Intuitive-Tarot Reading

Collective Reading January 28-February 3: Leap of Faith

Collective Tarot Reading composed of  8 cards from the Tarot of the Spirit deck. Guiding Card on the left: The Universe. Central Card: Fire Father. From the top clockwise: One of Wind, Eight of Fire, Water Sister, Wind Mother, Nine of Wind, Three of Fire. These cards describe the cycle of progress found in the theme of a leap of faith.

This week is about taking a leap of faith. It sounds like a one-step deal, but if you look at it, there are actually several steps leading up to that decisive move. Imagine you, on the horse of your momentum forward, charging up to the portal in the central card. It took so much preparation to get close enough to see it, let alone build up the speed and elevation to leap into it. Give yourself some credit for getting this far.

When you get through to the other side, the effort doesn’t end. You will need the strength, concentration, and agility to land on your feet in unknown terrain. Since you can’t really see what is coming next from here, that makes it even more important to maintain equilibrium and reserve stamina. Achieving steady stamina is the first goal. Speed and agility will come with practice.

It is important to remember that you are exactly where you need to be in the process of achieving your desires. You cannot be ahead of yourself, nor would you want to be, because being ahead of yourself would mean being unprepared. Embrace where you are.

It is important to love yourself in all stages of this journey. Become aware of the devaluing that runs around your head rent-free, and put it back in its museum case. Let it be a study-able, inert historical artifact. Self-doubt and distrust of your inner knowing are ancient relics where you’re going. You have a whole world full of (merited) self-confidence ahead. That being said, there will always be new layers to your healing. You will encounter doubt again, but the work you do now to overcome it will prepare you to handle those times. This leap is the preparation for the next one.

I find it interesting that this year is a leap year, all things considered.

The Mother Wound card is showing up, which means that now is a good time to heal the hurt you feel in your divine feminine. Wind Mother is comparable to the Queen of Swords in Rider-Waite Tarot, which is about learning grace through suffering. Be mindful of your emotions and what triggers them. When you identify negative self-talk, set it down and go back to comforting your inner child. Start thinking again when you feel good again, and positive self-talk will be a natural result. Resisting negative emotion reinforces it, so be soft.

Don’t measure your progress by your speed. Sometimes you need to slow down so that you can gather strength. When you’re ready, it will happen quickly. Then you will need recovery time, which is another gathering. This is normal for feminine growth cycles. If you have ever sprouted seeds, you know that the stages of growth are baffling, but the change in size is astronomical. As long as you stay upright in relation to the Sun, you’re on the right track. Any deviation sorts itself out.

Be brave and know you are equal to the task. The tiny seed grows into the giant sycamore. So, too, you grow into your Higher Self. It’s all part of the process, and you’re doing a marvelous job.

Energy-Integrative Massage Intuitive-Tarot Reading

Collective Reading January 21-27: Open The Door

Before now, your interactions with others were dependent on them being a certain way or acting a certain way. More often than not, now, you are interacting based on how you are. This is because when you are centered in your Authentic Self, the vibration you carry outweighs the vibrations of those who aren’t centered. They could be experiencing the situation in an entirely different reality, and you are still allowed to experience it your way.

I’m seeing a total reversal of what some call “codependency,” and it looks good on you. It looks like empowerment, choosing happiness, and getting what you actually want. Nevermind the path to it, or how things look while you work. You are keeping your eyes on the prize, steadying yourself, and finding that your feet stay solidly planted as you reach heavenward.

There is no peace like the one found in stability. It truly does not matter what other people do. You will find others who match your vibration, and they will outpace the influence of the people and places you have either left behind or had taken from you. Let them go, knowing that you have better things waiting for you. In the meantime, you always have yourself.

Usually we hear the platitude, “When one door closes, another opens,” but this time the message is, “When a door opens, the others must close.” Your choices in what you open for yourself preclude the possibility of any other outcome. Make your desires so big in your view that nothing else can gain your attention.

At the same time, be willing to let the outcome change. Once you have named your desire, let go of getting it and focus on the feeling you desire. Then, live in that feeling and allow your world to shift to match it. You cannot feel success and experience failure, and vice versa. Eventually, they have to match up.

So let yourself feel successful regardless of what happens. Let yourself find relief, gratitude, positivity, humor, joy. It doesn’t matter how you find it or what happens. What matters most is the fact that you are happy inside.

Like with a labyrinth, the way out is the way in. We have wound ourselves into the middle of it already. Now all we have to do is unwind ourselves and we will find that we are out where we can breathe again. It’s easy to get there when we offer no resistance, no attachment, no fear. The image I’m getting is that either you can cling to the walls and slow your journey out, or you can keep your hands in and never touch the walls at all.

And if you find yourself experiencing the opposite of what you want, let it be the invitation you need to go inward. There is no problem so big that getting still and breathing won’t help it. You don’t have to white-knuckle the drive. Just keep breathing and keep moving forward. You will get there when you are ready. So open the door you want. It will happen when you are able to receive it.

Need a little extra help letting go of resistance? Book a session of energy, Tarot, or massage today and start feeling better.

Intuitive-Tarot Reading

Collective Reading January 14-20: The Path of Joy and the Authentic Self

This week we are mapping out the steps, taking steady action, and allowing things to take shape as they will. Keep in mind that the result may not look how you imagined it, when all is said and done. That’s a good thing.

Your hope for the future is only as good as your imagination allows. Your imagination is a rough draft of what will actually come to be. Don’t get stuck in the details, and don’t lose sight of what you really want.

