Collective Reading September 22-28: Self Love

There is a grounding effect in the guiding card, Eight of Earth, that is much needed this week. Transformation and creation are only as useful as our ability to root them into our lived experience, so connect back to your roots.

It can be overwhelming to witness and experience big changes with something solid to hold on to, let alone without that support. If you find yourself struggling, start with grounding back into your body.A tree withers and dies without its roots. Roots dry up if not planted in good soil and watered generously. In all your expansion, remember to come back to the simplicity that started everything. This whole operation is only as useful as the simple vision that started it.

This vision was so vivid and inspiring that when you received it, you gladly pledged your life to it. What kind of vision could have merited that? What kind of vision would need so much?

The vision was to express love, in your own unique way. In a world that has a lot of the opposite, you came here to create as much love as you could possibly channel, in the ways you were best suited to do so. The adage, “it takes all kinds to make a world,” applies here, but instead of allowing the focus to be muddled by assuming that darkness deserves to thrive, consider the many, many ways light can and should be expressed, and start looking for those people in your path. We are shifting the balance of Earth from an over-abundance of dark expression back to true balance, which means deconstructing how much darkness we should expect to encounter. In this project, we have so much support. If you feel unsupported or hopeless, this is your invitation to look for what is working for you. You truly have everything you need.

The Three of Pentacles at the hub of the wheel reminds you that your innate synergy was measured and deemed capable of this work. A butterfly is not merely the sum of its parts. The parts working together create a much larger effect. Remember who you are underneath all these parts you can name. Combined with the synergy of our whole network, we are more than capable of fulfilling our collective dream of bringing balance back to Earth. This is the vision.

You stand on the shoulders of many lightworkers who came before you. In our common goal, they paved the way as far as they could. Understand that your positive ancestors are still supporting you. They never left you alone. They cannot do the work that you are here to do, because their work is to hold their own energy for you to climb higher. A mountain is built of many grains of soil, and all of them must take up their own space so the whole may rise. This is a game where everyone wins, and no one’s position is better or worse than another.

Remember that the dark demands a zero sum game, but the light understands that a win for one is a win for all. There is no competition, and harm to one is harm to all. True love means keeping harm in check so that all are safe. Unconditional love includes unconditional boundaries.With right action at the right time, you are guaranteed to effect your purest intentions. The Sun card at the top invites you to choose a focus. It also reminds you that actual sunlight is quintessential to your physical and spiritual bodies. It is not enough to build roots underground or grow up from well-watered, well-drained soil. You must put forth leaves and absorb sunlight. You are basically a complicated plant with moveable roots. Act as such.Sunlight also means the love energy your soul craves, both from nature and humans. If you compare your growth to a tree, it is reasonable to remember that photosynthesis can only take place with leaves turned toward the Sun. Turn your attention away from the shadows of hatred and harm and toward the love that is freely offered. This love is found everywhere, and especially in nature. If you still aren’t finding enough of it in your surroundings, remember that this love is first and foremost within you. You have your own personal Sun. That is why your third chakra is called the Solar Plexus.

The one most deserving of your own love is you. Come back to loving yourself, and you will see your path clear again.

Much love to you,

Elihu John

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