
Collective Reading July 28-August 3: Power in the Higher Self

This week we renegotiate our relationship with our own empowerment. From our Higher Self comes the call to remember who we are, and remember how powerful we are.

One of Fire/Wands is supported by One of Earth/Pentacles. This means potential for material gain as we continue exercising our personal power in the way that is aligned with our Highest Self.

Be aware that your intention energy is the key to really settling into your success. Your manifestations, or the things that show up in response to your energy output, are tools to purify your intentions.

If nothing that happened in this world mattered in the long term, what kinds of mistakes would you make as you fail forward?

I know that you are trying to make every effort a well thought out and successful one, but the truth is that perfect is the enemy of done, and getting feedback is the single fastest way to have the knowledge you need. There is a solution built in to every problem, and mistakes aren’t going to last the same way they did before.

Call upon your Higher Self, your guides, the Universe of Light, or whatever higher power you feel trust in this week. Ask for them to smooth the path before you, resolve things you cannot fix, correct you gently when you are wrong, and otherwise support you.

The Emperor is all about personal empowerment, so start naming the ways in which you are empowered. This brings your attention to a productive line of thought and calls more of it to you.

You’re going to want to rethink what you can give and receive. Are you feeling generous or people-pleasing? Are you feeling stingy or scared of running out? Identify fear-based decisions and step into courageous amd logical decisions. Be solution-oriented, affirming of your efforts and successes (and those of others), and keep moving forward in enjoyment and gratitude.

Obviously, this isn’t a time to throw wisdom away. 5 of Earth reminds you that wise generosity will put everything into order, whereas impulsivity causes stressful moments afterward which then block the flow of abundance. You have to keep pedaling the bike in order for the momentum to keep building, so if the answer is “not yet,” honor that. The pieces of the puzzle are more moveable than you can see at first. Connect them clearly, like the lines between the stars in the rectangle, and you will find that they make a thorough and easy to follow path.

Remember that there are helpful elements you cannot see, as the fifth star above the other four shows in Five of Earth. As above, so below. Do your own work, and ask for and allow your community to do theirs. It all adds up. Two of Water emphasizes the give and take of reciprocal relationships built on good will and generosity. Don’t write negative scripts for people that gunk up their ability to show up, just because you’ve been burned before. The people who are your people just want to show up and do their thing in peace. Let them, and then identify and express gratitude for it. Doing so will confirm your hunches about people, or give you new info that you can use going forward. There is no loss in this.

Lastly, have a great week, trusting that everything is working out for you in exactly the way you need, even if you can’t see how yet.

With love,

-Elihu John

If you would like 1:1 support through this theme of empowerment, I invite you to book an energy session with me. These sessions can clear mountains of work and leave you feeling refreshed and settled.

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