
Collective Reading May 26-June 1: The Devil You Know

The saying, “Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t,” comes to mind.

You have done all this work to uncover the restrictions you didn’t know about, as seen in the Devil card, and now that you see them, it is tempting to run to other ones that you don’t know. This comes from a place of feeling inadequate, and hoping that any other situation would be better than this one. Trust that this exact set of chains are what you need to create success.

Life requires a certain amount of restriction to provide the backdrop for our growth, joy, and experience. You cannot fly without falling. You cannot gain without losing. You cannot create without an empty space to put your creations. Abundance is defined by lack.

Forget flying for a minute. You cannot even walk without falling. The sheer act of walking is described by functional medicine experts as controlled falling. Each step you take is an act of catching yourself as you fall forward. “Faith in every footstep” is a lot more literal than we would like to imagine it is.

You’re so careful and stuck in your head that you sometimes forget to feel. This week is a time to get comfortable with your reactions to seeing what’s behind the curtain. Yes, there are unpleasant circumstances that you were not aware of before. Most of them aren’t going to be resolved any time soon.

In some cases in the past, you could remove the problems. You could escape, and it was the right thing to do so. But what are you going to do when you cannot escape?

In times when it is better to stay and endure, we have the choice of remembering what the problem is or pretending it isn’t there. What option is going to serve you best today?

Discomfort does not mean life-threatening. Knowing the problem doesn’t mean instantly having it go away. The ability to accept what is until you can resolve it is such a power move. Once you dig in and get fully present, you will find the strength and confidence to do what you’re here to do. This is the way to achieve your desires.

9 of Earth promises the financial and physical abundance you’ve been seeking as you alchemize difficulty into harmony. Stick with it. This does get better, and the result is worth the process.

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I post on my blog and send the reading out to my subscribers every week. Don’t miss out! Be sure to bookmark this blog, follow my instagram, and sign up for my emails.

-Elihu John


Collective Reading May 19-25: Don’t Delay Joy

Going inward is called for here. There is so much growth to be had in how you deal with restrictions this week, but you will enjoy it and benefit from it to its full effect if you can become aware of your own truths and allow everyone else’s truths to fade from your awareness.

Your authority, your right to exist, and your right to grounding were never truly taken from you, because they cannot be. But the de facto situation has found you lacking in all of them to one degree or another. And honestly, no matter when you get to the final resolution of your woes, you deserve to live in joy now. The military saying, “You cannot take from, only add to,” explains the technicalities that have kept you from living in abundance. “Yes, but…” is just adding hoops to jump through and delaying the receiving.

I’m seeing this show up not only in the outer world but also in the inner mind. One begets the other, but the one you can control the most is what’s in you. When you can regulate and allow your emotions to pass through in response to a restriction, you can get to the next step of solving the problem more quickly. Acknowledge the problem and how you feel about it, and then say to yourself, “Anyway…”

You deserve a joyful life. The best revenge is a life well lived. You may not be able to remove the sad times, but the average of your emotional states can still be great. If you lose one penny but have 99 left, you have kept the greater share. So, too, if you spend less time dwelling in frustration, you will have more minutes in your day that are full of whatever pleases you.

This is not to encourage spiritual bypassing or emotional bypassing. Your frustrations are still there and still valid. But if you can validate and love yourself through them, you will more easily navigate to the unconditional love that feeds your soul. Acceptance of what is lessens your resistance to things you cannot change.

So keep going, sweet soul. You are not less lovable for struggling. Rather, you need to allow more love in to balance that hurt, and the Universe has plenty of love just waiting for you to allow it in.

-Elihu John

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Thank you for reading. I post the collective reading every week on my blog and send it out to subscribers. Join the email list here.

Are you an empath? I’m putting together a class specifically designed to teach you the basics of psychic protection, synthesizing what I have learned over the past 6 years in the energy healing world. Follow along for updates.


Collective Reading May 12-18: Reconnect to Your Source

With long-term shifts in how we live, think, believe, and act, the continuance of change can feel relentless. Excitement fades as the new becomes monotonous. So what keeps us going now?

Endurance is only worthwhile when we believe in the results. Without that belief in our inner knowing, our minds begin to ruminate on the doubt. What if we were wrong? What if it doesn’t get better? What if what we cannot see doesn’t truly exist?

