
General Reading September 3-9: Trust Yourself

Welcome to Meteorological Autumn! With fruit ripening and the weather turning cooler, this is a great time to reflect on what you have accomplished during the last three seasons.

You have manifested beautiful opportunities for yourself. With faith, courage, determination, and grit, you decided that what you truly wanted in life was important enough to pursue. You dreamed and worked and left things behind. Now you get to take more steps to make your desires fully happen.

The allegory of the garden is showing up this week. With the attainment of the old (9 of Earth/Pentacles), a new dream began. You dreamed of a beautiful garden full of new, fulfilling options. Choices were called in. Seeds were sown. You had an idea of what you were planting, but until it sprouts you can never truly know what you’re growing.

The Lovers is traditionally a card signifying choosing between two appealing options, binding yourself to one, and creating harmony between yourself and the one you chose. Both options will lead to a long-term commitment and change your path forever. This will change you innately, as you grow together with your chosen path, people, etc. This is big stuff.

The Heirophant card invites you to trust and follow your inner guidance system. Even if you don’t know why you want something or what exactly you need in every aspect, when you set the intention to have everything work out to your highest good, your gut tells you to choose the options that will make that happen.

If you make a choice that gives you something undesirable, it is showing you contrast so that you can change course. It’s okay to explore. It’s okay to move slowly. You don’t have to be married to every choice you make; give it a few dates to make up your mind.

Sometimes a leap of faith is required before you see or know something. When you step into the unknown, you will see many new things. Choose the ones that seem best to you.

A helpful mantra for this moment: I always make the best choices for me.

In the end, staying still is the only option that will truly harm you. Make your choices, honor your mistakes as learning opportunities, and choose to love and accept yourself regardless.

You’ve got this. Keep going. The journey is just as fulfilling and important as the destination.

Intuitive-Tarot Reading

General Reading August 27- September 2: Steady Progress

Do you ever get started with something, get it going, and then panic, wondering what the next step is? You’ve come so far, and you did what you felt moved to do, but suddenly there is this lull, and now you’re reacting to that change with the coping tools you have.

A trauma response to this shift would be hypervigilance or worry, trying to fill the void because you feel like it’s weird. Trauma would say you’re forgetting something important and will pay for it dearly if you can’t figure out what you’re missing, but let’s not do that. It is better in this moment to take a deep breath and plan the next move.

You’re finally seeing what peace looks like. It’s not constant drama or constant action. Sometimes it’s a moment to pause. Sometimes it’s pruning back things that don’t work, taking stock of your direction, looking at the map. The breath between actions is important.

No, you’re not at the end of this project. That’s why it feels unfinished. You’ve started something new, even as you’re leaving the old behind. Keep looking forward and unburdening from the stuff that would slow your progress–worry/panic included.

It’s really going to be okay this time. The current step is to embrace the unfinished moment in confidence and awareness, believing that you will reach completion. As you have started the project, so will you complete it. Trust your process. Allow for nonjudgmental reflection. You’re learning as you go, improving where you need to, and you can do this without worry.

Intuitive-Tarot Reading

General Reading for August 20-26: A Better Direction

This week, there is an energy of, “Well, this is as bad as it gets.” Some people call it rock bottom, but we all know that there is an infinite ability for things to get worse. We have all proven, collectively, that–against all odds–it can get worse. In so many ways. But that is not what we are here to experience. So now that we know that, what is this week actually for?

This week is about you choosing to stop putting up with anything less than your greatest good. This is you saying, “I have decided that it will get better, because I’m ready to go in a better direction.”

The Universe is thrilled that you have decided to start going in a different direction. They loved and supported you before, of course, but they know you, and they know that you will find so much more enjoyment in chasing what could go right. This is a much better use of your time here in this body.

When you believe in your success, you act differently. You change your habits to reflect where you want to go, and you put eager effort into staying consistent. You dress for success. You pick up your feet instead of scuffing your heels. You have more enthusiasm and energy, even when dealing with frustration. Because you are focused on the progress, you see the problems as being smaller, so you treat them as minor inconveniences instead of signs of the times. Same problems, different response, therefore different outcome. It takes two to tango, after all.

