Energy-Integrative Massage Intuitive-Tarot Reading

Collective Reading December 24-30: Accumulate Success

The image coming up is that of the mythical Labyrinth of King Minos, and Theseus going into the center to slay the Minotaur. You have journeyed into your own labyrinth, facing dark and twisting corridors filled with horrors, and now that you have slain the Minotaur and prevented others from falling victim to it, you doubt your path out.

Any attempts to remain grounded have been met with your fear of what has already happened. Is it still present? Will it happen again? How will you survive it repeating? To which the Universe is saying, “You have already gotten rid of the root problem.” Yes, there are battles to be fought and won still, but let’s look at what you have going for you in all this.

Theseus made his way out of the Labyrinth using a magical ball of string. Your ball of string is the golden thread of abundance that has always been with you. Even in your darkest hour. Stop justifying your fears with all the evidence of the bad things. When you feel badly, your mind wants to fill in the details with reasons as to why. To start feeling good, retell the story of the hard times, using all the good things that happened. Keep practicing gratitude. The fact is that even when you have been at your worst, there has ALWAYS been something to be grateful for. And the Universe has said this a million times if it has said it once: there is a golden thread of good fortune through every experience and every awful thing you remember. The mere fact of your existence now is proof that you have had enough to survive up to this point, and not only that, you have gained. You took this journey for a reason, and that reason was enough to justify the hard parts. Trust that it is more than worth it. But also, you feel bad now because you have needs and wants to attend to. How can you go about doing so?

It’s okay to want something so badly that you eat, sleep, and breathe that desire. Just be sure to check in with why you want it. Let’s illustrate with an example. If you want financial security in order to feel loved, maybe what you want is two-fold, and maybe you’re starting at the wrong end. Somehow, feeling unloved became entangled with feeling financially insecure. Now that you’ve tasted financial security, which you have busted your butt to get (I see you, you amazing human), you’re finding that it doesn’t hold the core of your desire for emotional security. And you may be wondering why you’re unsatisfied still.

Wanting financial security isn’t wrong; it’s part of your birthright. Keep it going, and start adding emotional security to it. You have taken care of yourself when others would not, and you’ve done a better job than they ever did. This is a form of emotional security you have given yourself, in that you promised yourself something and followed through on it. Give yourself credit. Celebrate your win, even in a small and quiet way, alone. A helpful mantra: “I am enough for myself.”

The greatest thing you can do to attract people who will love you the way you need it is to hold that love for yourself and choose to see and accept it as enough–for now. Then pursue meeting this need more, in a way that makes sense, not out of desperation but from a place of confidence, knowing that you have met the surface need fantastically well. Why not add to the accomplishments you already achieved? Why not continue to accumulate good things, since you have already started?

The bottom line is this: you didn’t know what you needed underneath the first need that you met, and now you do, and it scares you to think that it can’t happen. But the only reason you haven’t met it yet is because you didn’t see it clearly. You know more now, and that changes everything. Trust yourself to get more of what you need. It’s going to be more than okay.

Now go be fabulous, and have a great week!

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Intuitive-Tarot Reading

Collective Reading December 17-23: Celebrate Your Future Success Now

This week is the winter solstice, and with it comes all the celebratory energy that has been collected through thousands of years across multiple cultures. This week invites you to dig deeper into what exactly you celebrate, and how it applies to you.

Three of Water/Cups reminds you that you are a success in progress. Each cup has a phase of the moon next to it, bringing in the reminder that you are you at every phase of life. From novice to expert, from young to old, you are still the same lovable you that you always are, and you are loved and supported unconditionally.

Can you love yourself the same when you fail as when you succeed? Can you value your time when you are active as well as when you are doing nothing? Your worth is unchanged from moment to moment, year to year. Start acting like you deserve the goodness that you think you deserve when you’ve achieved something big.

Your emotional state is critical to the speed at which you achieve your goals. Prioritize feeling good, regardless of the situation at hand. Did you mess up? Choose to feel good about being aware of the blunder. Sleep-deprived? Choose to feel good about the taste of your coffee. Count some blessings, remember some good times. Just feel good, and keep feeling good until something good happens that gives you more good feelings.

You are learning how to accept good things, and it can be hard to be consistent with–at first. Keep practicing and you will find that it gets easier.

Feeling good is so very important. Aside from helping you to manifest and choose what you want, it also protects you from getting caught up in things you don’t want. Negative energy is high, and it’s everywhere. You can drown in it if you focus too much on it. That outcome does no one any good.

It’s okay to be aware of the problems in the world, but if you cannot fix them, wallowing in them won’t help. The Universe says there will be opportunities to do good and make a difference, but you have to be solid in your own energy first, so that setbacks or delays do not take you out of the game. When you are ready to do something, the opportunity will present itself.

Trust in divine timing, and keep pursuing your deepest desires with a celebratory attitude. One step at a time, one day at a time. In the future, you’ve already won. Now you get to see how it happened. Assume the best outcome and allow it to happen. Everything else is just a temporary plot twist.