Doubt is part of the journey. Without it, we cannot use imagination, hope, or creativity. These things cannot exist when they are prescribed. If the story is already written, you have to follow it to the end, but if it is still unwritten, you have the chance to create a new ending, navigate a new course, and be curious.

When you realize that the journey from darkness to light is one journey, and that you cannot have one without the contrast of the other, you must then accept that the things you have been fighting against will exist as long as the light exists–as long as you exist.

This is shadow work at its finest. When the dark is put back in balance, and the fear is vanquished, you can love and appreciate it in safety, knowing that everything is a tool to suit your highest purpose.

You exist for a good reason. Trust that belief until you know. You are capable of making use of the darkness you have experienced and will experience. Trust that when you embody yourself and show up, you will be more powerful than any darkness you encounter.

Imagine your life like a mathematical equation, with all sorts of complicated formulas equal to one simplified answer. You are not the problem. You are a variable that can help solve the problem. If you stop existing, the problem goes unsolved because your variable is missing. But here’s the funniest part, and the part that undoes the last few sentences.

You are equal to the whole equation. Which means that if any part of you is destroyed by the darkness, you will be reborn into the missing variables to complete the equation again. And through many lives, you have done exactly that.

You just don’t die. It doesn’t matter how much the dark tries to kill you, fearing your light. You will be reborn into the equation until the problem is simplified into oneness. Until darkness is once again unified back into light and opposing forces become unified again, you will continue to come back, more powerful than before, more wise than before.

You are both a variable in the unsolved equation and the whole solution, because you exist on all dimensions of existence. When you connect back into the Source of Who You Are, you become one with the solution, and the parts that were depleted or destroyed are replenished.

So when you find yourself exhausted, lost, or doubting, still your mind. Meditate and reconnect to your Source. You will feel peace and power again.

If you need help reconnecting, I have good news. I am putting together a class to teach you how to reconnect with your inner knowing and clear your energy. If this sounds like something you would like to be part of, stay tuned for further announcement.

If you need an energy session to help clear you in the meantime, reach out to to schedule.

Have an empowering week.

-Elihu John


Collective Reading May 5-11: Play Some Party Games

This week, we are finding out how to get to yes. So much of your frustration has been wrapped up in how you have handled being told no. No, you cannot always have it your way; no, you cannot always have it easy. That’s not the point. There isn’t as much difference between yes and no as you have been led to believe.

The point of your experiences has been to teach you where your power truly is, and how to interact within a system or community. In doing so now, be aware of how you internalize your perception of cause and effect. Is it truly unfair, or have you been misusing your power and focusing on the opposite of what you want? Victimhood turns to survivorship as you divest yourself of the negative bullshit you were handed, and take back your power. Good sportsmanship is everything right now.

Think of manifestation and opposites like a game of Pin the Tail on the Donkey. You’ve received a blindfold, been spun around wildly, and then felt your way toward what you thought was the right direction. Before putting on the blindfold, you knew which direction you should go. And you still do, deep down.

Your best bet for choosing the direction you want to go in now is to reorganize the information you’re getting. Being blinded and dizzy are not something you can fully remove at this point, but you can let the dizziness fade as you listen for the direction of the crowd around you, take experimental steps, and course correct.

Even if you are having a hard time hearing your guides, your loudest opposition can be useful to orient you to where you shouldn’t go. Triangulate your position and direction from all the useful data you have, and don’t take the heckling to heart. They are just playing a silly game, and you happen to be the center of it at this point.

The Magus reminds you that you have everything you actually need, so apply it properly. Notice that the person on the card is also blindfolded. Their hands are connecting up and down, grounding and inspiration. The table before them holds tools at working level and gives them something to lean against, and their feet are feeling the ripples of energy coming in with opposing tides. Each ripple holds valuable information.

Trust that your path is unfolding in the perfect timing for you. If you haven’t gotten to the success part yet, what small wins have you had? Remember that this is a game, and that enjoying the playing of it is what makes it fun. It’s your turn to pin the tail on now. Even if you miss, you’re getting a turn, and you have people cheering you on. No one is punished for missing the donkey’s rear end, so relax into the moment and enjoy the attention. It is all coming together for your highest good.

Did this resonate? I post my weekly collective readings here on my blog and send them out to my subscribers. Follow along for guidance on your journey.

Part of being in a community is having resources to support our journey. If you need an energy healing session, massage, personal Tarot reading, or ceremony to solidify your path forward, book here.

Have a wonderful week, and thank you for being part of this collective!

-Elihu John