There are reasons you got into a gloomy outlook, for sure. But as you heal, you remove those reasons from your present. The situation that started this pessimistic mindset you’re currently throwing off has passed. And if it hasn’t passed quite yet, it will because you’re removing it. You’re going to be okay.

Two weeks ago, the message was to take exhaustion off like a cloak. Exhaustion is a mindset. It doesn’t matter how much sleep you got if you dread getting up in the morning. You’re still going to feel tired. Not to say you shouldn’t sleep, and not to say getting enough sleep can’t help, but the most important factor in feeling refreshed is your mindset.

You don’t need evidence to change your mindset. There is so much evidence for every perspective that you can prove every perspective right–or wrong. So really, it just comes down to what you want to experience, and how you choose to get there.

Let yourself be happy. Let your life get better and better. You do deserve good things.

Intuitive-Tarot Reading

General Reading for August 13-19: Clearing Connections

The theme of this week is “Locus of Control.” There are things in your life that you have suffered in because of the actions of others, and this has caused you to feel the need to control all of it. This is a trauma response, and a losing battle. The fact of the matter is that you cannot make people do or be what you want them to. You can influence, but part of influential power is knowing what is not yours to command. If you push too hard, the bond will break.

This has happened to you before. Someone exercised so much power in such a way that they hurt you, broke the relationship, and ultimately lost the power they had. Perhaps you drifted apart, or perhaps they enacted unjust power to trap you so they could continue to control you. This heartbreak has colored your relationships ever since.

You cannot change other people. But you can evaluate your own patterns in relationships and change them to better match what is right. You did what you learned was most effective. Now that you know better, more ethical methods of getting your needs met and having relationships, do better.

Let the chips fall where they may. Allow people to walk away or exercise their will. By doing so, you create safety and allow the right people to come to you. This may take time to fully circle around, but it is worth it. You are worth the upgrade because you have invested your will to upgrading. Expect the situation to upgrade with you and let it do so.

As you create a safe environment of mutual consent, send out the signal to attract like-minded people. Ask for everything to be enough through the change, and look for how it is working out. Optimism and pragmatism go hand in hand. Acknowledging where things don’t work doesn’t have to bring pessimism. It can be priceless information for you if you accept it in gratitude and humility.

Your guides want to inform you that true humility is not self-denegration. It is allowing yourself to be loved and lovable, both when you are wrong and when you are right. You are a success in progress, and are valuable at every point simply because you are. And so is everyone else.

Intuitive-Tarot Reading

General Reading for August 6-12: The Finish Line

What good is emotional maturity if you never use it?

All the work you have been doing lately to build up your own character has been a means to an end–although it is nice to recall that growth is the goal of the journey in some ways. But that is beside the point. Right now, the Universe of Light urges you to give in to your deep desire to complete the task at hand.

Do the work. Complete the goal. Close the deal. You have been so weary of always searching and never finding. You have been painting a mural but losing sight of the blueprint. It’s as if you have gotten so lost in the weeds that you cannot remember what it feels like to know where you’re at. That mindset has its place in the long slog, but not at the finish line.

You are in sight of the finish line. In the past, you have relied on people cheering you from the sidelines, holding your vision as you trudged on blind. Now, you must awaken your inner vision and let it ignite you again. Remember why you started this in the first place. Remember what it feels like to succeed. You need that feeling to cross the finish line. Open your inner eyes and focus on the goal. It’s nice to have people cheering, but remember that you were the one who asked them to come cheer, not the other way around. Give them a good show.

The Universe knows you’re tired. It has witnessed every step you’ve taken. All it asks is that you set aside the tiredness and focus on the energy within you. Remember: you are an infinite being. You put on tiredness like a coat. You can take it off, when you reconnect with your Highest Self. You can put on any mood or energy in the Universe, without having your circumstances reflect it in the least. You just have to find the frequency or feeling of what you want.

