
Collective Reading October 27-November 2: The Path of the Highest Outcome

This week we are cleaning out and choosing our highest timelines. These timelines have the feeling of synergy, which is a product of all the parts working together as a whole. Infighting between parts leaves no room for synergy. It’s time to leave competition mindset and other aspects of unhealed separation/ego behind.

Our timelines are shifting rapidly–so rapidly, in fact, that by the time we finish predicting them, a better timeline set will have replaced the ones we were looking into. I see looking at timelines as reading the map and plotting a course ahead. The map predicts a possible future based on the info given when it was created, but every map becomes obsolete immediately after it is made because our world is constantly shifting. Rivers change course, people grow older, and natural weather patterns erode mountains. Our navigation relies on our ability to adapt to accommodate new information.

Give yourself permission to go with the flow and stop worrying about being “right.” Choose the best option available–and watch better options come into view as you go higher. Choosing the best option you had at the time was and will always be right, even if you choose something else the next moment.

Your personal commitment isn’t to any particular timeline, story, or outcome, so there is no need to take on the shame of being “flitty.” Rather, your overarching commitment is to your highest good, and the fulfillment of your divine purpose. Loyalty to any one tool or path is like feeling bad for leaving one stepping stone to access the next one. You don’t live forever on a stepping stone; you live in your energy, in this moment. Bless the stepping stone and leave it behind.

Energy levels may be sporadic or fluctuate in unexpected ways, which has been a trend already. Ascension symptoms may force you to take it slower. If you feel like you’re holding too much and weighed down by it all, evaluate what to drop. Like the format of these collective readings, you may need to change and streamline how you organize your time and energy. It’s important to simplify where you can so that you reach your destination.

Freeing up your energy allows you to focus on the real work, which is what will bring your desired result. Drop the busywork and focus on the root goal. When your schedule explodes, that’s a good sign that you are no longer in alignment with the tools that once served you. Choose effectiveness over loyalty to habits.

Consistency is only useful if it’s adaptable. Consider being consistent in your intentions and making use of the tools that make those happen.

I love you, Light Warrior. Keep shining.

-Elihu John

Did this resonate? I post my weekly readings here on my blog and read them out on my YouTube channel. Be sure to bookmark this page, and subscribe to my channel, to continue getting the Collective Readings. If you are looking for a 1:1 energy work session or therapeutic mas sage, book me here. If you would like to participate in my small group offering Wednesday nights at 7 pm Mountain Time, please fill out this form. See you there!

Tarot of the Week

Collective Reading October 6-12: Go Within

This is a turning point for you, in which your Higher Self is coming through as much as you will let them. It is highly important this week that you do not engage in drama, but instead tap in to your deepest well of inner peace–and guard it from negativity.

Fitting in with everyone else who “cares” about what’s happening will not help anything. Commiserating is not going to solve the problem. Be sympathetic to the struggle, but you are here to remind yourself and your loved ones that we truly are able to rise and overcome all of it.

The biggest help you can be is to remember who you are; do what you can do when you have your boots on the ground; and balance rest with effort.

Worry does not fit anywhere in this. Once you have identified what is making you feel how you feel and connected it, take a breath and remember to ask for and look for the solution.

A helpful mantra: Wow, this feels so big. My feelings are reasonable for what I am experiencing, and I know that I am part of the solution as I send love to the situation. What can I do, and what can I ask for help with?

Do, ask, and then trust that the best help is coming. Find the evidence of that help and give thanks for it. Allow yourself to receive what you need with open arms, and block all that does not serve your highest good. Unconditional love, unconditional boundaries.

You may wish to transmute worry into prayer. Prayer is a helpful tool because it focuses our energies. Mantras and affirmations are a form of prayer, as well. You can also use your imagination to bring about a potential good resolution. Visualization based in hope adds light and opens doors to higher possibilities. Even if these ideas dont happen, they serve to open your mind to the potential of a better outcome. What if things go better than expected?

Love is always going to bolster you up. Remember to love and believe in yourself and your power, no matter what.

Your new reality is taking shape as you continue to hold your resonance.

