
Collective Reading October 27-November 2: The Path of the Highest Outcome

This week we are cleaning out and choosing our highest timelines. These timelines have the feeling of synergy, which is a product of all the parts working together as a whole. Infighting between parts leaves no room for synergy. It’s time to leave competition mindset and other aspects of unhealed separation/ego behind.

Our timelines are shifting rapidly–so rapidly, in fact, that by the time we finish predicting them, a better timeline set will have replaced the ones we were looking into. I see looking at timelines as reading the map and plotting a course ahead. The map predicts a possible future based on the info given when it was created, but every map becomes obsolete immediately after it is made because our world is constantly shifting. Rivers change course, people grow older, and natural weather patterns erode mountains. Our navigation relies on our ability to adapt to accommodate new information.

Give yourself permission to go with the flow and stop worrying about being “right.” Choose the best option available–and watch better options come into view as you go higher. Choosing the best option you had at the time was and will always be right, even if you choose something else the next moment.

Your personal commitment isn’t to any particular timeline, story, or outcome, so there is no need to take on the shame of being “flitty.” Rather, your overarching commitment is to your highest good, and the fulfillment of your divine purpose. Loyalty to any one tool or path is like feeling bad for leaving one stepping stone to access the next one. You don’t live forever on a stepping stone; you live in your energy, in this moment. Bless the stepping stone and leave it behind.

Energy levels may be sporadic or fluctuate in unexpected ways, which has been a trend already. Ascension symptoms may force you to take it slower. If you feel like you’re holding too much and weighed down by it all, evaluate what to drop. Like the format of these collective readings, you may need to change and streamline how you organize your time and energy. It’s important to simplify where you can so that you reach your destination.

Freeing up your energy allows you to focus on the real work, which is what will bring your desired result. Drop the busywork and focus on the root goal. When your schedule explodes, that’s a good sign that you are no longer in alignment with the tools that once served you. Choose effectiveness over loyalty to habits.

Consistency is only useful if it’s adaptable. Consider being consistent in your intentions and making use of the tools that make those happen.

I love you, Light Warrior. Keep shining.

-Elihu John

Did this resonate? I post my weekly readings here on my blog and read them out on my YouTube channel. Be sure to bookmark this page, and subscribe to my channel, to continue getting the Collective Readings. If you are looking for a 1:1 energy work session or therapeutic mas sage, book me here. If you would like to participate in my small group offering Wednesday nights at 7 pm Mountain Time, please fill out this form. See you there!

Tarot of the Week

Collective Reading October 6-12: Go Within

This is a turning point for you, in which your Higher Self is coming through as much as you will let them. It is highly important this week that you do not engage in drama, but instead tap in to your deepest well of inner peace–and guard it from negativity.

Fitting in with everyone else who “cares” about what’s happening will not help anything. Commiserating is not going to solve the problem. Be sympathetic to the struggle, but you are here to remind yourself and your loved ones that we truly are able to rise and overcome all of it.

The biggest help you can be is to remember who you are; do what you can do when you have your boots on the ground; and balance rest with effort.

Worry does not fit anywhere in this. Once you have identified what is making you feel how you feel and connected it, take a breath and remember to ask for and look for the solution.

A helpful mantra: Wow, this feels so big. My feelings are reasonable for what I am experiencing, and I know that I am part of the solution as I send love to the situation. What can I do, and what can I ask for help with?

Do, ask, and then trust that the best help is coming. Find the evidence of that help and give thanks for it. Allow yourself to receive what you need with open arms, and block all that does not serve your highest good. Unconditional love, unconditional boundaries.

You may wish to transmute worry into prayer. Prayer is a helpful tool because it focuses our energies. Mantras and affirmations are a form of prayer, as well. You can also use your imagination to bring about a potential good resolution. Visualization based in hope adds light and opens doors to higher possibilities. Even if these ideas dont happen, they serve to open your mind to the potential of a better outcome. What if things go better than expected?

Love is always going to bolster you up. Remember to love and believe in yourself and your power, no matter what.

Your new reality is taking shape as you continue to hold your resonance.

-Elihu John

Did this resonate? I post the channeled reading here on my blog every week and also read the message on my YouTube channel. Be sure to subscribe!

Are you feeling lost in all the drama, like you can’t quite stay clear and peaceful in this sea of turmoil? Book an energy session so you can ground your peace into your life.


Collective Reading September 1-7: Run the Gauntlet

This week we have the opportunity to find out.

