Your trust in the process of life is being put to the test this week. You may have seen the start of this last week, which may have thrown you into darker corners of your psyche, unhealed parts that are hurting. Know that every time you spiral into the dark with higher consciousness, you are blazing a trail of light to break up dysfunctional patterns in your energy.
If you believe that difficulty is the beginning of failure, then you will choose realities that reinforce that belief. If you believe that difficulty is the beginning of solving a problem that is ready to be healed, then you will have more trust in your own intuition, trust in your ability to handle whatever comes, and trust in the process of healing. Your mindset is the script for the plot. Better to play out a comedy than a tragedy.
The difference between a literary comedy and a literary tragedy lies in the ending. Both have seemingly catastrophic events in the plot leading up to the climax. The stakes feel high in both. Shakespeare’s comedies typically end in mass weddings. During that time period, they were a ritual of celebration that would bring together the whole community in love and cooperation. The end of your comedy revolves around harmony and union, as well. This could show up in making peace with your own shadow, or finding place in a community of people.
In a way, the stakes of your life are high, but it isn’t nearly as big as it seems when you look at the overall picture of your soul journey. You have been trying to find harmony and love the whole time, and for better or worse, this is the path to it. Trust the process. You’ve got this. Your team is here supporting you. It’s truly so much more doable than it feels. Lighten up on the reins and go back to trust when you find yourself feeling lost. If you don’t know what to do, or you have nothing to do, be still. You really can’t mess this up nearly as much as you think you can.
This knowledge might spark a series of actions testing just how far you can go to mess up your life, but if you stop, step back, and release the idea of failure, the positive energy you have already accumulated will turn your boat around again. Love is the antidote to the disquiet you’re feeling.
You are the Gardener, and this is your Garden. Allow the structure and materials you have gathered organize around you and create the life you want. To give you a clearer picture, the wheel of the card spread describes the steps:
First comes the idea of what you want, then the nonjudgmental observation of what is. Once you have identified a problem, you have the opportunity to come into acceptance and unconditional love. When you are in that space, you may till the earth. After tilling and preparing the soil comes sowing the seeds, then watering. Allow the wind to blow and the Sun to shine and the weather to change as the husk of the seeds decomposes in the damp soil. Wait. The seeds will sprout with nurturing.
After they sprout, regular care allows them to continue to grow. Weed out the plants that you don’t want and strengthen the ones you do. When mature, your garden is ready to harvest.
This is the structure. It encompasses both masculine and feminine energy in its cycles of growth and decline. It requires unconditional love, patience, empowerment, hope, discernment, and acceptance of what is. And at the end, you see the fruits of your labors and have a whole season’s worth of stories, experiences, and satisfaction.
Your life is the Garden, and you are the Gardener. You deserve this creative power and everything that comes with it. Enjoy it all.
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Thanks for reading, and have a great week!