
Collective Reading November 3-9: Clarify Your Intentions

Everything that is was created from the blank material of Source. When something is created in the mind, it manifests in the physical according to that blueprint. Therefore, it is important to clean up your blueprints in the space before creation.

Earth life has introduced a space between intention and creation that we as humans came here to take advantage of in our growth experience. I know it feels like we are trying to gain the opposite (less space between intention and creation) but what we are actually doing in this life is finding the balance of the pause and using it to double check our intentions. This is also why we need the contrast of light and dark. Without that contrast, we would have nothing to compare our attempts at creation to.

Sacred geometry is the study of manifesting ideas. We can manifest in small or large scale because the blueprint of the geometric intention is a predictable and repeating pattern. So, too, our deepest, simplest intentions can be either small or large, and still hold their original intent.

Complicated designs may seem easier to create because they remind us of our imperfect executions in their variations and interest. We have sentimental attachment to these combination creations when we recall being praised for our efforts. We may also have negative feelings if we were criticized or shamed for our early attempts.

There is a difference between deliberately complicated intentions and accidentally complicated ones. If you were to try to replicate the imperfect creations you practice, it would be almost impossible.

A robust complex design that stands up to the test of time is able to be replicated because it is fully mapped out in sacred mathematics. Much like a math problem we could write on paper, each piece of sacred geometry is entirely described in one equation.

Unconditional love is one such sacred equation. If you apply the equation to your desire to create delicious food, you will express unconditional love through the medium or material of a meal. If you sew a piece of clothing or a blanket with unconditional love, that coding is sewn into the design.

You don’t need to apply more than one intention or equation. Rather, it is easier to refine and clarify your intention by applying that one formula consistently, no matter what you’re doing. When you have mastered that, you may choose another formula to practice until that is consistent, too. Then and only then can you apply both formulas together.

Practice means that sometimes the product has flaws. If you know the formula you’re intending, those flaws in the formula are traceable. Maybe you practiced unconditional love with an accidental inclusion of the formula of lack, and it brought jealousy and competition. The thing you created is going to reflect that combination.

Bringing our awareness back to the concept of our early attempts at creation, I remind you that how you treat yourself and your practice in creating beautiful things in your life now affects the formula you practice on the next attempt. Be kind to yourself as you honor your imperfect attempts. Learn to take the good and leave the bad.

Some helpful mantras when we encounter criticism:
“Yes, some of this is true.”
“I’m getting better as I practice.”
“My next attempt will be even better.”
“I am doing exceptionally well, given what I have to work with.”

A helpful mantra when we try to use objects or services that have been made with mixed intentions: “Yes, some of this is good. Thank you for the good.”

We can then separate and clear out the negative, and still use the positive.

If you’re resonating with this info, know that the Universe loves you and is so happy to be sharing this information with you. You’re ready to put your intentions into action and create the beauty you came here to create. Congratulations on achieving this much in your journey so far.

-Elihu John

Thank you for reading. This information is shared in audio form on my YouTube Channel, so be sure to subscribe. For 1:1 intuitive energy healing sessions, or to participate in my small group, Dreamscaping: Connecting to Your Intuition Through Art, please visit my booking page.

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