-Elihu John

Did this resonate? I post the channeled reading here on my blog every week and also read the message on my YouTube channel. Be sure to subscribe!

Are you feeling lost in all the drama, like you can’t quite stay clear and peaceful in this sea of turmoil? Book an energy session so you can ground your peace into your life.


Collective Reading September 29-October 5: Healthy Boundaries

For so long, you have felt like you were locked out in the cold, looking in on the abundance of others. This week we are finding our empowerment and claiming our abundance. Be firm in your belief in your worth.

The beginning of knowledge is understanding that you don’t know something. The beginning of abundance is realizing that you want something you don’t have.

Before you experienced lack, you experienced undifferentiated wholeness. There was no lack, and there was no abundance. There simply WAS.

Then, the question was asked, “What is this thing that I have, and what does it do for my experience?” Like a science experiment, this idea piqued your interest.

And so, you agreed to experience existence without that thing. You learned that not having it created problems, but the plan was always to attain it again. You enjoyed the idea of coming to appreciate that thing more. You decided that you would choose kindness when you felt badly, as well. You would be the good. In experiencing an abundance of lack, you felt the energies of sadness, jealousy, and competition. You felt fear and guilt, as well. Nevertheless, you knew that taking abundance from others would not fix your feelings, and so you chose poverty and self-denial until you could find your own abundance again.

At the same time, others also incarnated to experience lack, and their reaction to it created an insatiable hunger. They turned the energies of sadness, jealousy, and competition into justification for taking from others. They forgot that we are all part of the whole, and that hurting one hurts all. They chose not to care, deadening their feelings and separating themselves from the pain of the whole so that they could continue to inflict it. They shoved their guilt off onto their victims. You saw this and started to believe that poverty was the best way forward. You may have taken an actual vow of poverty at one point, as well. Betrayal got involved, causing community wounding. The social system skewed in favor of those with insatiable hunger to take for themselves.

This game is ending, and it’s ending now. In bringing the world back to wholeness, balance must be restored. We can no longer live in a world with such drastic imbalance, because the effect of it is pulling the collective Universe off balance. What began as a smaller game has spiraled into a disaster.

The higher powers of the Universe are stepping in to break up the game, and have been doing so for a while. The solution must match the problem, and that is why it has taken this long. If you feel big shifts, or feel you are part of these big shifts, you are correct. Keep balancing service to others with service to self inside yourself.

No light is ever wasted, and no true love goes unrewarded, in the long run. It is not your job to punish selfish people. It is your job to reclaim what is rightfully yours and be compassionate. That claiming is not punishment. Remember that self-compassion is as important as compassion for others. You cannot give to others if you have nothing to give. You cannot endlessly break your cup to fill someone else’s. Drop the guilt over feeding yourself.

The biggest factor in your success now will be your ability to hold healthy boundaries. Take time and energy to rest and refill your cup as needed (and give when you feel like it!). You are looking for reciprocal energy from others who believe in service to others in balance with service to self. A kind no is better than a dishonest yes.

The key is to start valuing balance above self-sacrifice. This will allow you to finally drop these negative emotions and ideas that held you back. Be gentle with yourself in this process. Creating safe space within you is the most effective way to heal the collective.

-Elihu John


Did this resonate? I post the collective reading here on my blog, send it out in a subscription email, and now I read it and discuss it on my brand new YouTube channel!

Are you feeling stuck, or searching for personal answers or support? I offer 1:1 sessions on my website. Book here.

Tarot of the Week

Collective Reading September 22-28: Self Love

There is a grounding effect in the guiding card, Eight of Earth, that is much needed this week. Transformation and creation are only as useful as our ability to root them into our lived experience, so connect back to your roots.

It can be overwhelming to witness and experience big changes with something solid to hold on to, let alone without that support. If you find yourself struggling, start with grounding back into your body.A tree withers and dies without its roots. Roots dry up if not planted in good soil and watered generously. In all your expansion, remember to come back to the simplicity that started everything. This whole operation is only as useful as the simple vision that started it.

This vision was so vivid and inspiring that when you received it, you gladly pledged your life to it. What kind of vision could have merited that? What kind of vision would need so much?

