This week is about evaluating how your creative process happens and tweaking it. Get a good feel for how every step happens, and if you’re not seeing the results you want, make a list of what is and isn’t working and schedule repairs.
The Chariot reminds you that a well-oiled system is going to keep you rolling forward. But because there are so many moving parts that need work, you need to pace yourself with repairs. Kind of like taking your car into the shop for regular maintenance, you’re going to have to budget what you fix when.
As you plan this out, you’re looking at percentages, margins, and acceptable ranges. If your tires are still good for another 2,000 miles, you need to take care of the parts that need replacing or cleaning in the next 200 miles first.
Nurturing yourself and your work over time is Empress energy. Can you sustain the kind of long-term care you need, with your current self-talk environment? Start there if you are blocked from self care.
You do deserve good things. The question is not whether you’ve worked enough to rest; you need to rest enough to perform well. Work to eat culture is different from eat to work culture, but both require a balance between effort and ease, pleasure and patience.
If you have to put in more effort to get something done, that is more costly compared to doing something that is easy for you. Know what it costs you to complete a task and figure out how to make it easier on yourself.
When you are completing a higher volume of the same task, you have more opportunities to improve the quality of the result. Quantity improves quality, because, “The master has failed more times than the beginner has tried.”
Your self-talk comes from how you were raised. I’m getting a lot of mother wound energy (Fire Mother, Empress). Remember that any completed creation is much more valuable than the criticism it receives. Creation has life; criticism checks growth.
Stop being so harsh with yourself and your work. Healthy critique is necessary, but not all criticism is healthy. Some is downright acid rain. There is a difference between pruning a tree and watering it with acid rain, AND there is a difference between good pruning and bad pruning.
Pruning is supposed to correct growth and prioritize resources to set the tree up for a long and healthy life. Prune too aggressively, and the tree is stunted, or even killed.
You want to grow in a way that is going to set you up for long-term living. Treat yourself and your work accordingly.
There is a beautiful magic about the way we are navigating chaos, choosing the better options, and taking back our personal power this week. We have been so gaslit by those who took our power that we forgot how to feel the very negative emotions that prompt us to enact change, but feeling these emotions is a vital step.
The world cannot keep going the way it’s been going. Resources that are misused deteriorate. We know this. Our awareness of the problem is the secondary cause of our discontent–the first cause being the actual problem, of course. And because there are two causes, there are two needs we must meet in order to really heal.
We must not only have better conditions, we must also feel good. The hardships, Karmic connections, and pain we are alchemizing right now are necessary to resolve in order to live in a more sustainable way. What an amazing opportunity we have to change what isn’t working.
And what a huge task it is. If you feel like you’re just trying to keep ahead of all the things being thrown at you, know that taking one step, one task, one problem at a time is all that is required of you. If you are overwhelmed, it’s showing you where you have too much pressure placed. If you are angry at someone letting you down, it’s showing you where you can redirect your trust and create better boundaries. All of your reactions (emotions) have logic (a story) behind them. Observe and allow yourself space to feel and explore why you feel that way.
In the meantime, when you look at your tasks list, set the intention that the Universe will handle everything you can’t, and allow yourself to be satisfied–really satisfied–with what you contribute to the whole.
You were never meant to control all the pieces, in your current position. Stop putting pressure on everything. It only paralyzes you. Start trusting again and allowing things to unfold how they will.
As you let go of the outcome, the steps, the idea of what you thought things would be like based on previous knowledge, and explicitly trust that it’s all happening in the best way possible, you will see how surrendering to your Higher Self and taking the most efficient way forward is better than carving your path stubbornly. Don’t try to dig through solid rock with a spoon. Flow with what feels right, even if it means admitting that your first idea was wrong.
The Hanged Man is in a pivotal position, identifying the shift needed in order to pass through this lesson. Is it better to be always right about every detail, or to be pleasantly surprised? Trauma says you have to direct everything yourself and always be 100% right. Trust says that being part of the whole picture and shifting your perspective is safe. There is no moral value attached to making honest mistakes.