I hear the words, “Run the gauntlet.” A traditional running of the gauntlet was a ritualistic offering rather like releasing the over-abundance of a catch. The image I am getting with the phrase is of throwing back the fish that are too small, or releasing prisoners who had enough courage to dare to be free–or die trying.

We are the ones who survived and are now given the chance to escape. Will survivor guilt hold you back from claiming the opportunity that is yours?

There is no fairness in this predicament, when seen from this vantage point. You demand justice and equity for all. But if you don’t get out of harm’s way and return home to regain your strength (and reinforcements), who will come back to jailbreak those who can’t leave? Can you lift others to higher ground when you are not strong?

Survivor guilt robs you of the drive to succeed. And the irony is that you don’t need to see others with this lens of pity. We are each runners of our own gauntlet. This chance you have has nothing to do with anyone else, and vice versa. You manifested an opportunity for a better way of being, which was the whole point of your journey anyway. Trust that they have every opportunity to do the same.

You do not know what is behind the failures and successes of others. Pity robs them of their resilience and honor. Allow for things to be unfair now, and know that you have great ability to offer a helping hand when the timing is right, but the timing isn’t always right. You are not less good or less worthy when you are unable to be of use. This is a time for you to receive and still be worthy.

Four of Earth cautions you to first turn the key in the lock, and then try the handle. You can open the door easily if you open it the right way. You don’t need to turn yourself into a battering ram.

Remember that your abundance feels like coming home. Your harvest is the fruit of your labors, and you have earned it. Even if you are tired or lacking drive now, your past efforts still have value. You will be able to give again when you have accumulated the strength and wisdom to do so.

Believe in your worthiness to receive good things and you will find the easy path through the gauntlet. It will work out the way you are ready for.

Live long and well,

Elihu John

Thank you for reading. If you haven’t yet, take advantage and schedule an Intuitive Energy Session for 30% off. A recent client stated, “El is able to make you aware of the stuck energy in your body and have you think about it from a different perspective to help you release it.” Clearing the stuck energy brings ease by allowing for comfortable embodiment. This sale ends September 2 at 11:59 am MDT, and then full price sets in again. I’m excited to be part of your healing journey.


Channeling How-To: A Loose Guide

In my small group meeting this week, Dreamscaping: Connecting to Your Intuition Through Art, the topic of how to get into channeling mode came up, and I thought I would share it here. There are a lot of ways to tap into our intuition. I like to start with a guided meditation when I lead, but what if you’re doing it on your own? What if, when you complete a session in group, you want to go deeper into the information you received? Here is a handy guide.

Step One: Set aside some time when you will likely not be disturbed and gather your tools (pen and paper work great). 10-15 minutes is enough. Set a time limit for getting clear in your energy (5 minutes), but allow for surrender to how the session plays out. You may tap into another one of your clair senses, or you may need the relaxation more than the answers, and that’s okay. As long as you feel calm and content, that’s all you need to be.

Step Two: Clear your energy. Get into a quiet headspace using one or more of the following:

-sage and/or palo santo

-light a candle

-breathing techniques (box breathing, yoga or meditation breathing)

-healing music (chanting, Riverdancing, or other cultural music traditions are great as they are designed to help with aligning body and mind)

-sipping tea and/or eating a snack

-fidgeting or spinning in a chair (this is a body regulation technique and is valid)

Step Three: When you feel ready, pull up your paper and start creating. You may choose to put a date and a prompt on the top to focus your energy. Set the intention that what you create is from the highest source, in the highest good of all. Create a circle or a box on the paper for extra focus and protection. Draw or create without judgment.

Step Four: Automatic Writing. Start writing (or typing) and allow what comes to just be. Don’t edit. Don’t think. Feel interested. If it’s not right later, you can go back and revise, but these tend to be more correct the less you mess with them. When writing, you may start with “I don’t know what this is,” or ask a question in Q & A form: “What is the significance of this symbol?” “Why is this important?”

Step Five: Finish and close. When the time is done, step back and give yourself praise for finishing the task, no matter how it looks. Your boundary on setting aside only that time will also allow you to trust yourself to keep within your intentions, which will help you get in the zone next time, knowing that you can get out of it when expected (no guilt!). As you reinforce positive thinking, your abilities will come out of the woodwork more freely. A helpful mantra: “I did a great job, and I am satisfied with this practice session.” “If I don’t understand it now, I can receive more info as I stay in contentment.”

