
Collective Reading November 26- December 2: It’s All Coming Together

“It’s all coming together,” is what I’m hearing. Out of many moving parts, working in harmony, your life is taking shape.

The symbol of the circle is present in every card, pointing to the way your journey comes “full circle” this week–and continues to move in perfect harmony to create more light and more circles. Your path is like a spirograph picture, intricate, delicate, and perfectly aligned.

Be satisfied with the incomplete things. If your journey were complete now, it would be the end of it, and life is a precious gift that goes on for you. You will never find full completion so long as you’re alive.

Maybe that’s why you long for the ending, sometimes. You crave completion and a solid finality. The unknown has been seen as a risk for deviating from the pattern, but it isn’t. You’re not coloring outside the lines, nor is your orbit straying from its course. It’s just more complicated than you initially supposed. You need to separate the hoped-for end result from the bitterness of death. The journey is the destination, and the destination is the journey. You cannot go back to nothingness at this time and be satisfied, because you are meant to experience this contrast now. Your soul craves this experience.

Expect change, knowing that every change that happens is for the better and worth everything it has taken. This is the Hero’s Journey, to come to a place of deep understanding and fierce love of oneself in the midst of every situation. When you are unshakeable in your self-love, you will see love for you everywhere. Allow these last vestiges of “not good enough” and “incomplete” to burn away and reveal the mighty warrior inside. It is time for you to be who you really are.

The celebration of who you really are and what you are here to do can only truly be seen when you lean fully into it and see yourself truly. When you hold the vision, you express your truth with such a loud roaring voice that the world has no choice but to hear it, too. When you feel your own warmth, the world warms, too. The nuclear power that lights stars is within you, burning and roiling with a glory that cannot be dimmed no matter how many light-years of darkness it travels through. No light is ever wasted. When a ray of light goes out without hitting anything, it is meant to go forth and touch the farthest part of the Universe, in due time. You are seen and heard by the far reaches of the known and unknown All That Is.

Shine your light in this world. You are needed. Your light and warmth are necessary. And you are not the only one. Together, we create a paradise to live in now. It’s all coming together perfectly.

Intuitive-Tarot Reading

Collective Reading November 19-25: Action and Results

The difference between mistakes being a negative versus a positive is in your perspective.

You’ve made mistakes in the past, or watched other people make mistakes, and you experienced suffering in the result. Then you stopped doing things so you wouldn’t feel those feelings. What you didn’t realize was that deliberate inaction is an action that can cause suffering, too.

Let’s imagine that your life is a tree. You were given this tree and told that you must let it grow. Nourishing it may have been a struggle. Letting the rain fall and the wind blow and the sun shine on the tree was something you may have tried to stop in the past. Despite your best efforts, the tree still got some rain, and the sun did come out. The tree survived. You realized that you were working against yourself. Then you decided that it was important to allow these things to happen, because the tree deserved to live. You knew there were some branches that would cause problems in the future, but you didn’t have any other branches to rely on, so you let them grow. You allowed the sun to shine and the rain to fall. And the tree grew. It didn’t look like the tree you envisioned, but every leaf that opened brought more nutrients and provided more shade.

Now, the fruit has ripened and the seasons are changing, you no longer need all the branches that were so essential before. The tree that is not pruned does not grow correctly. The garden that is not tended needs care to correct overgrowth. There is a time and season for everything.

There is so much fear surrounding making “the wrong” moves, but Source doesn’t see it that way. Your Highest Self doesn’t see it that way. Mistakes and actions (including inaction) are just ways to experience the Universe. Suffering is not mandatory. Experience that aligns with your vibration teaches you what you are putting out. So if you are aligned with suffering, you will experience it. If you are aligned with failing forward, you will experience it.

You have come to a zenith, or peak of experience. Now you can look back at everything that brought you to this point and take stock of it. Understanding and wisdom can be made out of any experience. Do not judge yourself so harshly that you cut down the tree. Let yourself grow, and know when to accept less than perfect action.

Your Highest Self wants you to know that even though your refusal to do something wrong made your energy and manifestations grow unchecked, your inaction was an important choice that brought valuable results. Allowing the tree to grow was a better alternative to pruning it incorrectly or underfeeding it, but now it is wild and needs selective pruning. Get out of functional freeze mode. You have enough understanding of what the right moves are now. Don’t let fear hold you back from making the right choices, now that you have access to them.

You are inherently good. There will never be a point in which your tree is deemed unworthy of living. There will never be a point in which you are deemed unworthy of doing the best you can do, when you have the intention to grow, love, and serve. A no is not a condemnation of your good intentions. You are failing forward, and every experience is a priceless gem in your personal journey. You got this. Keep going.

