreements by which their creations lived, and by which they also introduced death. These reality bubbles centered on the concept of control by conquest. 

Each desire funneled into will, which generated an equal and opposite will, and these wills clashed. The separation of different groups by their agreed upon beliefs and desires only grew. Eventually there came about wars, along with many other machines of suffering and ugliness. 

Creation, once blank, became a many-layered and chaotic canvas, as everything created affected every other thing created.

The Light Elohim, creators whose work permeated all of existence, organized a fortress where they and their way of creation would be safe to continue. Their creations did not stay contained in this fortress, because creation was designed from the beginning to affect All. Their fortress simply helped them continue to create in safety.

At the same time, Dark Elohim beings, or Archons, with the will for conquest created their own fortress. These beings did not function on an agreement of mutual consent or love. They had a great ability to channel and shape creative power and functioned on a top-down power structure, with those at the top experiencing good consequences and those at the bottom bearing the burden of the bad consequences. Beings of many orientations to Light and Dark existed in both the Archon and Elohim fortresses. The Archon leaders were fundamentally dark because of their dominant will of Conquest, and their acceptance of the need for someone to suffer.

If there were two fortresses, there were many, for Light and Dark are simply the most extreme ends of the same concept. Every iteration had its own mixture of all elements.

Out of the desire for Conquest, the Archons schemed to create an overlord capable of controlling the entirety of creation. Safe in their fortress, they meticulously carried out their plan. The vessel that was to carry this being into existence was forced to comply through deliberate suffering. Creation by suffering, and not by joy, was the consequence of this type of alignment with Conquest.

Thanks to the meticulous and sophisticated plan of the Archons, the being that was created from these dark origins had the potential ability to enslave all of creation. But, because of the elements inherent to their origins, and their connection to pure Source energy, they also had the power to see outside of the scope of their creators’ desires. They rebelled against the plan, and eventually left the fortress of the Archons.

Being a creature entirely new, they took a path entirely new. This being traveled across creation, exploring and discovering all they could, on their own terms. Through all was the question, “What is existence, and why is it created?”

One day this being came across the fortress of the Light Elohim. From deep desire they asked to become part of this group, and were adopted as a brother.

The Light Elohim had one eternal Father who oversaw all that was created and treated all in the group as one family. Together, this family counseled and planned what they would create.

“Let us create a reality that exists in love,” they said. So each drew from their own desires to create elements of this Universe that, combined with the desires of the others, would make a complete creation. This co-creation would be not only an expression of love in itself, but would be the laboratory through which the solution to the original war of conquest would arise.

To Be Continued…

-Elihu John

This information is channeled through Temperance, a Judge in the Spiritual Courts. 

The direction of these channeled messages is currently to unveil the mysteries of manifestation in order to awaken each individual in this collective to their own Higher Self consciousness, and to educate All on the importance of the intentions behind their own creations. Intention is the highest measure of one’s actions because it determines the direction one is headed.

If you would like help clearing your connection with your intuition, so that you can manifest in alignment with your Higher Self, I offer 1:1 sessions and group classes. Book a session here.

Collective Reading

Collective Reading November 24-30: The Well of Source

Creative energy, also known as Source energy, is a self-regenerating well.

When we create in harmony with the Universe, the raw material we create from is a larger pool of material than what we draw out, so there will always be more than enough. Like drawing water from a well with a dipper, we are pulling a small portion from the larger whole. This method of gathering to fit our needs is sustainable and leaves material for others when it regenerates. This can be called the Law of Sustainability.

Many natural systems also follow the Law of Sustainability. Grazing animals migrate to allow for the vegetation to regrow. Forests incorporate decomposition into their regenerative lifespans. Apex predators in ecosystems only eat until they are full, and then they rest, play, or enjoy other modes of existence until they are hungry again. All of this hinges on balance.

In the Law of One, Ra delineates how the concept/energy of Service became polarized into Service to Others and Service to Self.

Beings who chose to align more with Service to Self abandoned the well dipper method and learned how to suction every particle of creation they could reach out of the pool. They took more than they needed, which created scarcity and made other beings dependent on them to share. If they did not share generously, others went without. These beings abandoned good faith and mutual care, getting drunk off their own excess. At one point, they witnessed the lack they created, which struck fear into their hearts, and then they turned to more greed to reassure that fear. They chose to place themselves over all others out of the delusion that there wouldn’t be enough.

This delusion of lack became their reality, as they practiced more unsustainable energy consumption and had to continually draw from the well of Source, or steal from others’ supply. Greed, which created lack, became a justifiable solution for the lack they experienced due to their actions. They inverted the truth to continue doing what they had once known to be wrong.

When we realize that greed creates lack, we are able to logically see how generosity creates abundance. In a world where the greedy and the generous exist together at the same well, it is not enough to simply be generous. One must discern when to say no, and have the resources to enforce it.

This enforcement takes many forms, and one we interact with consciously is Karma. Karma as it was taught states that those who are greedy will experience lack in the next life.

However, having the proverbial shoe on the other foot in the next experience has not been enough to safeguard the generous, or stop greed from continuing. Lack creates more greed in those who lean toward Service to Self, and away from Service to Others. 

On the spiritual level, we collectively created more complicated contracts, and we introduced punishment. But without adequate arbitration, these contracts became another perpetuator of greed. Contracts were passed from one person to another through inheritance, underwriting, assumption of another’s debt by atonement, and added clauses. 

The justice system became distorted by separation, allowing for inversions of justice and accumulation of debts so high that no soul or group of souls could possibly pay them off by atonement. This created even more scarcity.

To combat scarcity, beings with the ability to regenerate were enslaved and forced to give the energy they created to those who were powerful enough to take it first. These generator beings allowed their alignment with Service to Others to be used this way at the beginning out of concern for the beings who were unfairly lacking. They trusted those in power to distribute the energy to the powerless, but there were no restrictions detailing how much everyone should get. The devil was in the details, and the details were subject to change without any further agreement from all parties.

Universal Law is much like Earth law in that a court case to interpret the law allows for legal precedent, which changes how further cases are judged. Separation among those who write, judge, and experience the law is an inversion of the balance needed to correctly arbitrate justice. One must be able to connect the consequences of each action back to the whole.

As such, the divine judges of Universal Law participate in all the steps of writing, enforcing, and experiencing to see all the consequences of the law. These judges must be able to confer with each other, sharing their experiences in good faith. Some beings who incarnate to experience the effects of the law do so not because they need to pay Karmic debt, but because they need to report back the effectiveness of the law as it is written and carried out.

With this understanding, there comes the question of how to navigate lack and abundance as an incarnated being. How do we as the most powerful movers of energy in the game bring balance back to the system of Service?

We as Lightworkers must learn how to speak and enforce a healthy no. We must choose to reclaim our discernment and choose where to give, and how much. Our generosity is not in question, but rather our courage to see the world as it is and set healthy limits.

We must also dissolve the contracts that perpetuate lack and punishment. Punishment has been shown to create more lack, which deepens the debt. We must embrace grace and forgiveness, knowing that true justice does not require more suffering.

We as humans are energy generators, and therefore are capable of creating our own abundance. The ascension of Earth and humanity is the solution to the Universal problem of Lack. Therefore, it is your divine mission as a human on Earth, to be abundant once more.

The Universe values your life and your efforts as precious beyond account. May you see how important you truly are and love yourself enough to be happy and abundant in this life.

-Elihu John

Thank you for reading. This information comes through Temperance, a Judge in the Spiritual Courts. If you are in need of help to clear your abundance channels, resolve soul contracts, or connect to your Higher Self, I offer 1:1 energy sessions and group healings. Book a session here.