In order to find the frequency, do something you love. You may be out of routine, or far away from something that you normally have at your fingertips. Spend that time you have been obligated to take cooling your heels doing what you can. Instead of moping about missed opportunities or a messed up schedule, check off your to do list in other ways. Find the aspect(s) of your life that you’ve been neglecting, and put your suddenly free energies to good use. Don’t waste time. Charge forward. This is the sprint at the end of the race, and it’s going to feel different. When you get across that finish line, that feeling is going to change again.

Maybe you can’t believe there are different ways to feel just yet, but remember that belief is what you have when you don’t know. And remember that there are people who have already crossed their finish lines and know how possible it is. Just because you can’t see it from here doesn’t mean it’s imaginary. Go prove that belief right.

Intuitive-Tarot Reading

General Reading for July 30-August 5: Full Moon Release of the Wounded Ego

This week the moon becomes full, which both prompts us to release and gives us the energy to do so. Like the tide rising higher with every wave, the volume on our Highest Selves’ connection to our current Selves is turning up, and we are encouraged more and more loudly to pay attention.

Pick up the phone, already. The message and messenger aren’t as scary as you’re assuming them to be. Honestly, your Highest Self just wants you to be happy. It wants you to act like you, to be authentic, and to shed your light in this world. It wants everything to feel delicious to you.

It’s time to let go of the things that hold you back. You have heard this message before, and you have done well shedding the layers you were ready to shed. The Death Card is just another loop in your upward spiral. It’s not some earth-shattering sacrifice, or some catastrophic event. It’s just you, realizing ways to be more happy on a level that you will be relieved to FINALLY feel the success of.

It is time to discard the drama. If your entire journey felt like a series of huge transformations, you would burn out and not want to experience it. The changes could feel scary as you face the unknown from a position of utter ungroundedness and uncertainty. This is one mindset you can definitely shed with this full moon.

The art of trusting the next step to be exactly what you need, and for it to be pleasant, if surprising, is a necessary skill for long-term success. Success doesn’t have to be fraught with peril and adventure; it can be slow, steady progress, with the assurance that all will be well, is well, and has been well.

This next step feels like coming home. It may feel a bit foreign from what you have experienced recently, but the gut reaction is, “I can’t believe I forgot how good this feels.”

This is next step is a homecoming. The people and places and packages and letters that collected while you were away are so happy to see you.

It is time to learn again how to receive in a way that does not feel like pain or paying for it later. I was thinking about how this feels like the Knight of Cups on his way home, carefully holding his precious chalice which he filled on his journey, and sure enough, when I checked the card spread again, we have Water Brother, the equivalent of the Knight of Cups.

The difference is that Water Brother depicts a surrender to full-body feeling akin to a Kundalini experience. There is this sense of unstoppable, glorious flow of energy. It purifies the entirety of one’s being, and washes away wounded ego as it proclaims to the world, “I AM.” This healed, perfect ego, is so large, so magnetic, and so prolific that the physical vessel cannot contain it. It identifies as Self, but looks and acts like Universe. It is a glorious paradox.

The longer you resist, the more blatantly you are shown that, step by step, you have come home to your true nature, your true connection to All That Is. Might as well just accept it at this point, dear one. We need you to focus on bigger things now, as doing so will feed not only your soul, but the souls of all around you. We are happy to have you home.

tarot of the week july 30-august 5, 2023. Three of Fire, Fire Sister, Death, Nine of Fire, Three of Earth, One of Water, Five of Water, Water Brother
Intuitive-Tarot Reading

General Reading for July 23-29: Level Up

9 of Water, or 9 of Cups, is all about counting the things you have already attained in order to change your personal narrative. There is a lot here saying to let go of the negative stories you tell about your life, let go of any identities or boxes you’ve put yourself or had other people put you in. Your personal power lies in your ability to assess what you have and use it accordingly.

“Change the narrative, change the game.” What is your objective in life? How have you succeeded in it? Are you yearning for something new, and how have you been prepared to receive it already? Sometimes the skills we learned in one job prepare us for the job we haven’t applied for yet. Skills learned in a low-pay job can translate into skills needed for a higher-pay job.