Intuitive-Tarot Reading

Collective Reading November 12-18: Keep Moving Forward

Hold your course and keep moving. This week we are witnessing the ending of a very nasty cycle, filled with heartache. The Devil card is all about pulling back the curtain and seeing the puppeteer that has been pulling the strings all along. It’s not getting worse; the corruption is being revealed.

Ten of Wind/Swords says that this is as bad as it has ever been, or ever will be. Release the manifestation. The things you are seeing now are already in the past. The future has yet to be visible, but you can feel that energy if you tune into it. Doing so will make it manifest faster.

Much like the light of the stars we see right now is a picture of them as they were billions of light-years ago, the physical manifestations of our lives and our world are a picture of what the energy of your world was in the past.

Be still, and intentionally connect back in with your God Source. Find the best feeling you can and work from there to get to real enjoyment. Pretending you don’t feel great will make the bad feelings stronger and actually delay your next experience, so don’t gaslight or push it away. Acknowledge your feelings, and find the next closest feeling to lift you, gradually, into a better state of mind/heart.

For instance, if you are experiencing frustration with someone else, find how you are and are not struggling with that same pattern in your own actions. Forgive yourself for not knowing better before now and identify a positive trait to match. Your goal is to see yourself as a being living in duality, with both light and dark present, so that you can see where you are actually doing more good than harm. You can work up to seeing more good and self-empowerment in you, and you can work on letting go of the need to control someone else’s actions so you can be happy in yourself.

Because you have been changing your habits and thoughts, the future is going to reflect that change. While we wait for it to do so, use the current visible world to affirm what you don’t and do want the future to look like.

Be extra gentle with yourself (and others) right now. We are all experiencing an intense shift and we all need some extra kindness. Kindness is not the same as being nice. Kindness is truly seeking and creating the best path forward to everyone’s highest timeline. You don’t have to control others; you just have to manage yourself.

Hold steady while we see more and more into the true nature of what has been going on, and remember that this too shall pass. How you react or respond dictates how quickly you find the solution appearing before you. And remember that you are always on time for your own journey. It needs to be and always is at the right pace for you.

You got this: keep going.

Need more support? Just because you’re handling big things doesn’t mean you have to do it the hard way, or without resources. Book an energy session or Tarot reading to help clarify your energy and your mindset.

Intuitive-Tarot Reading

Collective Reading November 5-11: Stand In Your Power

This week is a call to gracefully stand up for what and who you truly believe in. I’m getting the image of an old wolf trying to keep younger wolves away from the pack’s food. This old wolf has made a living off refusing to share the hunt with the rest of the pack, but its days are numbered. It knows this. It thinks that if the pack were to realize how truly weak it is, they would have no problem pushing it aside to claim their fair share–refusing to allow it to have its share, too.

This is a projection. You know very well that if you were in charge, you would have compassion and offer every member of the pack what it needs to live. After all, the pack that hunts together and eats together is much more protected than a lone wolf. Stragglers create and attract competitors, bringing danger for all.

The old, exclusionary social order is very loud, but its teeth are falling out. Each time it bites, it loses teeth. In the past, these bites were fatal, but now they serve to bring down the very oppressors who attack. Smart old wolves may threaten to bite, but not follow through so long as their dignity remains intact. Your best bet as the young wolf is to stubbornly claim your share, while being mindful of the dignity of the old wolf. There are some battles that are worth your time and some that simply cause more battles. Choose wisely. You will never get the old wolf to admit it was wrong. All it has left is its image, and it will fight to save face every time.

Use your voice wisely. Speak your truth clearly, and with compassion. Stand your ground unabashedly and fairly. Cowering will not do.

When you hold your own space with true compassion, the majority of the pack will quietly accept it. If you are truly in the right, it’s time to start acting like it: don’t discredit yourself or shrink away from your place. No one is perfect, but you know how to check yourself, and you do so regularly. Your public image is important to build and maintain, and backed by your integrity. The old wolf fears losing public approval, because it knows that it can’t back its claims up without resorting to retaliation. Let go of these fears. They are not yours to fix.

It’s time to stand in your power.

With change comes the need to dig up and clear out old energy. This past retrograde and eclipse season has done a great job of bringing up and moving out what needs to leave so that we can meet the new with our own newness, but it has been A LOT for a lot of people. If you are not feeling quite ready to move forward and would like help, book an energy or tarot session. If you are in Utah, book an energy-integrated massage.