This week we are cleaning out and choosing our highest timelines. These timelines have the feeling of synergy, which is a product of all the parts working together as a whole. Infighting between parts leaves no room for synergy. It’s time to leave competition mindset and other aspects of unhealed separation/ego behind.
Our timelines are shifting rapidly–so rapidly, in fact, that by the time we finish predicting them, a better timeline set will have replaced the ones we were looking into. I see looking at timelines as reading the map and plotting a course ahead. The map predicts a possible future based on the info given when it was created, but every map becomes obsolete immediately after it is made because our world is constantly shifting. Rivers change course, people grow older, and natural weather patterns erode mountains. Our navigation relies on our ability to adapt to accommodate new information.
Give yourself permission to go with the flow and stop worrying about being “right.” Choose the best option available–and watch better options come into view as you go higher. Choosing the best option you had at the time was and will always be right, even if you choose something else the next moment.
Your personal commitment isn’t to any particular timeline, story, or outcome, so there is no need to take on the shame of being “flitty.” Rather, your overarching commitment is to your highest good, and the fulfillment of your divine purpose. Loyalty to any one tool or path is like feeling bad for leaving one stepping stone to access the next one. You don’t live forever on a stepping stone; you live in your energy, in this moment. Bless the stepping stone and leave it behind.
Energy levels may be sporadic or fluctuate in unexpected ways, which has been a trend already. Ascension symptoms may force you to take it slower. If you feel like you’re holding too much and weighed down by it all, evaluate what to drop. Like the format of these collective readings, you may need to change and streamline how you organize your time and energy. It’s important to simplify where you can so that you reach your destination.
Freeing up your energy allows you to focus on the real work, which is what will bring your desired result. Drop the busywork and focus on the root goal. When your schedule explodes, that’s a good sign that you are no longer in alignment with the tools that once served you. Choose effectiveness over loyalty to habits.
Consistency is only useful if it’s adaptable. Consider being consistent in your intentions and making use of the tools that make those happen.
I love you, Light Warrior. Keep shining.
-Elihu John
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