The Magician says that you already have the skills needed, but maybe you haven’t categorized them as such yet. Need 5 years’ experience in problem-solving? Turns out you have ten, when looking at it from another perspective. Need a good reference? Look at your coworkers and previous supervisors and how you positively contributed to their work flow. Put your assets into play and be proud of where you came from. 9 of Cups in Rider-Waite shows a man with 9 cups behind him, celebrating his legacy in his accomplishments. 9 is the end of a cycle, an invitation to dream bigger now that you have accomplished this level.

Fear is what is holding you back. Fear, and an outmoded perspective that needs to be rewritten. This is a week for pursuit, knowing that every step you take leads you further along your path, knowing that even the steps that seem to be in opposing directions are leading you forward. Everything that is happening is happening to lead you forward, no matter how it looks. Contrast shows you what you don’t want, which helps you know what you want even better.

If you get overwhelmed, take some time to reconnect with your Higher Self. Find inner stillness and breathe it into your body. From there it will percolate into your life naturally. Everything is happening for your highest good in some way. Trust that and find the silver lining. You are succeeding now, you will succeed in future, and you have been succeeding all along. Your objective and expectation is the thing that has changed.

For a personal reading or energy-integrated massage, book here.

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Intuitive-Tarot Reading

General Reading for the Week of July 16-22: Believe and Ask

I’m hearing the words, “uprooting a mountain,” and judging by the sheer amount of change that these cards describe (um, hello, The Tower), it makes sense. You are uprooting mountains of habit energy, mountains of misconceptions, mountains of disbelief. You are doing so because this is not the time for climbing or going around the mountains. Anything other than moving them out of the way simply isn’t fast enough or efficient enough for what you are accomplishing.

The numerology of this reading is very encouraging. Sometimes, when we look for confirmation that we are on the right track, we get inundated with 111, 1111, 123, or something along those lines. This week we are in 8-9-10 on the wheel, and the hub of the wheel is another 10. We have The Empress, and The Tower, and on the left the guiding card is the Master card for this deck, symbolizing the Warrior’s Journey to self-discovery and self-mastery. Whatever you have been working towards for the last several years, the Universe wants you to know that you are THIS close. All you have left to do is believe so deeply, and so purely, that you finally utter the words, “Mountain, move over there.” And when you do, it will move. It has no other option. When you believe and feel and act in harmony with all of yourself and the Universe, you are the most powerful being in existence.

This really is your time to tap into that God Source within you and perform miracles. You can because it is right. You can because you must. The Universe wants you to do what you want so badly that it has been giving you years of instruction, preparation, and gifts, in order to help you become the best version of you needed to do this. What you want wants you.

With that in mind, if you feel like you need something else in the moment, ask, and quiet your heart and mind so that you can hear the answers. But again, at this point, your own mountain of worry is what is holding you back, hence the call to move it. You have all the answers and resources you need at your fingertips. Go to the pantry, open the door, and take what you need.

Need a personal reading or session to clear blocks? Book here.


General Reading for July 9-15: Embrace Your Imperfections

All this restriction you’ve been finding has been teaching you where you’re ready to heal. Read that again if necessary.

If you feel stalled, it is because you are getting ready to move forward. Much like placing a toy race car on a toy track in just the right alignment before pressing the button to launch it, you have been double and triple-checking your own alignment. Are you really ready? If you are just one hair’s breadth off, will you still make it? There is so much anxiety wrapped up in this.

Your doubt is placed in the wrong aspect, though. You have doubted yourself instead of doubting the interpretation of the circumstances you were surrounded by. In short, it wasn’t your worthiness that was in question, but rather the place of other people’s opinions and authority in your life. They claimed more weight than they ever really had, and you accepted it at the time because you didn’t know any better. I mean, you felt weird about it, but it was couched in so much other stuff that it was hard to distinguish. No wonder you take your time sifting through all the nuance; you want to see everything.

