General Reading for July 30-August 5: Full Moon Release of the Wounded Ego
This week the moon becomes full, which both prompts us to release and gives us the energy to do so. Like the tide rising higher with every wave, the volume on our Highest Selves’ connection to our current Selves is turning up, and we are encouraged more and more loudly to pay attention.
Pick up the phone, already. The message and messenger aren’t as scary as you’re assuming them to be. Honestly, your Highest Self just wants you to be happy. It wants you to act like you, to be authentic, and to shed your light in this world. It wants everything to feel delicious to you.
It’s time to let go of the things that hold you back. You have heard this message before, and you have done well shedding the layers you were ready to shed. The Death Card is just another loop in your upward spiral. It’s not some earth-shattering sacrifice, or some catastrophic event. It’s just you, realizing ways to be more happy on a level that you will be relieved to FINALLY feel the success of.
It is time to discard the drama. If your entire journey felt like a series of huge transformations, you would burn out and not want to experience it. The changes could feel scary as you face the unknown from a position of utter ungroundedness and uncertainty. This is one mindset you can definitely shed with this full moon.
The art of trusting the next step to be exactly what you need, and for it to be pleasant, if surprising, is a necessary skill for long-term success. Success doesn’t have to be fraught with peril and adventure; it can be slow, steady progress, with the assurance that all will be well, is well, and has been well.
This next step feels like coming home. It may feel a bit foreign from what you have experienced recently, but the gut reaction is, “I can’t believe I forgot how good this feels.”
This is next step is a homecoming. The people and places and packages and letters that collected while you were away are so happy to see you.
It is time to learn again how to receive in a way that does not feel like pain or paying for it later. I was thinking about how this feels like the Knight of Cups on his way home, carefully holding his precious chalice which he filled on his journey, and sure enough, when I checked the card spread again, we have Water Brother, the equivalent of the Knight of Cups.
The difference is that Water Brother depicts a surrender to full-body feeling akin to a Kundalini experience. There is this sense of unstoppable, glorious flow of energy. It purifies the entirety of one’s being, and washes away wounded ego as it proclaims to the world, “I AM.” This healed, perfect ego, is so large, so magnetic, and so prolific that the physical vessel cannot contain it. It identifies as Self, but looks and acts like Universe. It is a glorious paradox.
The longer you resist, the more blatantly you are shown that, step by step, you have come home to your true nature, your true connection to All That Is. Might as well just accept it at this point, dear one. We need you to focus on bigger things now, as doing so will feed not only your soul, but the souls of all around you. We are happy to have you home.