Trusting the Universe does not mean blind ignorance or refusal to change. A healthy curiosity that fosters communication and growth is also necessary. Working with others who have similar goals is necessary. If you can’t do everything at 100%, and someone is willing to take a task and complete it at 80%, sometimes it’s better to accept their 80% than try to put your 40% into it and only have 60% to put into your other tasks. Work smarter. Accept progress over perfection.
Some helpful mantras:
“This situation is turning out better than expected, and I am finding out why.”
“I’m so glad I finally found what I was doing wrong. Now I can do better and get better results.”
“Making mistakes is part of the process.”
“I forgive myself for not knowing more, and not doing better. I did so well with the knowledge I had. I am proud of myself and know that this chance to try again is a gift I am worthy of.”
“I recognize the efforts of others and give thanks for our common goals.”
“Good enough is good enough.”
“Eyes on the prize.”
“I have more tools and awareness than before, and that changes the outcome.”
“Everything is always working out for me.”
“I give thanks for each golden link in my chain of abundance.”
Take strength in your support network, both seen and unseen. Martyrdom is not noble. Sacrificing hurt feelings and unnecessary drama for healing is. Gratitude will highlight the good and bring more in. It’s amazing how much we and others thrive when we feel appreciated. The guiding card, 4 of Water, tells us that when we are pouring with others, we don’t just add, we multiply how much we can do. When we work with collective enthusiasm and effort, something magical happens: we generate more of it for everyone. It’s like taking multiple magnifying glasses and placing them on top of each other. Focus on gratitude and cooperation.
This is where sacrificing hurt feelings comes in. Forgiving doesn’t mean forgetting. It means seeing and accepting who someone is, and choosing to set proper boundaries so they cannot hurt you while you work in close quarters. It means letting go of their Karma and bringing back your own. Let them have the responsibility for their own happiness, as you hold your responsibility for yours. Everyone’s contributions are brought to light when we work together, which means you get to celebrate and own your own contributions and successes. Gratitude for what they contribute never looks bad on you; expecting gratitude for what you contribute, and holding it for yourself, is fair. It’s not a competition, even if some people try to make it one. Let competition be visible by not participating in it.
If you’re not at peace with what is, you’re not ready for it to shift. Get to that inner peace, and it will shift. Going back to the idea of your two needs, you must address your response to the problem as well as the problem itself. Like comforting a hungry child, you must embrace the discomfort in one arm and reach for the solution with the other. The comfort is just as necessary as the food. Dysregulated emotions make for poor attempts to eat.
You are doing so well with the tools you have, and this experience is going to bring more happiness than ever before because of your efforts. No matter what succeeds or fails, no matter how hard it is, your continued attempt is the success. You deserve to feel proud of you.
This week we are delving into the heavy things that need to be processed and resolved. It is important to validate how you feel, why you feel that way (what story you’re telling yourself to justify your feelings), and how that feeling has impacted your life over time. You aren’t the same person you would have been without the hard things you experienced. These pivotal moments forced you to accommodate them with whatever tools you had. I’m talking about negative and destructive patterns that scattered your energy.
When you desire to do things differently, to get better results, the old habits come into the spotlight. This revealing process is designed to show you the next step in your healing process. Any shame or guilt you experience is merely a symptom of how you were taught.
The fact is that you came to this life with full permission to figure it out blindly. That includes making mistakes. The impact of action does have incredible value, and is worth rectifying. But intention makes the difference between an action that continues to harm and the same action that is useful for growth. Those who know better and do better the next time are different from those who do the same thing after knowing better. Both feel guilt and shame.
Guilt and shame are not actually motivators in themselves. Guilt is internal, while shame is external. Shame teaches us that if we want to be accepted by others, we must do something acceptable to others. Guilt teaches us that if we want to be accepted by ourselves, we must do something acceptable to ourselves. These feelings are valuable in showing us the values of our society.