The vision was to express love, in your own unique way. In a world that has a lot of the opposite, you came here to create as much love as you could possibly channel, in the ways you were best suited to do so. The adage, “it takes all kinds to make a world,” applies here, but instead of allowing the focus to be muddled by assuming that darkness deserves to thrive, consider the many, many ways light can and should be expressed, and start looking for those people in your path. We are shifting the balance of Earth from an over-abundance of dark expression back to true balance, which means deconstructing how much darkness we should expect to encounter. In this project, we have so much support. If you feel unsupported or hopeless, this is your invitation to look for what is working for you. You truly have everything you need.

The Three of Pentacles at the hub of the wheel reminds you that your innate synergy was measured and deemed capable of this work. A butterfly is not merely the sum of its parts. The parts working together create a much larger effect. Remember who you are underneath all these parts you can name. Combined with the synergy of our whole network, we are more than capable of fulfilling our collective dream of bringing balance back to Earth. This is the vision.

You stand on the shoulders of many lightworkers who came before you. In our common goal, they paved the way as far as they could. Understand that your positive ancestors are still supporting you. They never left you alone. They cannot do the work that you are here to do, because their work is to hold their own energy for you to climb higher. A mountain is built of many grains of soil, and all of them must take up their own space so the whole may rise. This is a game where everyone wins, and no one’s position is better or worse than another.

Remember that the dark demands a zero sum game, but the light understands that a win for one is a win for all. There is no competition, and harm to one is harm to all. True love means keeping harm in check so that all are safe. Unconditional love includes unconditional boundaries.With right action at the right time, you are guaranteed to effect your purest intentions. The Sun card at the top invites you to choose a focus. It also reminds you that actual sunlight is quintessential to your physical and spiritual bodies. It is not enough to build roots underground or grow up from well-watered, well-drained soil. You must put forth leaves and absorb sunlight. You are basically a complicated plant with moveable roots. Act as such.Sunlight also means the love energy your soul craves, both from nature and humans. If you compare your growth to a tree, it is reasonable to remember that photosynthesis can only take place with leaves turned toward the Sun. Turn your attention away from the shadows of hatred and harm and toward the love that is freely offered. This love is found everywhere, and especially in nature. If you still aren’t finding enough of it in your surroundings, remember that this love is first and foremost within you. You have your own personal Sun. That is why your third chakra is called the Solar Plexus.

The one most deserving of your own love is you. Come back to loving yourself, and you will see your path clear again.

Much love to you,

Elihu John

Did this resonate? I post here on my blog and send out an email to subscribers every week. Be sure to bookmark this page so you can see the updates.

Are you feeling stuck or like you don’t run your own life? Maybe you feel like you don’t know who you really are underneath all of it. If so, an Authentic Self Realignment session is a great way to get back on track. Book yours today and start feeling better.

Tarot of the Week

Collective Reading September 15-21: Success

This week we are connecting our efforts to our results and observing how what we do has an effect. So much of the process of your goals manifesting has been difficult to justify because the results have been slow during the process of figuring out how and building momentum. You are ready to see results.

For the numerology of this spread, I’m seeing 7 8 9 10, which are the last few steps to completion. Seven is the number of the mental mind, the place where our ideas and beliefs solidify so we can move forward with a holistic approach to our goals. Ten as the central card speaks to the end result of our efforts. I found it interesting that the Chariot, the seven of the major arcana, chose to be at the top, and that the other spoke cards did not go in order. There are many ways and progressions to follow to achieve results this week. Don’t focus so much on the order of tasks, so long as you feel like you’re taking the next right step. Sometimes the cart has to come before the horse temporarily so that you know how to hitch the horse to it.

The interesting thing with this week is that Water Sister (11 in the sequence of the cups suit) insisted on replacing one of the cards in the spread before they were flipped over, and Eight of Fire almost came out last week. We are definitely seeing a progression here. Following one’s path steadily accelerates into allowing change to happen rapidly, both in our inner and outer worlds. Your trust and surrender of control over everything outside of your wheelhouse will make the transition smoother. Stop worrying and start breathing. If breathing all the way in is hard, breathe all the way out first, and trust that when you need to breathe in, you will have air to fill your lungs. That next step is here in front of you because you aligned with it. Are you ready to take it? The answer is yes, so metabolize the fear and do it.