Don’t be surprised if more comes to light over time, or if certain words or symbols mean more things on more levels. It’s okay to laugh when it hits you, too. This is supposed to be healing and fun.

End the session in gratitude, place your paper in a designated place (a journal, folder, or binder work great), and carry on with your day/night.


Did this work for you? Let me know how it went in the comments. I also would love to see you in the group. These sessions are a fun and rewarding way to connect with like-minded people and practice our skills together in a supportive environment.

If you need a 1:1 session to help interpret what you have, or to clear any energy that comes up, here is the link to book, as well.

Be well, and enjoy!


Collective Reading August 18-24: Forward to Victory

When you know more, you can act from a place of more wisdom.

This week is about that balance between gaining knowledge and reaching into the unknown. It’s like you’ve learned how to use math formulas to calculate the outcome rather than just guessing. There will be new variables, but your formulas are more accurate now. Your past experiences have percolated into clarity.

20/20 hindsight is not the same as seeing everything ahead. At some point, you have to learn how to trust your own calculations and take the unknowns in stride. Your cause-and-effect brain is reorganizing through this shift, so if you’re acting in a more aligned way despite the unknowns, it’s because you’re using a better internal guidance system. It’s not a fluke.

Much of what has been happening on Earth in the last few weeks (years, if we’re being accurate) has been a recalibration of human software. We are shifting to higher timelines, upgrading anti-virus software, and expanding consciousness. This is all necessary.

What we don’t often see is the work being done behind the scenes. Trust that as you move forward, doors will open before you and close behind you. Your job is to just do what you’re supposed to do. You don’t have to carry the responsibility of anyone else.

Speaking of which, if you feel over-burdened, you may be carrying something that isn’t yours. Let that go in gratitude. If you feel overwhelmed, ask your inner guidance if the action you’re trying to complete is in divine timing. It’s okay to change your scope. Better to carry a load to the destination than spill what you’re carrying before getting to the end.

Even if you do spill, it’s going to be okay. You can recover.

The Chariot card reminds you that a step forward in any direction is still going to drive the mission forward. Someone else on your team may need to course correct, and you may receive some coaching, but that next step in an even better direction will never happen if you don’t take the one before it.

You’ve got this. The Universe has your back. Be optimistic and curious about how to move forward, and your energy will align with your beautiful future.

With love,

Elihu John


Want to learn to do energy work using basic art? Come to my small support group, where we practice drawing to tap into our intuition. We meet Wednesdays at 7 pm MDT. Here is the sign up sheet.

If you are in need of an energy session or 1:1 reading, I would love to work with you. Book here.


Collective Reading July 28-August 3: Power in the Higher Self

This week we renegotiate our relationship with our own empowerment. From our Higher Self comes the call to remember who we are, and remember how powerful we are.

One of Fire/Wands is supported by One of Earth/Pentacles. This means potential for material gain as we continue exercising our personal power in the way that is aligned with our Highest Self.

Be aware that your intention energy is the key to really settling into your success. Your manifestations, or the things that show up in response to your energy output, are tools to purify your intentions.

If nothing that happened in this world mattered in the long term, what kinds of mistakes would you make as you fail forward?

I know that you are trying to make every effort a well thought out and successful one, but the truth is that perfect is the enemy of done, and getting feedback is the single fastest way to have the knowledge you need. There is a solution built in to every problem, and mistakes aren’t going to last the same way they did before.

Call upon your Higher Self, your guides, the Universe of Light, or whatever higher power you feel trust in this week. Ask for them to smooth the path before you, resolve things you cannot fix, correct you gently when you are wrong, and otherwise support you.

The Emperor is all about personal empowerment, so start naming the ways in which you are empowered. This brings your attention to a productive line of thought and calls more of it to you.

You’re going to want to rethink what you can give and receive. Are you feeling generous or people-pleasing? Are you feeling stingy or scared of running out? Identify fear-based decisions and step into courageous amd logical decisions. Be solution-oriented, affirming of your efforts and successes (and those of others), and keep moving forward in enjoyment and gratitude.

Obviously, this isn’t a time to throw wisdom away. 5 of Earth reminds you that wise generosity will put everything into order, whereas impulsivity causes stressful moments afterward which then block the flow of abundance. You have to keep pedaling the bike in order for the momentum to keep building, so if the answer is “not yet,” honor that. The pieces of the puzzle are more moveable than you can see at first. Connect them clearly, like the lines between the stars in the rectangle, and you will find that they make a thorough and easy to follow path.