But guilt and shame are too heavy to carry long-term. They are roadblocks. Imagine you are rolling a round stone up a mountain. Each step is an action geared towards getting that stone to the top. Someone places shame between you and the top, which stops the roll. You can choose to remove the block, go around it, go over it, or stop rolling the stone altogether.
If someone shames you for pursuing your career, for instance, you can listen to them and stop going that direction, or you can get them out of your path. If you feel guilty for neglecting another aspect of your life in response to their shame, maybe it would be useful to figure out a different work-life balance, and then continue in a way that is smarter and easier. The right action is the one that aligns with your highest good, regardless of what other people think that is.
If all this heavy stuff is feeling overwhelming or frustrating, remember what you started out wanting. These dreams you dreamed were made from your deepest desire, which came from your highest self. They are worth pursuing sensibly so that you have the endurance necessary to finish the process.
You have a period of huge growth ahead of you, should you choose it. This growth will give you wonderful abundance and joy, because it will allow you to change how (or whether) you roll your stone.
No matter the source of the course correction, choose to take it as a valuable tool. A great mantra: “Yes, some of this is true.” It may only be a fraction of a percent of what you’re being told, but that fraction is enough to be valuable anyway.
Also remember that spite is a two-edged sword. It’s okay to live in spite of a condition. It’s okay to exist simply out of spite until you reconnect with your true desire. Once you get more hope and more peace, let the spite go in equal measure. Spite is a way to enforce a needed boundary, but it’s not the only method. Your feelings are information.
Your dreams were made in joy, and sometimes people get jealous or angry when you live joyously. Your goal is to let them have their drama and figure out their own shit, far away from you and your joy.
So cut through the shame and the guilt, and correct your course, however it works best for you. You deserve joy.
Consistency is the difference between success and failure, at this point. You caught the vision, started moving pieces into place, and hunkered down for the long haul. This is the stage where you have seen enough hardship now to wonder if you made the right choice.
Nine of Earth shows the goal as a glorious, multicolored quilt. There are pieces you need to change out, for sure, but let’s go back to your core intentions. Did you want something that would make the world a better place? Yes. Do you still want that? Yes. Do you deserve good things and overall success for those intentions? Yes. Are there underlying motives, habits, or perspectives you started with that aren’t working for you, now that it comes down to it? Yes.
Change what needs changing, and stay the course. Let go of your pride, your hurt, your need to be right in order to be safe. Let go of people and places and things that aren’t adding to your core intention. If admitting you were wrong becomes a choice between aligning with your highest good and aligning with what you thought you were supposed to be, choose your highest good every time. It’s okay to say, “I was wrong in this, but I know I’m right to be here, doing what I came to do.”
Show up, even when things look unfavorable. Stay consistent, even as you change your approach and shed the things you thought were fundamental to your vision.
You knew going into this that there were things you were doing incorrectly. You knew that you hadn’t succeeded yet because of them. And still, you felt the push to move forward. So you leaped. And it was absolutely the right choice to do so.
You were right.
The roadblocks you’re experiencing are proof that you’re on the right track. You’re finally uncovering the flaws that invisibly held you back every other time you tried. It was frustrating before because you couldn’t even see what the problem was. But now you do. Revealing the flaws is part of the process. You are doing exactly what you need to in order to succeed.
It’s okay if you don’t have the solution yet. Much like hunting down and unpicking bad stitches, uncovering this problem took a lot of work. Rest, adjust your perspective. Process out your feelings and thoughts so you are once again aligned with your own light. When you feel rested and inspired again, that is when you can solve, but don’t think you are doing nothing before that key moment when everything shifts. You’ve been putting in the work behind the scenes this whole time.
The fact is, you are the Magician. You are the channel through which creation, change, and beauty happen. You are this courageous, strong, resilient creature of light and love and passion. And we need you. All of you. Every single person in this glorious network of Magicians, creating a wonderful place for all of us to exist in love.