Seven of Wind, Many Tongues, speaks to the feeling of futility as you try to use old systems to effect new results. It’s not your job to try to fix someone else’s broken system. It’s your job to find the middle path through to get the new result. There is also an aspect of gossip in this card. Others may be wagging their tongues, and the noise may be something you have to shut out. It’s not your job to correct others’ opinions, and it’s not their job to tell you how to live your life. Your inner voice must be the strongest sound you hear.

The guiding card, Eight of Water, invites you to find your inner sanctuary and stay in it. Much turbulence happening outside. Best to stay within your shelter so you don’t get swept away.

The old joke, “Why was Six afraid of Seven,” shows up here to remind you that those who have never done what you’re doing will have far too much criticism for their level of knowledge. Indeed, their criticism shows that they are out of their own comfort zone when they experience yours. A fish may not comprehend flying like a bird, although they both are quite comfortable moving in their own elements. Others’ fear is not protecting you this time; it’s hindering you. Give yourself permission to fly. No one else can do that for you.

You are divinely supported and are deserving of your own confidence. When in doubt, come back to these truths. Receive the blessings you are offered, knowing you have earned them.

-Elihu John


Thank you for reading. If this resonates with you, bookmark this blog to refer to, share with those you feel may benefit from it, and browse from the other articles. I post the collective reading weekly and have started adding other articles as inspired.

Apart from reading for the collective, I also offer 1:1 readings and energy sessions and host a small group on Wednesdays at 7 pm MDT. Dreamscaping is a place to practice using our basic art and writing skills to channel our own divine wisdom from our intuition through our physical vessels. I would love to see you there.


Collective Reading September 1-7: Run the Gauntlet

This week we have the opportunity to find out.

I hear the words, “Run the gauntlet.” A traditional running of the gauntlet was a ritualistic offering rather like releasing the over-abundance of a catch. The image I am getting with the phrase is of throwing back the fish that are too small, or releasing prisoners who had enough courage to dare to be free–or die trying.

We are the ones who survived and are now given the chance to escape. Will survivor guilt hold you back from claiming the opportunity that is yours?

There is no fairness in this predicament, when seen from this vantage point. You demand justice and equity for all. But if you don’t get out of harm’s way and return home to regain your strength (and reinforcements), who will come back to jailbreak those who can’t leave? Can you lift others to higher ground when you are not strong?

Survivor guilt robs you of the drive to succeed. And the irony is that you don’t need to see others with this lens of pity. We are each runners of our own gauntlet. This chance you have has nothing to do with anyone else, and vice versa. You manifested an opportunity for a better way of being, which was the whole point of your journey anyway. Trust that they have every opportunity to do the same.

You do not know what is behind the failures and successes of others. Pity robs them of their resilience and honor. Allow for things to be unfair now, and know that you have great ability to offer a helping hand when the timing is right, but the timing isn’t always right. You are not less good or less worthy when you are unable to be of use. This is a time for you to receive and still be worthy.

Four of Earth cautions you to first turn the key in the lock, and then try the handle. You can open the door easily if you open it the right way. You don’t need to turn yourself into a battering ram.

Remember that your abundance feels like coming home. Your harvest is the fruit of your labors, and you have earned it. Even if you are tired or lacking drive now, your past efforts still have value. You will be able to give again when you have accumulated the strength and wisdom to do so.

Believe in your worthiness to receive good things and you will find the easy path through the gauntlet. It will work out the way you are ready for.

Live long and well,

Elihu John

Thank you for reading. If you haven’t yet, take advantage and schedule an Intuitive Energy Session for 30% off. A recent client stated, “El is able to make you aware of the stuck energy in your body and have you think about it from a different perspective to help you release it.” Clearing the stuck energy brings ease by allowing for comfortable embodiment. This sale ends September 2 at 11:59 am MDT, and then full price sets in again. I’m excited to be part of your healing journey.