Remember that there are helpful elements you cannot see, as the fifth star above the other four shows in Five of Earth. As above, so below. Do your own work, and ask for and allow your community to do theirs. It all adds up. Two of Water emphasizes the give and take of reciprocal relationships built on good will and generosity. Don’t write negative scripts for people that gunk up their ability to show up, just because you’ve been burned before. The people who are your people just want to show up and do their thing in peace. Let them, and then identify and express gratitude for it. Doing so will confirm your hunches about people, or give you new info that you can use going forward. There is no loss in this.

Lastly, have a great week, trusting that everything is working out for you in exactly the way you need, even if you can’t see how yet.

With love,

-Elihu John

If you would like 1:1 support through this theme of empowerment, I invite you to book an energy session with me. These sessions can clear mountains of work and leave you feeling refreshed and settled.


Collective Reading July 7-13: Positive Karma

This week, we are breaking out of old patterns and seizing new opportunities. In the process of active change, your desires are more potent than you realize. The process of manifestation is depicted here.

In order to understand what you’re working towards, you must understand some key truths about your purpose here:

You were made for joy.

Your life is the solution.

Your perspective and journey in this plane of existence are necessary to completing the whole picture.

These truths have been described in previous readings, and will help you to recognize the next steps.

8 of Fire, the central card, is about multiple opportunities opening up for you, seemingly out of the blue. Choose the ones that excite you and align with your purpose. You have been asking for this and preparing your mind, heart, and body to be ready to leap up and grab what comes.

Remember that all must be done in unconditional love. Don’t let fear cloud your vision; allow it to give you insight into why you’re scared of something so you can judge what to do with it.

1 of Fire reminds you that when you are breaking out of a pattern that is toxic or no longer aligns with you, there may be some chaos until you set things in an order that works better. You may find that people who were comfortable to be around before simply aren’t matching up to your new vibration, and that’s okay. Honor their journey, and let them go. Everyone is on their own path. Sometimes these paths line up, and sometimes they diverge. If they cross paths with you again, it will happen naturally and can give insight into where you’re at–and why. The best action is to allow things to go their own way and focus on your own work.

Separation is an illusion. The fact is that we as a Universe are always, always connected to everyone and everything. You can never permanently lose what is truly yours, and you can never keep something you take from others. There is a part of you at a healed and whole level who has resolved every issue you face now. This is your Higher Self. Your Higher Self is a valuable resource to ask for help and guidance. Your Higher Self is part of your Soul Council and is in communication with your Soul Guides, who are present with you specifically so they can help you when you ask.

That being said, you do experience a very real separation, lack, grief, and hunger in this life. This is the contrast that teaches you what you do and don’t like. Once you have identified it, you can clear, retrieve, and heal it. This work is an important part of the cycle of life, and is the answer to the problems that brought you out of the experience of Oneness.

Your life is the solution to the problems of this world. All of us have come here to solve the part we can solve, and we are doing it by healing ourselves. One life at a time, one person at a time, one community of aligned individuals at a time. Our journeys are the harmony that make the music of the world, and if you listen, you can hear it resonating through you. What a gift you give to All That Is.

I love you. You got this. Keep going.

-Elihu John

Thank you for reading! If you have been searching for a personal reading or energy session, I would love to work with you. Book me on my website. Have a great week!

Intuitive-Tarot Reading

Collective Reading June 30-July 6: Choice Point

This week is about finding your flow, claiming your authenticity and your authority in your own life. As was your intention, you have done a lot of work to open up your gifts and use them for the highest good of all. These gifts from your Highest Self are meant to sustain you and the people with whom you associate. You in this body are an avatar of your true self, incarnated in order to manifest your divine design and contribute to the highest good of all. This noble endeavor is itself a gift to the Universe.

You have started sharing your gifts with others, which is wonderful, and now you have questions about what to do to flow sustainably. The Universe reminds you that you knew at one point that you didn’t know everything about the process of living. There was no way to really find out until you started doing it, so you jumped in–as you should have.

This experience is a process, and you’re doing everything you need to in order to be successful. Remember that you don’t need to know everything to be ready to learn. If you knew it already, you wouldn’t be on this path. Curiosity and observation will be your allies through this. Take the time to breathe and reset as needed.

The beginning of the process of learning is making a choice, as depicted in The Lovers. When you shift your attention to your choice and start pursuing it whole-heartedly, change happens. Things that needed to move in order to clear your way forward start falling away. Then, like finding the wall of a cage, you realize where you have been restricted all along. It can be difficult to process that realization.