It feels lonely sometimes. You have wondered if you’re alone in the Universe. Rest assured, you’re not. You are working on your own beautiful little patch of Universe, bringing light to its dark void in a way only you can. If you could see how each patch connects with every other patch, you would understand the why. Imagine it, for a moment. Imagine the moment your light connects with the light of others around you. Imagine how the whole quilt looks when it finally comes together.
It’s beautiful beyond words.
If you find yourself feeling impatient, remember this: you are worth the time it takes to get to the success at the end. You are worth the help you need.
Often, you already have the tools at your fingertips but need to figure out how to use them. If the Universe is telling you to figure it out yourself, then know that you are creating something new. You don’t need an expert: you are the expert. When you really need a teacher, one will show up.
But don’t forget that you’re a teacher, too. We are beyond needing to pledge loyalty to a teacher in order to hear and consider what they have to say. Each of us is self-sovereign. That’s why we were each entrusted with our own patch in the quilt, our own stretch of darkness in which to shine.
You are creating something amazing. Stay consistent.
This week is a deeper, more peaceful layer of letting go of what you have lost and finding joy in embracing and following what was always meant for you. You are really starting to believe that what is truly yours cannot miss you. It will keep calling until you receive it, because your heart yearns for it, even when you have lost faith and given up.
When are you going to believe how magnetic your desires truly are?
8 of Earth feels like the beginning of a new chapter. When you see the next phase of your life unfolding, it is easier to let go of the old one. The story of your life as it was in the previous chapter becomes uninteresting, even irrelevant. Loss? Bitterness? You don’t know her, because you are dancing in the light of Celebration.
Be sure to take time alone to reconnect with your Highest Self this week, as old things leave and new things enter. Familiarity is subjective. On the one hand, the old feels familiar to your nervous system. On the other hand, the new feels so much more familiar to your soul. Have you ever entered an entirely new place and felt like you have come home? That’s the vibe of this new chapter.
Remember to end old Karmic ties with gratitude and forgiveness. To forgive is to free yourself from something that otherwise would gain strength by your resistance to it. Dark needs Light as a contrast, but Energy simply is. The Difficult is only defined as arduous by something Easy, but the Great Work stretches on endlessly.
You were never truly defined by the hardships that made you choose how you would respond. Yes, hardship forced you to respond, but your soul was where you unlocked the choices you considered. Without that spark of genius within you, the solution wouldn’t even have crossed your mind. And yet, the opportunity to choose gave you growth and galvanized your desires and intentions.
Because we exist outside of this 3D timeline, we exist simultaneously at every point in our linear growth progression. Time is an illusion, a way of making sense of all that we are and all that we have done and will ever do. But remember that the best version of you exists in your darkest hour, and is accessible, should you wish to connect with it. Anything you truly desire is possible.
Do you wish to succeed? You are a success in progress, then.
Do you wish to obtain some item? You are in the process of doing so, even if that process unfolds in an unexpected or indirect way.
Every choice you make is the best choice for your deepest, strongest desires, at any given point. What do you truly want? How do you truly need to get to it?
You are never going to be a failure if you desire success. And if you desire failure, then you will be succeeding in it. Either way, you succeed. So what do you want, and more importantly, why do you want all the things you want, especially the conflicting desires? Could it be you need an experience to know more so that you can decide between two (or more) options?
The duality of your being and your experience is such that you, in all your complicated imperfections and idiosyncrasies, are allowed to choose and experience so, so many things. When you are done being “God dreaming they are not God,” to reference Alan Watts, then all the complications revert to simplicity, and the experience resolves.
If you take nothing else from this reading, let it be an invitation to sit with yourself this week and decide what you really want. If you have any doubts when choosing, you will be given contrast to figure them out. This is a gift, not a curse, so use it wisely, and remember to tread lightly. Don’t take life so seriously. There is no way for you to fail in what you desire.
Mantra: “I am making the choices that are right for me. If it happened this way, that’s exactly how it needed to happen, and I’m finding out why.”