A helpful mantra: I release the outcome. I ask to see the highest outcome.

Sometimes we need a little help getting out from under heavy energies, subconscious self-judgment, or energetic interference. Not only is it possible, that support is something we are allowed to ask for–and receive. Book an energy session here and start feeling better.

Intuitive-Tarot Reading

Collective Reading December 10-16: Too Little, Too Soon

Wow! Lots of turning points, beginnings, and connections this week. Here’s your reminder that you are right on time.

It’s no wonder you’re tired lately. You’re moving energy and participating in global changes on the most powerful level possible: individually.

The most effective way to change the world is to change your own frequency, your own baseline. This is happening in the wake of having observed someone, or many someones, say they would change… and simply not doing it. I’m seeing you on the outside, perhaps watching people get divorced, and the one parent seemed to have some control when they demanded change. But you knew it was all external, and not integrated into the real issue. I’m hearing “Too little, too soon.” Not too late, but too soon.

Both parties were in need of some big overhaul, but chose to focus on the problems they saw in each other instead. So nothing really changed.

How permanent are the changes you have seen others try to make when times got tough? You watched them start to feel the consequences of their actions, and only then resolve to “be better” so they wouldn’t lose what they seemed to have. Then, when the panic subsuded, they stopped trying and settled back into their previous habit energy. What a disappointment.

None of this memory is actually about you. And yet, all of it is about you, for the things you witnessed both defined your ideas about how people can or cannot grow, and are defined by your intuitive belief systems and temperament. They were the mirror for what can happen, and therefore the way you think about yourself is intertwined with what you saw and vice versa.

You have a great capacity for growth, beyond what many people allow themselves to experience. Just because you saw others fail to change when things got bad doesn’t mean you will turn out like them. You are on your own path. You are your own person. And the reason they failed was because they only moved when external forces seemed greater than their internal will. In reality, they had a more powerful will to do what they truly wanted. So do you.

If you really want to change and grow, not because of anything outside of yourself (although outside pressure can be a helpful catalyst) you will find a way. If you want to stay stagnant, no storm outside will ever change that.

Figure out what you really want, and who you really are when you are in your highest self. You’re not going to be behind where your energy truly is. You’re far too powerful for that. Just keep taking the steps you need to take when you’re ready for them. Nothing that is truly yours can ever miss you, but you do need to allow yourself to be ready for it. Being ready feels like inner peace and strength, not fear and punishment. The quickest way to readiness is to be at one with where you are and enjoy the journey. It’s all okay.

Have a great week, dear one. You’re right on time.

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Intuitive-Tarot Reading

Collective Reading December 3-9: Forgive and Move Forward

Indecision is the one thing holding you back now. What do you want out of life? What do you want in your work, your home, your future?

In the past you felt you had to settle in order to get anything at all, but there is a difference between choosing the best alternative available now and building a future where you get the best alternatives imaginable—when you are ready for them, and without settling. Your ability to manifest what you actually want has gotten so much more potent, because you have clarified what you want in your mind.

In the past, you were hungry and went to a new restaurant. You took one look at the options and told the server that you wanted whatever they recommended, because you didn’t know what was good. They chose what they thought was the best option because you asked them to.

Now you’re sitting at your table, and the server is asking you what you want for this meal. What are you going to choose?

Indecision can come from simply not knowing your options, but it can also come from being afraid that what you want isn’t available to you. Don’t confuse the two. If you genuinely just want to eat something and have no idea what you might like, asking for opinions or allowing someone else to make the decision for you can be valuable, but if you know what you want and are afraid to ask for it, your best options are always going to be unavailable.

The Devil card is showing up again to remind you that what you are working through and clearing in this process is old patterns, attachments, beliefs, and restrictions. Be aware that they can only have lasting power over you so long as you continue to give them power. Two of Earth is saying, “Good input brings good output.” To put it another way, play stupid games, win stupid prizes. The quality of your requests directly impacts the quality of your results. If you want the most amazing meal you’ve ever tasted, figure out what that is and ask for it!

Sometimes you have to realize that the menu you’re looking at doesn’t have what you really want, which means you have to go to a different restaurant to get it. The only way your results change is if you make better choices. But in order to consistently make better choices, you have got to get into a better mindset. Believe your right option exists, is available, that you deserve it, and that you can get it.

The bottom line is that you are on the right path. Every step you take gives you valuable results. Sometimes those results are telling you what you don’t want so you can make a different choice and take a different step next time. But you wouldn’t have known you didn’t like it until you tried it. And that’s more than okay.

Forgive yourself. Forgive what happened. This life is about experience, and you are making the choices that are right for you, given everything you have to work with. Are you really doing it the wrong way, or is your best option taking into account something that no one else can see? Replace other people’s judgments with greater awareness of what you actually have to work with.

The Universe loves you unconditionally. It’s time to start loving yourself that way, too.

Sometimes the Devil card indicates blockages that you may need help removing. If there is something you just can’t seem to move on your own, book an energy session here.