Part of your process is letting go of things that didn’t work out, and mourning the loss of them. This is an important part of moving forward, but remember that the past needs to be left in the past so that you have your hands open and ready for something new. When you lean into gratitude for what you have, you will find more things to be grateful for, and more opportunities.

Making a choice is a powerful tool because your focus on it allows you to continue choosing it, over and over, and when you reinforce that pattern, you get the rewards for that choice. This builds into habit energy that begins to run itself so that you can focus on the next right choice.

If you feel that a choice is reaping negative results, go back to the choice point with that knowledge and make a new choice. This will give you the feedback you need to continue in a positive direction. Be gentle with yourself, knowing you did the best you knew with the information you had.

It’s all turning out well, so forgive yourself and move on. This next season is your greatest yet.

-Elihu John


Does this resonate with you?

You can get these readings delivered to your inbox by subscribing to my email list.

As well as collective readings, I offer personal sessions. Schedule a Tarot Reading to gain clarity on your journey, or choose from a variety of energy sessions designed to help you reach your goals. A Soul Contract Work session looks at the contracts you operate your life under and clears away false contracts, renegotiates outdated ones, and re-establishes personal freedom. An Authentic Self Realignment is perfect for finding your soul purpose and clearing blocks. Need something a little less specific? An Intuitive Energy session is perfect to give you that needed infusion of good energy. Book your session and start feeling better.

Want to learn how to do energy work on yourself? Stay tuned for updates on my class, Psychic Protection for Empaths.

Have you received a session and loved it? Leave a google review. All reviews are entered into a drawing to win a free distance energy session.


Collective Reading June 9-15: Community

The theme of this week is learning how to trust in love. Old patterns of fear and doubt urge you to close off from community, but nourishment is found by leaning in to healthy relationships. You have enough tools to identify and maintain better relationships than ever before, and if you feel yourself lacking, you have the tools to learn new skills. No attempt is wasted. Either you win, or you learn. There is no place for shame in the Path of Grace.

When you make mistakes, it is important to take accountability for your part. But if you see what your basic intentions are, you can see every action in context. You know that you’re doing your best in a noble and difficult cause. If you have slipped into an unconscious intention to cause harm, and you feel badly over it, you know that you can pause, walk it back, and make another choice.

Your subconscious is driven by the need to protect and nurture you. It will find the most reliable tools for the job, even if they are not the best tools. What need have you been trying to fill? Remember Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Consider also Bashar’s Hierarchy of Needs. It is hard to give from a place of lack, and drowning in unmet needs will place you in lack fast. If you find you are struggling to give from a place of abundance, take some time to change your mindset before proceeding. Get back into abundance with gratitude, positive self-talk, and whatever other tools you have learned.

The Mother Wound shows up in how we associate with nurture and nourishment this week. Understand that your early experiences were tinged with the human failings of others. Was it your fault that your caregivers did not respond well at times? No, of course not. And when you have failed to show up with a perfect response, do you regret how it impacted everyone? Of course you do.

We are all working with a very limited perspective, a veil of forgetting, a host of big feelings, and loudly contradictory advice. It’s not surprising that we may fail sometimes. The best thing for everyone is if we take the knowledge and conscious awareness we have now, add compassion, and try again with more tools. You were not meant to be perfect. But as a human, you need the practice learning how to be with other humans. You have highly valued the impact of your actions. Remember that your intentions matter, too, more than you know.

The thing is, your intentions do not match everyone else’s all the time, and it is often difficult to define what is going on in someone else’s head–especially when you are on the receiving end of their actions. You cannot fix someone else or make them see things your way. Set a boundary that meets your needs, offer unconditional love wherever you can, and keep setting and enforcing reasonable boundaries.

Being in community with others who have good intentions and are working on their skills will bring up old wounds. It will test your resolve and your awareness of your own issues. This is by design.

You are moving to a place of increased peace, abundance, and success. Let the old wounds come up to be exhumed, get help where you need it, and remember that the negative feelings are temporary. If you allow them to pass through without resistance, they will fade and be replaced by the joy and successes of your more recent work. Earth Father acknowledges the seeds of joy you have been planting and tending to. If you don’t see the growth above ground yet, trust that there is growth underground.

It’s all coming together for you. Keep going. You are only beginning to taste the fruits of your labors.

Thank you for reading this collective message. Feel free to browse previous weeks’ readings. For a personal reading, or an energy session to help you on your way, click here. Have a great week!

-Elihu John