Intuitive-Tarot Reading

Collective Reading August 25-31: Dig In

Duality has always been a part of this Earth experience, and your current experiment in life is no exception. Light and dark, known and unknown, success and failure all add to your understanding and ability to navigate life.

What used to work for you is no longer working. But that’s nothing new. You are by now accustomed to having to change things up in your routine and mindset to get to the end goal. And you’ve had to learn how to navigate sticky situations with grace and patience.

All of this has built confidence and trust in your Higher Self, as well as in who you’re showing up as now. Don’t underestimate the power of taking the next right step and believing in your vision until you gain traction.

You have to know what doesn’t work in order to fix it. You have to find the problem before you can fix it. This week is demanding patience and self-love as you discover the unsavory results of your previous actions and habits.

You truly didn’t know better. How could you, having never been taught? But now you do, and because you are committed to excellence, this knowledge is fueling your desire to do better–and attain success.

Those who never try will never understand the cost of success. Nor will they attain it, because they have not put forward the energy that feeds the momentum. All they can do is wonder and talk. Only you know how long the road has already been. You have a great track record when it comes to breakthroughs and perseverance, though, so don’t worry about whether you get there. You will.

Reconnect with your vision regularly this week. Sit in silence, go for a walk, listen to music that urges you to tap along. When you are tired, take some slow, deep breaths. When you are overwhelmed, slow down and break the task into manageable smaller tasks. As soon as you catch yourself worrying, find something else to focus on that connects you to your senses. Smell the roses, or make yourself eat something nutritious. Get out of your head and just be.

This doesn’t feel like a particularly light week. But it is one that can propel you further than most if you dig your cleats in and push forward. Release the outcome and let it show up exactly how you need it.

You are divinely watched over, so just be present and do your part. You will get through this.

With Love,

Elihu John


Collective Reading August 18-24: Forward to Victory

When you know more, you can act from a place of more wisdom.

This week is about that balance between gaining knowledge and reaching into the unknown. It’s like you’ve learned how to use math formulas to calculate the outcome rather than just guessing. There will be new variables, but your formulas are more accurate now. Your past experiences have percolated into clarity.

20/20 hindsight is not the same as seeing everything ahead. At some point, you have to learn how to trust your own calculations and take the unknowns in stride. Your cause-and-effect brain is reorganizing through this shift, so if you’re acting in a more aligned way despite the unknowns, it’s because you’re using a better internal guidance system. It’s not a fluke.

Much of what has been happening on Earth in the last few weeks (years, if we’re being accurate) has been a recalibration of human software. We are shifting to higher timelines, upgrading anti-virus software, and expanding consciousness. This is all necessary.

What we don’t often see is the work being done behind the scenes. Trust that as you move forward, doors will open before you and close behind you. Your job is to just do what you’re supposed to do. You don’t have to carry the responsibility of anyone else.

Speaking of which, if you feel over-burdened, you may be carrying something that isn’t yours. Let that go in gratitude. If you feel overwhelmed, ask your inner guidance if the action you’re trying to complete is in divine timing. It’s okay to change your scope. Better to carry a load to the destination than spill what you’re carrying before getting to the end.

Even if you do spill, it’s going to be okay. You can recover.

The Chariot card reminds you that a step forward in any direction is still going to drive the mission forward. Someone else on your team may need to course correct, and you may receive some coaching, but that next step in an even better direction will never happen if you don’t take the one before it.

You’ve got this. The Universe has your back. Be optimistic and curious about how to move forward, and your energy will align with your beautiful future.

With love,

Elihu John


Want to learn to do energy work using basic art? Come to my small support group, where we practice drawing to tap into our intuition. We meet Wednesdays at 7 pm MDT. Here is the sign up sheet.

If you are in need of an energy session or 1:1 reading, I would love to work with you. Book here.


Collective Reading August 11-17: Paths Diverge

You have reached the apex of this cycle of change, and are now ready to pick up momentum in your new direction. Expect things to improve and get easier quickly. You are no longer pushing your bike up the hill.

Everything that is coming to the surface is an image of what has already manifested. Sometimes we as humans don’t see just how bad it was until we get some distance from it. Now that you have that distance, you are invited to accept and recognize the experience for what it is. Be ruthless in your quest for truth, and fierce in your commitment to love.

