Intuitive-Tarot Reading

Collective Reading June 30-July 6: Choice Point

This week is about finding your flow, claiming your authenticity and your authority in your own life. As was your intention, you have done a lot of work to open up your gifts and use them for the highest good of all. These gifts from your Highest Self are meant to sustain you and the people with whom you associate. You in this body are an avatar of your true self, incarnated in order to manifest your divine design and contribute to the highest good of all. This noble endeavor is itself a gift to the Universe.

You have started sharing your gifts with others, which is wonderful, and now you have questions about what to do to flow sustainably. The Universe reminds you that you knew at one point that you didn’t know everything about the process of living. There was no way to really find out until you started doing it, so you jumped in–as you should have.

This experience is a process, and you’re doing everything you need to in order to be successful. Remember that you don’t need to know everything to be ready to learn. If you knew it already, you wouldn’t be on this path. Curiosity and observation will be your allies through this. Take the time to breathe and reset as needed.

The beginning of the process of learning is making a choice, as depicted in The Lovers. When you shift your attention to your choice and start pursuing it whole-heartedly, change happens. Things that needed to move in order to clear your way forward start falling away. Then, like finding the wall of a cage, you realize where you have been restricted all along. It can be difficult to process that realization.

Part of your process is letting go of things that didn’t work out, and mourning the loss of them. This is an important part of moving forward, but remember that the past needs to be left in the past so that you have your hands open and ready for something new. When you lean into gratitude for what you have, you will find more things to be grateful for, and more opportunities.

Making a choice is a powerful tool because your focus on it allows you to continue choosing it, over and over, and when you reinforce that pattern, you get the rewards for that choice. This builds into habit energy that begins to run itself so that you can focus on the next right choice.

If you feel that a choice is reaping negative results, go back to the choice point with that knowledge and make a new choice. This will give you the feedback you need to continue in a positive direction. Be gentle with yourself, knowing you did the best you knew with the information you had.

It’s all turning out well, so forgive yourself and move on. This next season is your greatest yet.

-Elihu John


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Weekly Collective Reading June 23-29: Abundance is Yours

You are learning what it is like to be filled again. For so long, you’ve been scraping the bottom of the barrel on your energy reserves, money reserves, and every form of abundance. This was acceptable to you because you believed that having these things brought hardship or shame.

What really made you feel bad was not having the abundance, but rather the way people treated you when you had it. The jealousy, devaluing, and outright thievery you experienced caused you to believe that you would be safer if you just gave it all away. People-pleasing was rewarded with a lessening of the aggression. Eventually, you became convinced that you were always without, that that was all you had ever known. Paradoxically, these same thieves told you that because you had very little, you were less than them–as they flaunted your riches as their own.

A tool becomes dangerous in the hands of someone unequipped to wield it, and that is exactly what happened. Misuse and lack of wisdom created a worsening situation, until finally, you decided that it was time for you to step in and reclaim what is yours. Any honest mistakes you made couldn’t be worse than a deliberate abuse of power.

And that is exactly what you are doing. As you reclaim your rightful place, gifts, possessions, and relationships, you once again feel abundant. It may feel weird, and that’s okay.

Be patient with yourself as you adjust. Triggers will surface for you to deal with, but you have what you need to work through them. You deserve the abundance, and you are remembering what to do with it. It will feel natural again soon enough.

Thank you for reading. I post my weekly collective readings here and send them out to my subscribers.

Need a more personalized reading or energy healing? Book a session here.

Have a great week! You got this.

-Elihu John


Collective Reading June 16-22: Rectification

In order for something new to be created, you must first understand enough of what went poorly up until now to make different choices.

Not everything that happened badly in your life was your doing. Much like a child catching a cold in the first week of going to a new school, you simply were not prepared to fight off something you had never encountered before. How could you know what you didn’t know? How could you have immunity to something you had never experienced before?

The virus may not have been of your creation, but now that it’s in your immune system, it is your responsibility to get well.

There is no need to shame yourself for getting hurt. There is no need for blame. Tearing yourself or another person down for succumbing to illness merely adds insult to injury, and makes it harder to recover. Acceptance of what is and compassion for suffering are key.

It is tempting to be afraid of what happened to you or someone else, but fear is only useful when it catalyzes good action. If overused, it results in victim blame, wasted resources, and needless isolation. It is reasonable to wash your hands or wear a mask if you encounter illness. It is unreasonable to yell at someone to try to make them wash their hands or use a mask. Connection and empathy are antithetical to shame and control, and getting someone to do something up to your own standards out of fear either fails to work entirely or comes at the cost of the relationship. This manifests over time and is not easily visible right away to most people.

We as humans learn to shut down our perceptions because we are taught that seeing too much or pointing out what is wrong gets us in trouble. We learn how to remain silent, because we are afraid of the cost of failing. We have a lot to unlearn when we uncover our own intuition and spiritual gifts.

The gift of perceiving truth will ask you to sacrifice the shame and guilt you accepted so that you could fit in with people who wished to hide their own flaws. It will prompt you to pull back and tune out the voices of others so that your own voice is recognizable. The Hermit reminds you that there is authority in being able to hear and speak your truth. Being alone is sometimes necessary, but being lonely is optional.