You’re not chasing an outcome. You’re chasing a feeling. What if you win? What if you fail? Can you come home at the end of the day feeling satisfied either way? Master that inner feeling of satisfaction with your efforts, and your efforts will lose their urgency and simply become the next logical, joyful step.

Urgency has been the primary thing keeping you going for so long that you started to believe some untrue things. You started seeing yourself as inept, lazy, or tired by nature. You started feeling like there was no other way of being. Essentially, you put on the costume and accepted a role in a play, then forgot it was a play.

This role had you sacrificing your joy in order to get what you needed. Not because you wanted to, exactly, but because you believed it was the best way forward. Tell me if any of these examples of the stories we tell ourselves are familiar:

-You chose the harder path, which made you deserving of success (but secretly, you fear not having worked hard enough to succeed).

-You were the bigger person in an argument, and therefore you’re a good person, and/or worthy of being believed (but you aren’t always the bigger person, and that’s why you struggle to be accepted).

-You had to give more in order to receive anything (and being “in debt” makes you feel unworthy of love, as if you’ve withdrawn too much from a bank account).

When we act out these stories, we interact with the world as a False Self, created to fit an expectation. The False Self uses false words, false emotional states (think toxic positivity or chronic frustration), and participates in false stories that try to make you palatable to others. You weren’t lying; there is no shame in having been who you needed to be. You were simply acting the way you were taught to act, which was not in alignment with how you really felt, or what you really thought. Put another way, your frustration was real enough, but the source was identified incorrectly and it blocked your joy.

Now that you know more, let these false definitions of you go. As you embrace your Authentic Self, you will attract the life that actually makes sense for your thoughts and feelings.

This is the power of living your truth: what is meant for you finds you. What is not for you has nowhere to stick. You find nourishment and feel at home in yourself when you are true to you.

And while you had success drawing in things that were not 100% right for you, it is important to remember that your Authentic Self had enough gravity underneath the mask of the False Self to still draw in enough of what you needed. You survived, and it was enough. Now that you recognize a true desire, and have resolved to get it, surviving is not enough for you.

Joy and real success are every bit as important as you want them to be, and you are on a path that allows you to have them. But remember: the journey is the destination, and you can feel satisfied every step of the way. You can, because you are on the Path of Joy.

Intuitive-Tarot Reading

Collective Reading January 7-13: It Does Matter

The burden of community is the responsibility to defend, protect, nourish, and grow with those we embrace as our own.

We have quite a task ahead of us, those who wish to make this world and this life a paradise. But the scaffolding we have built (and continue to build) to improve our own mindsets, our own ability to grow, and our own tolerance for the hardships of growth, are going to pay off in spades.

You wanted to fix the world since before you could remember. Has it occurred to you that that desire is very worthy, but you have to fix yourself first? The Hermit speaks of going within to find yourself before sharing that pure light with the outside. 4 of Wind/Swords, as well. Rest, that you may show up and show out when it is time. When you are ready, the world will be ready for you, too.

Remember that heartache shows you where you care deeply, and can reveal why, as well. Do not be afraid to feel your feelings. Be sure you have the proper outlet for them so that you can channel your emotions into productive ways forward. It can feel overwhelming to care about something, when you’ve been running away from the sheer power of that care, but the Universe of Love assures you that every ounce of that care is necessary to meet the problems it was created by, and like a rushing river, channeled through the cracks of a dam, your care has the ability to resolve the problems so entirely that you change the landscape forever.

That is what you came to do: create a beautiful new world with beautiful new peace and love and joy and happiness and knowledge, and many more things besides. Why shouldn’t you use all the preparation you’ve been collecting to do exactly that?

You weren’t ready before, but you are now. At least, for this next step. And when you’re ready for more, it will be ready for you, just how you need it.

Your efforts do make a difference. Keep going. It’s working.


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If you would like a personal Tarot reading or an energy session for yourself or your home, book here. We were not meant to do it all alone. For all you give, you deserve to receive, too.


Collective Reading December 31- January 6: Let Go of Control

Welcome to the new year! This week, we are overcoming any reservations and just going for it. There is this sense of divine timing that will brook no excuses. Be prepared for every attempt to halt progress to be overwhelmed by the momentum, like a stream overflowing its banks.

In other words, what you have been wanting all this time has been coming to you, and if you are afraid of it happening, now is the time to face that fear and choose the good thing anyway. What you want wants you just as badly as you have wanted it. Might as well honor your deep desires, since they haven’t gone away. Closing your eyes and pretending you have no desires is not going to make them actually go away.

No matter how impossible your dreams feel, no matter what evidence there is against them, there is so much more evidence that they are possible. Your blindness to it is serving no purpose. Do you have the courage to open your eyes and truly see?

The Universe has some advice for how to choose truth instead of fear. When you start to ruminate on how your dreams are impossible, stop and go back to the feeling of the dream coming true. If you can find the stillness, you will stop creating resistance, and the Universe will work everything out that much easier. Not everything is in your hands.

You have been so used to the idea that you could ruin everything. Consider the feeling of powerlessness as a sign that making it work is not your job. Start trusting that there are powerful forces on your side doing the heavy lifting. It’s okay to let go of control and just feel peace.

If you are in the habit of making New Year’s resolutions, I suggest making a simple resolution to feel good. If you want peace, feel what peace feels like inside yourself regardless of the situation. If you want success, feel satisfied with what is going right, no matter how small.

“Overthinking is underfeeling.” Get out of your head and honor your heart. Let the rest sort itself out and put your energy into the next right step.

Energy healing is an integral part of whole self healing. Now through January 31st, I am offering $10 off 60-minute virtual energy sessions and Home Blessings/Clearings. Book me on my website and start feeling lighter. Coupon code: ENERGY10