I was talking with a friend recently and realized that when I channel something, it’s useful and meant to be what it is.
Surprising, I know. I had to laugh at how complicated I had made yet another aspect of my life. Honestly, though, I was relieved by the answer.
When I first channeled the Authentic Self Realignment Protocol, I was not nervous about unveiling it. Everything in it made sense. I used it on myself with great results. I even found other people to test it on, and it worked for them.
And then I got into worry. My abundance blocks prevented me from sharing it. And because I didn’t share it, no one else scheduled it. My fear became a self-fulfilling prophecy and I focused on something I felt more comfortable doing. I dove back into doing general energy sessions, massage, and just living life. I wasn’t ready for this then. But the Universe knew that I would be ready later. I spent months working through the things that were holding me back, allowing the answers to come in due time when it wasn’t so scary.
Fast forward to last week, and I again asked for guidance on my offerings. Authenticity as a theme came up, and I immediately thought of my original channeled protocol.
So what is Authentic Self Realignment?
ASR is an energy session designed to clear out expectations, identities, contracts, entities, and other blocks that overshadow or prevent us from truly living the life we are here to live.
Using several accumulated tools to address each aspect as needed, we peel away the layers of a life that is not meant for you and allow you to come back to your innate truth.
The inner world is what manifests the outer world, so clearing energetic clutter is essential to taking the actions needed to change your life.
How to determine whether this is for you:
->You aren’t seeing the path forward, or opportunities just aren’t showing up when you ask for them
->You feel like you’re “stuck”
->You realize there is a different way of living, and you’re motivated to get there
If this sounds like what you’re experiencing, book a session and let’s get started.
Fair Warning
Like with my journey of channeling this service, as things are uncovered, you will be called upon to do your inner work. You may need several sessions to uncover all the layers, or you may need other supports as you are called to develop your gifts. You will absolutely need to be gentle with yourself through your process. Your life may shift in big ways.
Big shifts deserve the patience and dedication required to get to big results. You’re worth the time and energy you need to transform your life into something you feel good about.