You have reached the apex of this cycle of change, and are now ready to pick up momentum in your new direction. Expect things to improve and get easier quickly. You are no longer pushing your bike up the hill.
Everything that is coming to the surface is an image of what has already manifested. Sometimes we as humans don’t see just how bad it was until we get some distance from it. Now that you have that distance, you are invited to accept and recognize the experience for what it is. Be ruthless in your quest for truth, and fierce in your commitment to love.
Acceptance is the first step in changing what happens next. Acceptance involves believing what you perceive, and separating it from the assumptions you previously accepted as truth. An example of this would be realizing that you and someone you love do not agree on what movie to watch, and rather than continuing to believe someone is at fault and should change, you realize that you simply have different interests. If you don’t have to change your preferences to be loved, and they can keep theirs intact with dignity, you can come up with a compromise that allows each person to watch their own movie and spend time together doing something else.
When people can play together without having to play the same note, there is harmony. When realities diverge to the point of having no overlapping truths, the natural effect is separation. Let go of what does not serve you, and you will find more space for what does. It is okay to acknowledge that someone else is having a different experience of reality without you having to change yours, and vice versa.
In order to manifest the life you want, you must be unyielding in your dedication to your truth. You must set your sights on the beauty you wish to experience and act in a way that allows for it to show up.
Call a spade a spade, and then pick it up and use it to dig your garden. Everything that you experience is useful to identify what you do and do not want, so you know what direction to pursue. And when you know better, do better. Don’t worry about fault.
You are doing good work and it is paying off, even if you’re not seeing it yet. This divergence from what you knew will lead you to convergence with your beautiful new life and community. Keep going.
With love,
Elihu John
It’s here! Come to my virtual support group, Dreamscaping: Connecting to Your Intuition Through Art. This recurring event is for beginner to intermediate artists, and focuses on the process rather than the result. All you need is the ability to draw a stick figure and some basic shapes. We will set aside time for journaling and then sharing our experiences. We meet virtually Wednesdays at 7 pm MDT.