And if you need help, finding it is not against the rules. Everyone needs help sometimes. Everyone has the opportunity to give help, too, if they wish. It’s going to be okay, and we are all in this together. Everything is turning out right for you.
This week is another facet of exploring personal power. There are some things you can control. And then there are things you simply cannot. You need to choose whether you believe everything is conspiring for or against you, and run with it. The Universe runs in a very different way from the one we were taught in school. Things happen without our conscious knowledge all the time. We align with certain things and fall out of alignment with others. Each thing we align with gives us a new perspective on the Universe. It’s like playing parts in a theater, and seeing through different characters’ eyes.
You need to remember who you are, and that you are bigger than this tiny human body you’re in. You also need to remember that if you work with your innate self, instead of fighting against it, you will be much more effective in getting what you want. The time for big changes and breakthroughs is now, but the finer timing and nature of these changes depends on how easily you flow with them. Don’t be afraid of your good coming to you. Look for the ways in which you stand to benefit in all circumstances. Look for the simplified path if the complicated stuff exhausts you.
You can’t hold onto the cliff face under the waterfall and not expect to get battered. Ride the white water with loose muscles, and relax into it. This can be the most fun ride of your existence. The difference between excitement and terror is hope. If you expect everything to turn out right, the sudden drop off the edge is exhilarating. If you expect death, the sudden drop is seen as a precursor to pain and loss. Keep coming back to hope.
Spoiler alert: your life is continuing to get really good for you, and yes, it will all turn out right for you. Everything is going according to divine plan. You are doing well, and the Universe is working tirelessly behind the scenes to coordinate this ride for you. Your job is simply to let loose and enjoy the ride.
Welcome to Meteorological Autumn! With fruit ripening and the weather turning cooler, this is a great time to reflect on what you have accomplished during the last three seasons.
You have manifested beautiful opportunities for yourself. With faith, courage, determination, and grit, you decided that what you truly wanted in life was important enough to pursue. You dreamed and worked and left things behind. Now you get to take more steps to make your desires fully happen.
The allegory of the garden is showing up this week. With the attainment of the old (9 of Earth/Pentacles), a new dream began. You dreamed of a beautiful garden full of new, fulfilling options. Choices were called in. Seeds were sown. You had an idea of what you were planting, but until it sprouts you can never truly know what you’re growing.
The Lovers is traditionally a card signifying choosing between two appealing options, binding yourself to one, and creating harmony between yourself and the one you chose. Both options will lead to a long-term commitment and change your path forever. This will change you innately, as you grow together with your chosen path, people, etc. This is big stuff.
The Heirophant card invites you to trust and follow your inner guidance system. Even if you don’t know why you want something or what exactly you need in every aspect, when you set the intention to have everything work out to your highest good, your gut tells you to choose the options that will make that happen.
If you make a choice that gives you something undesirable, it is showing you contrast so that you can change course. It’s okay to explore. It’s okay to move slowly. You don’t have to be married to every choice you make; give it a few dates to make up your mind.
Sometimes a leap of faith is required before you see or know something. When you step into the unknown, you will see many new things. Choose the ones that seem best to you.
A helpful mantra for this moment: I always make the best choices for me.
In the end, staying still is the only option that will truly harm you. Make your choices, honor your mistakes as learning opportunities, and choose to love and accept yourself regardless.
You’ve got this. Keep going. The journey is just as fulfilling and important as the destination.
Do you ever get started with something, get it going, and then panic, wondering what the next step is? You’ve come so far, and you did what you felt moved to do, but suddenly there is this lull, and now you’re reacting to that change with the coping tools you have.
A trauma response to this shift would be hypervigilance or worry, trying to fill the void because you feel like it’s weird. Trauma would say you’re forgetting something important and will pay for it dearly if you can’t figure out what you’re missing, but let’s not do that. It is better in this moment to take a deep breath and plan the next move.
You’re finally seeing what peace looks like. It’s not constant drama or constant action. Sometimes it’s a moment to pause. Sometimes it’s pruning back things that don’t work, taking stock of your direction, looking at the map. The breath between actions is important.