Acceptance is the first step in changing what happens next. Acceptance involves believing what you perceive, and separating it from the assumptions you previously accepted as truth. An example of this would be realizing that you and someone you love do not agree on what movie to watch, and rather than continuing to believe someone is at fault and should change, you realize that you simply have different interests. If you don’t have to change your preferences to be loved, and they can keep theirs intact with dignity, you can come up with a compromise that allows each person to watch their own movie and spend time together doing something else.

When people can play together without having to play the same note, there is harmony. When realities diverge to the point of having no overlapping truths, the natural effect is separation. Let go of what does not serve you, and you will find more space for what does. It is okay to acknowledge that someone else is having a different experience of reality without you having to change yours, and vice versa.

In order to manifest the life you want, you must be unyielding in your dedication to your truth. You must set your sights on the beauty you wish to experience and act in a way that allows for it to show up.

Call a spade a spade, and then pick it up and use it to dig your garden. Everything that you experience is useful to identify what you do and do not want, so you know what direction to pursue. And when you know better, do better. Don’t worry about fault.

You are doing good work and it is paying off, even if you’re not seeing it yet. This divergence from what you knew will lead you to convergence with your beautiful new life and community. Keep going.

With love,

Elihu John

It’s here! Come to my virtual support group, Dreamscaping: Connecting to Your Intuition Through Art. This recurring event is for beginner to intermediate artists, and focuses on the process rather than the result. All you need is the ability to draw a stick figure and some basic shapes. We will set aside time for journaling and then sharing our experiences. We meet virtually Wednesdays at 7 pm MDT.


Collective Reading July 14-20: Shifting Higher

What a week! First, congratulations on all you have accomplished to get here. Your impact and power are bigger than you can see right now.

There are repeating symbols in this reading, which I will go into.

The first is the Sun. This is confirmation that you are on the right path. The Sun is often referred to as the ultimate “yes” card in Tarot. Even when reversed, or buried within another card, the Sun is a harbinger of success and joy. This symbol shows up in the actual Sun card, as well as in the card on the top and the card below it. You are finding multiple opportunities that feel right to some degree. Keep sifting through them to find the one you like the most. It’s okay to “date around.”

The second is the infinity symbol. Remember who you are. Remember that you are an integral part of this Universe, and that no matter what happens, your efforts matter. Always.

The Universe is watching your journey unfold, and it is pleased. There is nothing you need to do to gain love. You are doing enough, just as you are. Take the pressure off yourself to be perfect, to be better, or to be further along. You are doing enough because you are enough.

There is a lot of heaviness that you are processing through, which is why it feels so hard. Know that as you work through the darkness that seems to rise up to meet you, you are hacking away a thicket of thorns to get to where you want to be. As you work, stay in your peace. Stay in your positivity. The calm inside you will create calm outside you as you continue to choose it, so allow yourself to be well inside yourself regardless of what you see or hear.

Collectively, we are in transition from a darker paradigm to a lighter one. In these changing times, we are invited to become a vibrational match to the highest light we can reach. Once we have purged all darkness from ourselves, we will have no need to call lower vibrations home. That’s not to say it will go away completely. But it will cease to be the place you naturally go to when you’re not putting in effort.

Your home is the place where you feel the most comfortable and authentic, most allowed to just exist as you. You are able to interact with other places, people, and things, and will continue to do so. But these will not be as comfortable or familiar. At the end of the day, it’s nice to just come home and rest.

Your relationships will continue to need work this week. Make and keep healthy lines of communication, prune the ones that aren’t helpful, and remember that healthy relationships fill both people’s cups. There is no room for one-sidedness or martyrdom when we all have such a big purpose in life, so be sure everyone is benefitting from the relationship.

Fire is the suit of empowerment, and Fire Sister reminds you that you have more power to create the life you want than you realize. You also have many supporters. Keep going. You’re doing well.

-Elihu John

As well as offering collective readings here on my blog, I also offer one on one massage, energy, and Tarot sessions. You can book me here.