You are creating light out of darkness, not because you made the dark, but because you have had the raw material to create light handed to you. Never underestimate your ability to alchemize darkness into light. Goodness is born out of the lack of it. You are the secret sauce.

This journey promises success and healing to those who accept it. Just as misfortune happened without you creating it, allow and expect miracles to happen when needed. You have everything necessary. Keep going.

Did this resonate? I offer personal readings and energy sessions on my website.

Schedule a Full Tarot Spread to gain clarity on your journey, or choose from a variety of energy sessions designed to help you reach your goals. A Contract Work session looks at the contracts you operate your life under and clears away false contracts, renegotiates outdated ones, and brings freedom. An Authentic Self Realignment is perfect for finding your soul purpose and clearing blocks. Need something a little less specific? A Reiki session is perfect to give you that infusion of good energy. Book your session here and start feeling better.

Have a great week!

-Elihu John


Collective Reading June 9-15: Community

The theme of this week is learning how to trust in love. Old patterns of fear and doubt urge you to close off from community, but nourishment is found by leaning in to healthy relationships. You have enough tools to identify and maintain better relationships than ever before, and if you feel yourself lacking, you have the tools to learn new skills. No attempt is wasted. Either you win, or you learn. There is no place for shame in the Path of Grace.

When you make mistakes, it is important to take accountability for your part. But if you see what your basic intentions are, you can see every action in context. You know that you’re doing your best in a noble and difficult cause. If you have slipped into an unconscious intention to cause harm, and you feel badly over it, you know that you can pause, walk it back, and make another choice.

Your subconscious is driven by the need to protect and nurture you. It will find the most reliable tools for the job, even if they are not the best tools. What need have you been trying to fill? Remember Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Consider also Bashar’s Hierarchy of Needs. It is hard to give from a place of lack, and drowning in unmet needs will place you in lack fast. If you find you are struggling to give from a place of abundance, take some time to change your mindset before proceeding. Get back into abundance with gratitude, positive self-talk, and whatever other tools you have learned.

The Mother Wound shows up in how we associate with nurture and nourishment this week. Understand that your early experiences were tinged with the human failings of others. Was it your fault that your caregivers did not respond well at times? No, of course not. And when you have failed to show up with a perfect response, do you regret how it impacted everyone? Of course you do.

We are all working with a very limited perspective, a veil of forgetting, a host of big feelings, and loudly contradictory advice. It’s not surprising that we may fail sometimes. The best thing for everyone is if we take the knowledge and conscious awareness we have now, add compassion, and try again with more tools. You were not meant to be perfect. But as a human, you need the practice learning how to be with other humans. You have highly valued the impact of your actions. Remember that your intentions matter, too, more than you know.

The thing is, your intentions do not match everyone else’s all the time, and it is often difficult to define what is going on in someone else’s head–especially when you are on the receiving end of their actions. You cannot fix someone else or make them see things your way. Set a boundary that meets your needs, offer unconditional love wherever you can, and keep setting and enforcing reasonable boundaries.

Being in community with others who have good intentions and are working on their skills will bring up old wounds. It will test your resolve and your awareness of your own issues. This is by design.

You are moving to a place of increased peace, abundance, and success. Let the old wounds come up to be exhumed, get help where you need it, and remember that the negative feelings are temporary. If you allow them to pass through without resistance, they will fade and be replaced by the joy and successes of your more recent work. Earth Father acknowledges the seeds of joy you have been planting and tending to. If you don’t see the growth above ground yet, trust that there is growth underground.

It’s all coming together for you. Keep going. You are only beginning to taste the fruits of your labors.

Thank you for reading this collective message. Feel free to browse previous weeks’ readings. For a personal reading, or an energy session to help you on your way, click here. Have a great week!

-Elihu John


Collective Reading June 2-8: Making Peace

There are rainbows and flags all over this reading. This is a confirmation of everything we are doing to stand up and be ourselves, exercise our rights as humans, and live authentically.

Wind Father has a special message this week: in everything you fight for, be sure you are finding solutions where everyone wins. There will always be differences, and championing your cause is right, but success comes in finding harmony. If it feels difficult, it is because you are coming across wounding, aka trauma, surrounding the problem at hand. While your emotions are valid, they may not be fully rooted in the present moment. Give yourself extra time and space to practice self-compassion this week. You’re doing a lot.

With movement forward, there can be a lot of noise. Your goal is to simplify what you can, tune out what you’re not responsible to fix, and keep going. There is so much possibility that it may feel overwhelming trying to pick one next step. The Chariot reminds you that all the choices you feel have potential will lead you where you’re going. There isn’t just one way to do this. Let someone else take the path that is most direct for them, while allowing yourself the path that makes the most sense for you. Again, being different from every other person on the planet is normal. Maybe the scenic route is better sometimes.

If there were no contention or disagreement, there would be no need to make peace. What if you stopped trying to make everything be something it isn’t and instead put your energy into doing what you’re supposed to be doing? You have enough energy to do YOUR job. Steve over there isn’t your problem.

Keep going. You’re doing the work to crawl out of the chrysalis and will soon catch sight of your beautiful wings.

-Elihu John

For a personal Tarot reading, energy session, or therapeutic massage, visit my booking page. Want the readings delivered right to your inbox? Subscribe here. Thanks for reading!