General Reading for July 23-29: Level Up
9 of Water, or 9 of Cups, is all about counting the things you have already attained in order to change your personal narrative. There is a lot here saying to let go of the negative stories you tell about your life, let go of any identities or boxes you’ve put yourself or had other people put you in. Your personal power lies in your ability to assess what you have and use it accordingly.
“Change the narrative, change the game.” What is your objective in life? How have you succeeded in it? Are you yearning for something new, and how have you been prepared to receive it already? Sometimes the skills we learned in one job prepare us for the job we haven’t applied for yet. Skills learned in a low-pay job can translate into skills needed for a higher-pay job.
The Magician says that you already have the skills needed, but maybe you haven’t categorized them as such yet. Need 5 years’ experience in problem-solving? Turns out you have ten, when looking at it from another perspective. Need a good reference? Look at your coworkers and previous supervisors and how you positively contributed to their work flow. Put your assets into play and be proud of where you came from. 9 of Cups in Rider-Waite shows a man with 9 cups behind him, celebrating his legacy in his accomplishments. 9 is the end of a cycle, an invitation to dream bigger now that you have accomplished this level.
Fear is what is holding you back. Fear, and an outmoded perspective that needs to be rewritten. This is a week for pursuit, knowing that every step you take leads you further along your path, knowing that even the steps that seem to be in opposing directions are leading you forward. Everything that is happening is happening to lead you forward, no matter how it looks. Contrast shows you what you don’t want, which helps you know what you want even better.
If you get overwhelmed, take some time to reconnect with your Higher Self. Find inner stillness and breathe it into your body. From there it will percolate into your life naturally. Everything is happening for your highest good in some way. Trust that and find the silver lining. You are succeeding now, you will succeed in future, and you have been succeeding all along. Your objective and expectation is the thing that has changed.
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