No, you’re not at the end of this project. That’s why it feels unfinished. You’ve started something new, even as you’re leaving the old behind. Keep looking forward and unburdening from the stuff that would slow your progress–worry/panic included.
It’s really going to be okay this time. The current step is to embrace the unfinished moment in confidence and awareness, believing that you will reach completion. As you have started the project, so will you complete it. Trust your process. Allow for nonjudgmental reflection. You’re learning as you go, improving where you need to, and you can do this without worry.
This week, there is an energy of, “Well, this is as bad as it gets.” Some people call it rock bottom, but we all know that there is an infinite ability for things to get worse. We have all proven, collectively, that–against all odds–it can get worse. In so many ways. But that is not what we are here to experience. So now that we know that, what is this week actually for?
This week is about you choosing to stop putting up with anything less than your greatest good. This is you saying, “I have decided that it will get better, because I’m ready to go in a better direction.”
The Universe is thrilled that you have decided to start going in a different direction. They loved and supported you before, of course, but they know you, and they know that you will find so much more enjoyment in chasing what could go right. This is a much better use of your time here in this body.
When you believe in your success, you act differently. You change your habits to reflect where you want to go, and you put eager effort into staying consistent. You dress for success. You pick up your feet instead of scuffing your heels. You have more enthusiasm and energy, even when dealing with frustration. Because you are focused on the progress, you see the problems as being smaller, so you treat them as minor inconveniences instead of signs of the times. Same problems, different response, therefore different outcome. It takes two to tango, after all.
There are reasons you got into a gloomy outlook, for sure. But as you heal, you remove those reasons from your present. The situation that started this pessimistic mindset you’re currently throwing off has passed. And if it hasn’t passed quite yet, it will because you’re removing it. You’re going to be okay.
Two weeks ago, the message was to take exhaustion off like a cloak. Exhaustion is a mindset. It doesn’t matter how much sleep you got if you dread getting up in the morning. You’re still going to feel tired. Not to say you shouldn’t sleep, and not to say getting enough sleep can’t help, but the most important factor in feeling refreshed is your mindset.
You don’t need evidence to change your mindset. There is so much evidence for every perspective that you can prove every perspective right–or wrong. So really, it just comes down to what you want to experience, and how you choose to get there.
Let yourself be happy. Let your life get better and better. You do deserve good things.
The theme of this week is “Locus of Control.” There are things in your life that you have suffered in because of the actions of others, and this has caused you to feel the need to control all of it. This is a trauma response, and a losing battle. The fact of the matter is that you cannot make people do or be what you want them to. You can influence, but part of influential power is knowing what is not yours to command. If you push too hard, the bond will break.
This has happened to you before. Someone exercised so much power in such a way that they hurt you, broke the relationship, and ultimately lost the power they had. Perhaps you drifted apart, or perhaps they enacted unjust power to trap you so they could continue to control you. This heartbreak has colored your relationships ever since.
You cannot change other people. But you can evaluate your own patterns in relationships and change them to better match what is right. You did what you learned was most effective. Now that you know better, more ethical methods of getting your needs met and having relationships, do better.
Let the chips fall where they may. Allow people to walk away or exercise their will. By doing so, you create safety and allow the right people to come to you. This may take time to fully circle around, but it is worth it. You are worth the upgrade because you have invested your will to upgrading. Expect the situation to upgrade with you and let it do so.
As you create a safe environment of mutual consent, send out the signal to attract like-minded people. Ask for everything to be enough through the change, and look for how it is working out. Optimism and pragmatism go hand in hand. Acknowledging where things don’t work doesn’t have to bring pessimism. It can be priceless information for you if you accept it in gratitude and humility.
Your guides want to inform you that true humility is not self-denegration. It is allowing yourself to be loved and lovable, both when you are wrong and when you are right. You are a success in progress, and are valuable at every point simply because you are. And so is everyone else.