But you actually just need to trust your gut, whether or not you see and define that thing ringing your alarm bells. Your bells always respond accordingly. They aren’t false alarms, nor are they the full picture.

Listen, there is nothing that can truly tell you that what you deeply desire is not right for you. If you want it, go for it. If you go for it, expect it to work out and act as though it already has. If it doesn’t happen the way you anticipated, roll with it and keep believing. I’m talking about the things you desire that make you so happy that you forget what it feels like to be sad.

Which leads into the next point. There is a caution here to not allow guilt or disbelief to tell you to dwell in sadness. Your grief is real, even if it fades into the past. You don’t get anything good from holding onto it and dragging it forward with you. The loss is temporary. The love that allowed you to feel loss is always, always, always inside you. It’s okay to be happy AND have experienced grief. People talk about the difference between a victim identity and a survivor identity. Surviving means getting back into balance and thriving.

Be kind to yourself. This combination of blocks is the reason it hasn’t worked out yet, and clearing it is part of your process. You are not behind. You are fully supported and right on time for where you need to be. Not where you expected to be with the knowledge you had at the time, but where you really are. So keep expecting things to work out, and expect problems to be easily identified and dealt with when you are ready to address them.

It will be and has always been enough. You are able to proceed now, even if your trajectory isn’t 100%. Let’s go back to the race car on the track analogy. Each time you find something that isn’t working, you fix it and thereby correct your course just a bit more. So don’t let lack of perfection hold you back. You are really, really good at this, and the fact that you have come this far already is proof of that. No one who criticizes or measures from the sidelines ever truly knows what it’s like on the track. That includes previous versions of you. Grant yourself grace and perspective accordingly.

Interested in live collective tarot reading? I am hosting gallery readings at Bliss Studios now. This is an incredible experience in which your life questions are answered, and everyone benefits. When we read together, similar themes pop up, and we have the chance to see how we are not alone in our journeys. Book your spot here. Seating is limited.

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How Do General Tarot Readings Work?

If you have been on TikTok or another video platform and you like tarot, chances are you’ve seen people giving general readings. These apply to a certain collective, and are usually given the disclaimer, “Take what resonates, leave what doesn’t.” But how does a general reading work? And can it really apply to several individuals?

Short answer: yes. Let me explain how.

Imagine you are making a painting or a mural. You have a general sketch that you put up on the canvas, and you fill it in from there. Depending on how many people are painting, you may have one or several color palettes. When the picture is finished, it more or less resembles the sketch, but better, more vibrant, and more nuanced than it appeared at first.

A general reading is much like a collective mural. The sketch is recorded in the collective energy, and as the reader connects with that energy, the message comes alive. Depending on how many people are connected to it, the perspective and the wording may change, but at the end of the day, it’s going to be the same picture.

So why should you tune into a collective reading versus a personal reading?

A personal reading is unique to you, but because you are part of a collective, you can find applications from a general reading. You can also gain insight from someone else’s perspective from a general reading. The term “rose-colored glasses” has a negative connotation, but it is the closest trope I can think of to describe what it’s like to look at the world from another’s eyes. When we see a problem from many angles, not only do we feel less alone, but we also gain the wisdom of others’ perspectives.

A general tarot reading is a collaboration of different people experiencing the same things from different angles. Astrology is a helpful means of grouping people together based on what they came to Earth to experience. Star Seeds are another helpful grouping. Brain types, LGBTQ+ labels, socio-economic demographics… all these things can help us understand who and where we are in the Universe, which then gives us people to associate with who look like we do. It can be an incredibly valuable thing, fitting into a group. But in the end, your journey is all your own, your labels do not fully define you, and your choices determine your path far more than any situation or grouping you have been given.

A collective reading is an efficient way of giving information to multiple people. A personal reading is tailored to you. Both are great tools to understand yourself, your world, and your path.

If you are interested in collective readings, I invite you to subscribe to my Patreon,, where I post weekly general readings and daily 5-minute meditations based on the cards. You can also book me for personal readings here.